
  1. A community center where people could learn new skills and get help such as food and medicine
    Settlement house
  2. Workers refusing to work until employers meet their demands
  3. A person who sets up and runs a business
  4. Oil
  5. A railroad that crossed the entire continent
    Transcontinental Railroad
  6. Very tall buildings
    Sky scrapers
  7. A group of workers who join together to improve working conditions
    Labor union
  8. An economic system in which people are free to start and run their own businesses with limited government control
    Free enterprise
  9. Poorly built apartment buildings
  10. Government controls that were placed to limit immigration
  11. This allows workers and employers to dicuss and agree on working conditions
    Collective bargaining
  12. A public announcement that tells people about a product or opportunity
  13. Immigrant who wrote “The Stars and Stripes Forever”
    John Phillip Sousa
  14. A Chinese girl whose fight to attend public school led to a separate school for Chinese children in San Francisco
    Mamie Tape
  15. An engineer who believed in the idea of building the Transcontinental Railroad
    Theodore Judah
  16. Stanford, Huntington, Hopkins, and Crocker
    The Big Four
  17. Built oil refineries and owned Standard Oil Company
    John D. Rockefeller
  18. Invented the first practical light bulb
    Thomas A. Edison
  19. Started hull House, a settlement house in Chicago
    Jane Addams
  20. Labor leader who helped start the AFL (American Federation of Labor)
    Samuel Gompers
  21. Improved an air brake system to stop trains more effectively
    Grantville T. Woods
  22. Invented the telephone
    Alexander Gram Bell
  23. Built steel mills and became very wealthy
    Andrew Carnegie
  24. Used steel frames to construct much taller buildings
    Williams Jenny
  25. Invented improved light bulb filament and efficient way to produced it
    Lewis Lattimer
  26. A skill herbalist who came from China to California where he opened an herb shop
    Yee Fung Chenng
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Study Guide Chapter 5