
  1. Regional Metamorphic Rocks
    Type of metamorphism caused by high pressure and low to high temperature.
  2. Magma
    Molten rock beneath the surface of the Earth.
  3. Foliated Metamorphic Texture
    Type of metamorphic rock that has minerals aligned parallel to each other.
  4. Chemical Sedimentary Rocks
    Type of sedimentary rock formed by ions crystallizing from water.
  5. Metamorphic Rocks
    Rock type formed by high temperature and pressure
  6. Unfoliated Metamorphic Texture
    Type of metamorphic rock that does not have minerals aligned parallel to each other.
  7. Mineral
    A naturally occurring inorganic solid with a distinct chemical composition and crystal structure.
  8. Aphanitic Texture Igneous Rocks
    Igneous rock texture in which minerals are not visible to the naked eye.
  9. Contact Metamorphic Rocks
    Type of metamorphism caused by low pressure and high temperature.
  10. Clastic Sedimentary Rocks
    Type of sedimentary rocks made of resistant solid sediments.
  11. Biochemical Sedimentary Rocks
    Type of sedimentary rock made of animal or plant matter.
  12. Sedimentary Rocks
    Rock type formed by weathering and erosion.
  13. Phaneritic Texture Igneous
    Igneous rock texture in which all of the minerals are visible to the naked eye.
  14. Igneous Rocks
    Rock type formed by the cooling of lava of magma.
  15. Lava
    Magma that has reached the Earth’s surface.
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