GI examination

  1. 0. Preparing patient. (5)
    • Gain verbal consent,
    • perform hand hygeine,
    • Ask for exposure from waist up,
    • Bed at 45 degrees,
    • Approach from right,
  2. 1. General inspection from head of bed. (6)
    • pallor,
    • body habitus,
    • hydration,
    • fever,
    • pain or distress,
    • muscle wasting
  3. 2. Looking around the bed (5)
    • medications
    • eating/drinking,
    • mobility aids,
    • feeding tubes,
    • NBM, diabetic indications etc.
  4. 3. Examine nails and hands. (8)
    • clubbing,
    • koilonychia,
    • leukonychia,
    • palmar erythema
    • tremor
    • skin temperature
    • asteriksis
    • pruritis
  5. 5. Blood pressure (1)
    Take it!
  6. 5. Examine face (4,1,6)
    • pallor,
    • jaundice,
    • spider naevi,
    • parotid swelling
    • scleral jaundice
    • angular stomatitis,
    • glossitis,
    • dehydration,
    • mouth ulcers,
    • dental hygeine
    • halitosis
  7. 6a. Lymphadenopathy (11)
    • submental, submandibular,
    • upper cervical,
    • preauricular, postauricular,
    • middle cervical, pretracheal,
    • lower cervical,
    • supraclavicular (and Virchow's node),
    • posterior triangle and occipital
  8. 6b. upper thorax (2)
    • spider naevi,
    • gynaecomastia
  9. 7. Reposition patient (2)
    • bed at 0 degrees.
    • expose chest.
  10. 8. Examine abdomen (15)
    • scars, swellings + distended veins,
    • umbilicus
    • superficial palpation, watching face
    • Deep palpation with flat of fingers
    • Palpate for liver then percuss edge,
    • Murphy's sign / Couvoisier's law
    • Palpate for spleen then percuss edge
    • Ballott for kidneys
    • Percuss for bladder
    • Percuss for ascites.
    • shifting dullness if necessary
    • Auscultate for bowel sounds
    • kidneys bruits.
  11. 9. Check legs (4)
    • pitting oedema,
    • pyoderma gangrenosum
    • sacral oedema if patient well
    • kidney tenderness.
  12. 10. To finish examination (7)
    • hernial orifices
    • external genitalia
    • Digital rectal examination
    • General observations (HR, BP, temp, RR)
    • Stool sample
    • Urine sample
    • liver function tests
Card Set
GI examination
OSCE, medicine GI examination