CV exam

  1. 0. Preparing patient. (5)
    • Gain verbal consent
    • perform hand hygeine
    • Ask for exposure from waist up.
    • Bed at 45 degrees.
    • Approach from right.
  2. 1. General inspection from head of bed. (7)
    • pallor,
    • cough,
    • SOB,
    • sweating,
    • distress,
    • cyanosis,
    • body habitus
  3. 2. Looking around the bed (4)
    • Medication
    • eating/drinking
    • mobility aids
  4. 3. Examine nails and hands. (5)
    • Clubbing
    • splinter haemorrhages
    • Beau's lines
    • tremor
    • skin temperature
  5. 4. Take pulse (4)
    • Take radial pulse for 15 seconds on RHS
    • Check for radioradial delay
    • Take resp rate if relevant
    • Collapsing pulse and slow rising pulse
  6. 5. Blood pressure (3)
    • Check both sides for aortic dissection
    • Hypotension is less than 90/60
    • Hypertension is 140/90
  7. 6. Examine neck (4)
    • Raised JVP
    • cannon a waves
    • Kussmaul's sign
    • Carotid pulse
  8. 7. Examine face (9)
    • xanthomata,
    • corneal arcus,
    • anaemia
    •  mallar flush,
    • pallor
    •  dental hygeine,
    • central cyanosis
    • diabetic retinopathy,
    • hypertensive retinopathy
  9. 8. Examine precordium (5)
    • scars
    • pacemaker/TID sites
    • Auscultate
    • Auscultate for carotid and axillary radiation if relevant
    • carotid bruits
  10. 9. Check legs (3)
    • pitting oedema
    • sacral oedema if patient well enough
    • peripheral vascular disease
  11. 10. To finish examination (2)
    • Percuss and auscultate lungs for basal crackles
    • General observations (esp HR,BP,RR)
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CV exam