compare 2 psychological theories (learn 3 though) based on the following;
Focus and main assumptions
their methods by which they get that info; how do they assess people
what is their leaders name?
any kind of experiment that they did
the weaknesses and strengths of that theory
Focus is:Emotional disorders spring from your unconscious, such as unresolved sexual and other childhood conflicts, and fixation at various developmental stages. Defense mechanisms fend off anxiety
compare 2 psychological theories (learn 3 though) based on the following;
Focus and main assumptions
their methods by which they get that info; how do they assess people
what is their leaders name?
any kind of experiment that they did
the weaknesses and strengths of that theory
Behavioral Theory!
Watson and Skinner, Pavlov
Focus is: you are what you do; personality does not cause behavior; personality is behavior. Personality is controlled by genetic factors and contingencies in environment
Experiments: Baby Albert, Pavlov’s dogs
Assess by: lab experiments & observing behavior
Strengths: very fact based so it’s easy to prove right or wrong
Weakness: doesn’t focus on anything internal
compare 2 psychological theories (learn 3 though) based on the following;
Focus and main assumptions
their methods by which they get that info; how do they assess people
what is their leaders name?
any kind of experiment that they did
the weaknesses and strengths of that theory
humanistic theory!
Maslow & Rodgers
Rather than examining the struggles of sick people, it’s better to focus on the ways healthy people strive for self-realization. Emphasizes human potential and such uniquely human characteristics as self-awareness and free will.
Assessment through questionnaires, therapy sessions
Weaknesses: they didn’t believe in the use of scientific methods to assess people
Strength: personalized therapy. It’s all about you as a person
list 5 risk factors related to suicide
Substance abuse
Structuralism: school of psychology that aimed to identify the basic elements or structures of psychological experience (take a random object and identify the elements of how people feel about it) Titchner
Functionalism: school of psychology that aimed to understand the adaptive purposes/functions of mental and behavioral processes (adapt, survive and flourish) William James
william wundt
developed 1st pychology lab in 1879
conducted experiements in Leipzig, Germanystudied mind objectively
and scientifically
launched psychology as an experimental science
graduate students studied "atoms of the mind" used introspection (looking inside yourself for answers, being reflective)
what is an experiement
controlled condition which an independent variable is manipulated, and changes in a dependent variable are studied. an experiment has 2 parts; there is random assignment and manipulation of variables
neurological system
2 parts, central and peripheral. Central is spine and brain, peripheralis sensory and motor neurons
2 parts of peripheral nervous system
Peripheral nervous system: somatic and autonomic
somatic nervous system: controls movement and behavior; voluntary movements of skeletal muscles. carries messages from CNS to muscles
autonomic nervous system : helps us experience and express emotion; controls glands and other muscles of internal organs
definition of psychology today:
the science of mental processes and behavior
father of cognitivism- school of psychology that seeks to describe themental processes involved in thinking that affects behavior
1st behaviorist. psychology is the study of observable, measureable behavior
Behaviorism- psychology that aims to uncover the laws oflearning by looking outside the organism such as rewards and punishments in the environment
Freud: founder of psychoanalysis; school of psychology that attributed thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and its effects on human behavior
William James:
father of Functionalism-; school of psychology that aimed to understand the adaptive purposes/functions of mental and behavioral processes (adapt, survive and flourish)
mental shortcuts that help us make judgments, solve problems, and make sense of our world
the arithmetic average of scores in a distribution obtained by adding the scores and then dividing by the number of scores that were added together
median and mode
Median: the middle score in a rank-ordered distribution
Mode: most frequently occurring score in a distribution
Axon: sending portion of the neuron
Dendrites: receiving portion of neuron
Neurons: individual nerve cells that form the basic structure of the nervous system
dependent and independent variable
Dependent variable: factor that may change in response to an independent variable. in psyc usually behavior or mental process
Independent variable: factor that is manipulated by the experimenter. the effect of the independent variable is the focus of the study.
True or false?
correlation does not mean causation
an experiment must consist of 2 essential ingredients; random assignment and manipulation of an independent variable
both are true
human development:
human development: the study of how behavior changes over time
stranger anxiety:
the fear, caution, and wariness an infant displays when encountering unfamiliar people
separation anxiety:
the fear infants display when a familiar caregiver leaves
attachment and Harlow's monky's
attachment: the strong emotional connection one shares with ones caregivers. Attachment formation experiment by Harlow. The monkeys chose the wire monkeys that had cloth on them instead of the wire monkeys that had food. Contact comfort
Russian developmental psychologist that focused on children’s growth by interacting with their environment
Piaget’s 4 stages of cognitive development in order:
concrete operational
formal operational
2 types of adaptation:
assimilation is absorbing new info into current knowledge
accomodation is altering a belief to make it compatible with new experience
4 Parenting styles
1. Permissive: lenient, affectionate, very little punishment
2. Authoritarian: strict, show litte affection, strong discipline
3. Authoritative: support children, but set firm limits (works best)
4. Uninvolved: neglectful, ignore children (worst)
easy slow to warm up and difficult are examples of
moral development:
the process of decision making about right or wrong. Kohlberg
and postconventional morality
preconventional morality: showing morality to avoid punishment or gain reward (before age 9)
conventional morality: social rules and laws are upheld for their own sake (like speed limit. early adolescence)
Postconventional morality: based on fundamental human rights & values, follows internal ethical principles that transcend society
4 types of skin senses:
Sensation and perception:
sensation: detection of physical energy by sense organs
perception: brain's organization & interpretation of raw sensory inputs
Gestalt principles
Gestalt principles: the perception of objects as wholes within a context, not isolated lines and curves
1. Proximity: are close together
2. similarity: are similar
3. closure: have missing
4. figure-ground: a central figure
Freud's 5 stages of development in order
oral stage: birth to 18 months: infants obtain pleasure through oral activities such as sucking, chewing, biting, and drinking
anal stage: 18 months to 3 yrs. pleasure comes from elimination; focuses on toilet training
phallic stage: 3-6 yr olds focuses on genitals; child's unconscious sexual desire for the opposite sex parent
latency stage: 6-12 yr olds. sexual impulses are submerged into the unconscious; dormant
genital stage: 12- adulthood. sexual impulses reawaken and mature into romantic attraction toward others
teratogen- any environmental agent (viruses, drugs, stressors, malnutrition, & chemicals) that causes damage during the prenatal period
attachment-a close emotional bond between the infant and the caregiver
imprinting -
the process by which certain animals form attachments during a critical period early in life
imprinting -the process by which certain animals form attachments during a critical period early in life
temperament: the inborn predisposition to consistantly behave and react in certain ways. (basically personality)
object permanence:
object permanence: objects that are out of sight are also out of mind. at the age of 8 months babies understand object permanence, that even if its under a blanket, its not completely gone (peek-a-boo)
transduction: conversion of external energies or substances into a neural impulse that one's brain can interpret
gait control theory:
gait control theory: our spinal cord contains neurological "gates" that either block pain or allow it to be sensed
true or false?
taste receptors reproduce themselves every 2 weeks
true or false?
by late childhood the prefrontal cortex has NOT developed
true. it doesnt develop till mid 20s
classical conditioning:
classical conditioning: form of learning which an organism comes to respond with a previously neutral stimulus that is associated with another stimulus that elicits an automatic response
conditioned stimulus:
conditioned stimulus: initially neutral stimulus, becomes associated with the UCS through conditioning (the bell)
unconditioned stimulus:
unconditioned stimulus: stimulus (biologically significant) that produces an automatic response (food that makes dog drool)
conditioned response:
conditioned response: the behavior that is learned in response to the conditioned stimulus (salivate when hears a bell)
unconditioned response:
unconditioned response: automatic response to a UCS that does not need to be learned (dog drools)
operant conditioning:
operant conditioning: type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcement or diminished if followed by a punisher (big in education)
positive reinforcement:
positive reinforcement: the positive outcome or consequence of a behavior that strengthens the probability of the behavior. adds something pleasant
negative reinforcement:
negative reinforcement: removal of a negative outcome or consequence of a behavior that strengthens the probability of the behavior. removes something unpleasant (like mom stops nagging when you finally clean your room)
positive punishment:
positive punishment: administer an aversive stimulus like a spanking or a ticket
Negative punishment:
Negative punishment: withdraw a desirable stimulus like time out or revoking driver’s license
Forgetting: an inability to retrieve info due to poor encoding, storage, or retrieval
acquisition: initial learning stage in which an association between a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus takes place. A Conditioned Response (CR) is established
True or False?
human beings learn by association
T or F
in most cases for conditioning to occur, the neutral stimulus comes before the unconditioned stimulus
emphasis on the BEFORE. neutral stimulus is BEFORE uconditional stimulus
T or F?
automatic processing: unconscious encoding of incidental information, such as space, time and frequency. requires attention or conscious effort
automatic processing: unconscious encoding of incidental information, such as space, time and frequency DOES NOT require attention or conscious effort
T or F
social learning emphasizes observation and imitation
T or F
in a well-known experiment, Watson played the loud noise when baby albert saw a rat
study of positive behavior is to Pavlov as operant conditioning is to
what psychologist in the 60s determined kids can be violent when watching violent behavior?
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
intrinsic is internal motivation
extrinsic is external motivation
factors necessary for classical conditioning (4)
the conditioned stimulus must be strong & distinctive enough for the subject to perceive it easily
the order in which the CS and the UCS are presented: present CS just before the UCS
the amount of time between the occurrence of the CS and the UCS: a fraction of sec. and a few seconds at the most
Conditioning is usually cumulative: each trial builds on the learners previous experience.
difference between recall and recognition:
recall reproduces learned material
recognition just selects previously remembered info from a list of options
encoding: processing the meaning of verbal info by associating it with what we already know
storage: the process of keeping or retaining encoded info over time
retrieval: the process of reactivation or reconstruction of info from memory storage
mnemonics and examples of some
Mnemonics: learning aids, strategies, or devices that enhance recall
Examples: I before E except after C, PEMDAS,
Personality: An individual's characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors persisting over time
Id: the basic instincts; primitive impulses; the reservoir of unconscious psychic energy that seeks to satisfy sexual and aggressive drives
Ego: the boss, the psyche's conscious executive part of personality that mediates among the id, superego, and reality; principal decision maker
Superego: conscience; the part of the personality that represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment and fore future aspirations
Repression: unconscious motivated forgetting of emotionally threatening memories
Reaction Formation: switch unacceptable impulses into their opposites
Projection: the unconscious attribution of one's own unacceptable urges or qualities onto others
Rationalization: providing a reasonable sounding explanation for unreasonable behaviors
Attribution: we have a tendency to give causal explanations for someone's behavior, often by crediting either the situation or the person's disposition
Conformity: tendency of people to change their behavior because of group influence
cognitive dissonance:
cognitive dissonance: when our actions are not in harmony with our attitudes
aggression: any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy another person
prejudiced: unjustifiable attitude toward a group and its members
just world theory:
just world theory: tendency of people to believe the world is just, people get what they deserve and deserve what they get
who said dreams are royal road to unconscious?
variations of aggression are due to
biological influences are
genetic factors: heredity
neural factors: brain activity
biochemistry: hormones
psychological/social influences are
averse conditions and feeling frustrated
getting reinforced for aggressive behavior
having aggression modeled at home or in the media
adopting social scripts for aggression from culture and the media
Stanley Milgram:
the people got shocked; people will be directed to do things they shouldn’t
behavioral model of personality;
you are what you do
True or False
Freudian psychology and behavioral psychology believe in free will
FALSE. NEITHER psycho analytic NOR behavioral believed in free will. humanistic emphasizes free will
true or false
tendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to a large request is foot in the door
Fundamental attribution error:
Fundamental attribution error: OVERESTIMATE disposition and UNDERESTIMATE the situation
an interactive experience with a trained professional; working on understanding and changing behavior, thinking, relationshiops, and emotions
biomedical therapy:
biomedical therapy: uses medicine or other procedures that act on the patient’s body, such as the nervous system, in order to reduce the symptoms of mental disorders
Exposure therapy:
Exposure therapy: expose patients to things they fear and avoid. Through repeated exposures, anxiety lessens because they habituate to the things feared.
cognitive therapy:
cognitive therapy: helps people alter the negative thinking that worsens depression and anxiety
resistance in psychoanalysis:
resistance in psychoanalysis: the therapist notices times when the patient seems blocked in speaking about certain subjects
transference: occurs when the patient develops positive or negative feelings toward the therapist
rational emotive behavior therapy (Albert Ellis):
rational emotive behavior therapy (Albert Ellis): he showed how depression is worsened by self-defeating assumptions like “everyone hates me”
4 characteristic of client centered therapy
Non-directive: let insight and goals come from the client rather than dictating interpretations
Being genuine: be yourself and be truthful; don’t put on a therapist façade
Being accepting and showing unconditional positive regard: help client learn to accept themselves despite weaknesses
Being empathetic: demonstrate careful attention to clients feeling’s
difference between counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists
psychologists: have PhDs mostly. Experts in research, assessment and therapy
counselors: work with problems arising from family relations, abusers etc
psychiatrists: physicians who specialize in treatment of psychological disorders. Doctors.
Resiliency: Personal strength that helps most people cope with stress nad recover from adversity and trauma
Dorthea Dix:
Dorthea Dix: founded humane movement to care for mentally ill in America
Pinel: founded humane movement to care for mentally ill in France
psychological disorder-
any patterns of thoughts feelings, or actions that are deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional. (those three D's are how you know if something is a psychological disorder. all 3 must be present) deviant means differs from the norm
Generalized anxiety disorder:
Generalized anxiety disorder: persistent and uncontrollable tenseness and apprehension
Panic disorder:
Panic disorder: unpredictable minutes-long episodes of intense dread which may include feelings of terror, chest pains, choking, or other frightening sensations
OCD and difference between obsession and compulsion
OCD: persistence of unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and urges to engage in senseless actions or rituals (compulsions) that causes distress
PTSD: four or more weeks of the following symptoms after experiences a traumatic event; nightmares, bad memories, social withdrawal, anxiety
Dissociative disorders:
Dissociative disorders: conscious awareness becomes separated (dissociated) from previous memories, thoughts, and feelings
Major depressive disorder:
Major depressive disorder: a person experiences a lingering depressed mood or diminished interest in pleasurable activity
Bipolar disorder:
Bipolar disorder: a mood disorder in which one alternates between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the overexcited state of mania
Schizophrenia: typical characteristics include, disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions, inappropriate emotions and actions, psychotic symptoms- serious distortions reality
T or F
people who talk about suicide rarely commit suicide
T or F
suicide rarely happens without warning
T or F
a person who commits suicide is mentally ill
T or F
a time of high suicide risk in depression is at the time when the person begins to improve
T or F
most people who attempt suicide fail to kill themselves
T or F
those who attempt suicide do so only to manipulate others and attract attention to themselves
T or F
there is a strong correlation between alcoholism and suicide
T or F
on average each year more people die from homicides than suicides