Nursing as a Profession,Legal Issues & Ethical Values,Health promotion Throughout the lifespan

  1. Characteristics of a Profession?
    • Extended lifelong education training - never ending leaning new things
    • Distinct body of knowledge - document that describe that knowledge
    • Service to society
    • Autonomy(independence)/Self-regulation
    • Code of Ethics - understanding between right and wrong
    • Professopnal organization
  2. Purpose of the RHPA ( Regulated health Profession Act)
    • Provide a regulatory system that allows consumers grater freedom to choose their health care provider
    • Promote greater transparency(clarity) & public accountability in the health care profession
    • Provide more effective protection from harm for the public
    • Introduce a more flexible regulatory system within a consistent(regular) framework for wach profession.
  3. RHPA(Regulated health Profession Act) Mandates Certain Elements for each Profession
    • 42-49% of members of college boards must from the public
    • College council meeting &discipline hearings are open to the public
    • A "public register" provides information regarding the membrship status & business address of college member
    • Minimum entry to practice requirements  - graduation from a n approved school, evidence of  safe practice within 5 yrs, successful completion of national entrance exam.
    • Appropriate classes of registration - active, retired, graduate, special class, etc.
    • Only members of the collge can use title
    • Panel of disciplinary action to address issues of professional misconduct
    • Administer patient relations program
    • Quality Assurance Program
  4. CNO Professional Std of Practice
    • Accountability - reponsible
    • Continuing Competence - Ability
    • Ethics - moral/belief
    • Knowledge Application
    • Leadership
    • Relationship
  5. What is Reflective Practice & the QA program?
    • Renewal of membership
    • Support nurse to practice in accordance with accepted standards of practice & to continously improve their practice
    • Facilitates practice developement where areas for improvement exist or potentially exist
    • Contributes to/influences practice settings that  support professional practice & quality care
    • Increases the public's confidence in the nursing profession
  6. Legal Definitions
    • Accountability - state of being answerable for one's action
    • Liability - broad term that includes almost every type of lecal obligation, responsibility, or duty
    • Law - Core matter used by person's and institutions in any legal system to regulate the affairs and conduct of person in society.
  7. Public law
    • Basic system of fundamental values to guide human thoughs & behavour & to protect the public against dagerous actions
    • Embodies fundamental commitment to preservation of life & health
  8. Breaches Law
    Law stipulates(demand) punishment, including fines and imprisonment
  9. Private Law - Common Law
    • Contract law - pertaining legally binding contract
    • Torts - law surrounding civil wrongs or injuries suffered as a direct resut of wrongful acts
    • -Compensation in the form of damages is awarded to a oerson who has been injured by another having legal duty or responsible for the injury
  10. Two main Catergories of Tort Law
    • Intentional - includes assault, battery, invasion of provay, and false imprisonment(restrain)
    • Unintentional - Negligence is conduct that  falls below the standard regarded as normal or desired in a given community.
    • Health professionals negligence is called malpractice
  11. 3 elements Required for Negligence
    • Duty of care - duty to use due to caustion to aviod acts or omission in providing care that could reasonably be foreseen to cause harm
    • Breach or Professional Standard of Care - conduct did not meet standards that any other nurse would use in similar circumstances
    • Casual connection - harm is due to provided or omitted
  12. Ethical Principles
    • Rules to guide moral conduct and to assist us in taking consistent positions on specific & related issues
    • Autonimy - independence
    • Non-maleficence - to" do no harm"
    • Beneficence - benefit of other
    • Fidelity - faithul or loyal
    • Justice
  13. Ethical Dilema
    When strong moral reasons support each position and when we choose between the most right or the least wrong
  14. Moral Distress
    Not able to face issues and deal effectivel
  15. Physical growth
    qualitative or measureable changes and compared to norms (wt/height)
  16. Pattern of Developement
    • Simple to comple - talking
    • General to specific - Hand grasp
    • Cephalocaudal - head to toe control
    • Proximodistal - inner to outer (contol arms, hands and fingers)
  17. Maturation
    becoming fully developed & grown - physically, psychologically and socially.
  18. Factors influencing Growth & developmetn
    • Internal forces of nature - heredity
    • External forces - family, peer groups, health environment. etc.
    • Interacting Factors - life experiences, state of health
  19. Piagent's Theory of Cognitive Development
    • Sensorimotors - birth -2yrs (looking,grasping,mouthing)
    • Preoperational - 2-7yrs (learn to think with symbols and mental images)
    • Concrete Operations - 7-11yrs (able to think logical & problem solve, achieve conversation)
    • Formal Operation - 11-adulthhood ( can explore logical solution to concrete & abstract concepts, project into future or recall past)
  20. Erikson's Stages of development
    • Trust vs Mistrust - Birth-1yr
    • Autonomy vs shame and doubt - 1-3yrs
    • Initiative vs Guilt - 4-5yrs
    • Industy vs Inferiority -6-11yrs
    • Identity vs Role confussion - 13-19yrs
    • Intimacy vs. Isolation - 20-60yrs
    • Generativity vs self-absortion andstagnation- 40-60yrs
    • Intefrity vs Despair - 65yrs and above
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Nursing as a Profession,Legal Issues & Ethical Values,Health promotion Throughout the lifespan
Nursing as a Profession,Legal Issues & Ethical Values,Health promotion Throughout the lifespan