extraembryonic coelom
- coalescence of coelomic spaces in the extraembyronic mesoderm during 2nd week of development
- subdivides lateral mesoderm into somatic mesoderm (associated with chorion/amniotic cavity) and splanchnic mesoderm (associated with endoderm around the yolk sac)
somatic mesoderm
- outer layer of lateral mesoderm associated with chorion/amniotic cavity
- forms parietal layers (parietal pleura, parietal pericardium & parietal peritoneum)
splanchnic mesoderm
- layers of lateral mesoderm associated with endoderm around yolk sac
- forms visceral layers (visceral pleura, visceral pericardium, & visceral peritoneum)
divisions of somatic mesoderm (3rd week)
paraxial, intermediate, lateral
intraembyronic coelom
- coalescence of small coelomic spaces appearing in lateral mesoderm
- divides lateral mesoderm into somatopleure (superficial ectoderm + somatic mesoderm) and splanchnopleure (endoderm + splanchnic mesoderm)
- endoderm + splanchnic mesoderm
- forms gut & viscera (organs)
- superficial ectoderm + somatic mesoderm
- forms body wall & parietal layers
divisions of intraembryonic coelom
- anterior curve: pericardial cavity
- limbs of curve: pleural/peritoneal cavities (2)
pericardial cavity
- rostral/anterior curve of intraembryonic coelom
- surrounds developing heart
pericardioperitoneal canals
- connect pericardial cavity with pleural/peritoneal cavity
- dorsal to septum transversum
- lateral to developing gut
- separates the pericardial & pleural cavities from the peritoneal cavity
- formed from septum transversum (central tendon), pleuroperitoneal membranes (small dorsal portion), dorsal mesentery of esophagus (crura), body wall (peripheral edges)
partitions of intraembryonic coelom
- septum transversum
- pleuro-pericardial membranes (2)
- pleuro-peritoneal membranes (2)
fate of dorsal mesentery
suspends entired gut from posterior abdominal wall
fate of ventral mesentery
disappears except at most caudal region of foregut to form falciform ligament of liver
source of falciform ligament of liver
ventral mesentery
formation of primitive mediastinum
- pleuropericardial membranes fuse with mesodermal mesenchyme ventral to esophagus
- separates pericardial cavity from pleural cavities
development of diaphragm
- septum transversum: central tendon
- pleuroperitoneal membranes: small dorsal portion
- dorsal mesentery of esophagus: crura of diaphragm
- body wall: peripheral edhes (muscular ingrowth mostly on dorsal aspect)
costodiaphragmatic recess
expansion of the pleural cavities into the lateral body wall causing portion of the body wall to form peripheral parts of the diaphragm
pectus excavatum
- sunken/funnel chest
- results from short central tendon of the diaphragm which pulls on the inferior portion of the xiphoid portion of the sterum creating a depression of the sternum & anterior chest and flaring of the costal cartilages of ribs 7-10
congenital diaphragmatic hernia
- results from failure of fusion of pleuroperitoneal membranes creating a hole (foramen of Bochdalek) posterolaterally (usually on left)
- Morgani hernia: failure of fusion between septum transversum & lateral body wall
- hiatal hernia: delay in descend of stomach
- Bochdalek hernia: posterolateral defect due to failure of fusion of pleuroperitoneal membranes
- abdominal contents in thoracic cavity, patient presents with "flat abdomen"
- negatively affects lung development
Morgani hernia
failure of fusion between septum transversum & lateral body wall
hiatal hernia
delay in descent of stomach (keeping hiatus larger)
Bochdalek hernia
posterolateral defect due to failure of fusion of pleuroperitoneal membranes
innervation of diaphragm
- central portion: phrenic n (C3,4,5)
- peripheral portions: lower intercostal nn
embryonic layers involved in primitive gut formation
- endoderm: gives rise to epithelium & glands
- splanchnic mesoderm: gives rise to muscular & fibrous elements of gut tube
3 embryonic folds
- head fold: involves mouth (stomodeum)
- tail fold: involves anus (proctodeum)
- lateral fold: pinches off dorsal aspect of yolk sac
foregut derivatives
pharynx, esophagus, stomach, proximal duodenum (proximal to bile duct), liver, pancreas, gallbladder
arterial supply of foregut
celiac trunk
arterial supply of midgut
superior mesenteric artery
arterial supply of hindgut
inferior mesenteric artery
midgut derivatives
small intestines (including duodenum after common bile duct), cecum, appendix, ascending colon, proximal 2/3 of transverse colon
hindgut derivatives
distal 1/3 of transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, upper part of anal canal
tracheoesophageal fold
fusion of two sides forms tracheoesophageal septum dividing esophagus & laryngotracheal tube
esophageal atresia
- defect in esophageal development due to malformation of tracheoesophageal septum resulting in a blind end esophagus
- causes polyhydramnios (baby can't swallow)
tracheoesophageal fistula
malformation of the esophagus; communication between the esophagus & the respiratory tract
esophageal stenosis
- defect of esophageal development in which there is a narrowing of the esophagus
- can lead to short esophagus & congenital hiatal hernias
development of stomach
- caudal part of foregut rotates 90* clockwise
- dorsal border forms greater curvature (moves to left)
- ventral border forms lesser curvature (moves to right)
- original left side - ventral
- original right side - dorsal
- left vagus n: anterior vagal trunk
- right vagus n: posterior vagal trunk
pyloric stenosis
muscular hypertrophy of gastric pylorus causes constriction of pyloric region of stomach & leads to non-bilious projectile vomiting
dorsal mesogastrium
- dorsal mesentery of the stomach
- elongates to form greater omentum
omental bursa
- lesser sac of peritoneum
- begins as a series of clefts in dorsal mesogastrium which coalesce forming a single cavity
dorsal mesogastrium derivatives
- greater omentum (gastrosplenic ligament, gastrophrenic ligament, gastrocolic ligament)
- mesentery proper
- lienorenal ligament
- transverse mesocolon
- mesoappendix
- mesocecum
- sigmoid mesocolon
- phrenicolic ligament
ventral mesogastrium derivatives
- lesser omentum (hepatogastric & hepatoduodenal ligaments)
- falciform ligament & ligamentum teres hepatis
source of duodenum
foregut & midgut
arterial supply of duodenum
celiac trunk & superior mesenteric artery
duodenal stenosis
partial recanalization of duodenum (parts 3 & 4) causing bilious vomit (stenosis below ampulla of Vater)
duodenal atresia
- no recanalization of duodenum
- bilious vomit (atresia below ampulla of Vater)
- double bubble sign: fluid building up in stomach & duodenal bulb
hepatic diverticulum
- liver bud of endoderm that grows ventrally from distal end of foregut & invades the septum transversum
- cranial portion: liver
- caudal portion: gallbladder
- stalk: cystic duct & common bile duct
when does liver start producing bile
12 weeks
first few bowel movements of an infant; contain a large amount of bile (dark green)
development of pancreas
- ventral bud: uncinate process & inferior head of pancreas
- ventral bud + distal dorsal bud: main pancreatic duct
- proximal dorsal bud: accessory pancreatic duct
annular pancreas
defect caused when the ventral pancreatic bud surrounds the descending duodenum upon rotation & causes obstruction of the duodenum
stages of midgut development
herniation, return, fixation
midgut development: herniation
when the cranial and caudal limbs do a 90* clockwise rotation around the superior mesenteric artery
midgut development: return
- regression of mesonephros
- reduced growth of liver
- relatively small abdominal cavity
midgut development: fixation
- leads to fusion of layers of the greater omentum & fusion of greater omentum with transverse mesocolon
- establishes secondarily retroperitoneal structures
secondarily retroperitoneal structures
- 2,3,4 parts of duodenum
- pancreas
- ascending colon
- descending colon
abnormalities of midgut rotation
- Ileal (Meckel's) diverticulum: incomplete obliteration of vitelline duct
- umbilicoilieal fistula
- omphaloceoele
- gastroschisis
urogenital septum
- fuses with cloacal membrane
- divides cloaca into urogenital sinus & anorectal canal
- perineal body: in between
pectinate line
divides upper 2/3 of anal canal from lower 1/3
urogenital ridge
longitudinal ridge of intermediate mesoderm that runs along dorsal aorta; pushes out from the body wall into the coelom
nephrogenic cord
part of urogenital ridge that runs the entire length of the embryo & gives rise to the urinary system
first kidney which begins development at beginning of 4th weeks but degenerates by the end of the 4th week
middle kidney which begins to form at end of 4th week
- definitive kidney; appears as small projection off mesonephric duct in 5th week
- develops from ureteric bud (metanephric diverticulum) & metanephrogenic blastema (metanephric mass)
mesonephric tubules
- connect to mesonephric duct
- in females: degenerate (remnants - epoophoron & paroophoron)
- in males: develop into efferent ductules (remnant - paradidymis)
mesonephric duct
- AKA Wolffian duct
- empties into cloaca
- in females: degenerates (remnants - appendix vesiculosa, duct of Gartner)
- in males: forms vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles & ejaculatory duct (remnant - appendix epididymis)
metanephrogenic blastema origin
intermediate mesoderm
progression of blood supply to kidney
external iliac branches - abdominal aorta branches - renal arteries
supranumery renal arteries
multiple renal arteries can exist if arteries do not degenerate properly; can lead to hydronephrosis
connects to cloaca; constricts proximal end to form urachus
extends from the apex of the bladder to the umbilicus (median umbilical fold)
cloachal membrane
invagination of ectoderm that fuses with urorectal septum dividing area into urogenital membrane (anteriorly) & anal membrane (posteriorly)
perineal body
point where urorectal septumĀ pushes through cloaca & makes contact w/ skin
urorecal septum
mesenchyme that pushes through & divides the cloaca into urogenial sinus & anorectal canal
UG sinus derivatives
- vesical part: forms majority of urinary bladder (both sexes)
- pelvic part: forms entire female urethra; forms prostatic & membranous male urethra
- penile part: forms penile (spongy) male urethra
trigone of bladder
represents portion of bladder where mesonephric ducts were incorporated; becomes overgrown by endoderm
renal agenesis
- abscence of kidney due to failure of ureteric bud to form
- unilateral: other kidney will undergo compensatory hypertrophy
- bilateral: incompatible with life
polycystic kidneys
kidneys are filled with cysts & nonfunctional
pelvic kidney
kidney fails to undergo ascent & remains functional
horseshoer kidney
inferior mesenteric artery causes midline obstruction; blocks complete ascent of fused kidneys
ectopic ureters
ureters end in places other than bladder (vagina, prostate, urethra)
urachal abnormalities
- cysts: improper closure of allantois in region of umbilicus
- sinus: discharge of clear cyst fluid near umbilius
- fistula: constant discharge of urine & cyst fluid from bladder & cyst
extrophy of bladder
incomplete closure of musculature of the abdominal wall that causes exposure & erosion of anterior wall of bladder; urine is constantly secreted
development of suprarenal glands
- cortex: mesoderm
- medulla: ectoderm + NCC invasion
chromaffin cells
develop in medulla of suprarenal glands from NCCs
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
abnormal increase in testosterone production by adrenal glands
indifferent gonads
- undergo similar development in both male & female
- external cortex & internal medulla
- stage occurs in development of gonads, ducts & external genitalia
paramesonephric duct
Mullerian duct; forms alongside mesonephric duct (gonads develop medial to both ducts)
- antimullerian hormone
- AKA mullerian inhibiting substance
- secreted by Sertoli cells to inhibit development of paramesonephric duct, driving it to apoptosis in males
testes determining factor: present on the Y chromosome driving development in male direction
Leydig cells
interstitial cells that develop in the mesenchyme outside of primary sex cords; responsible for secretion of testosterone by the 8th week of development
primary sex cords
- inward proliferation of mesothelium into mesnchyme; colonized by PCGS
- males: become seminiferous cords
- females: obliterated & replaced by secondary sex cords
processus vaginalis
projection of the peritoneum that pusches down the muscle & fascia into future scrotum
tunica vaginalis
peritoneal layers that remain with testis in adult after processus vaginalis has been obliterated
congenital inguinal hernia
herniation of gut into scrotum through patent processus vaginalis (indirect hernia)
failure of testes to descend; spermatogenesis may be affected
presence of excess fluid in persistant process vaginalis
presence of blood in persistant processus vaginalis; collection of blood in tunica vaginalis
veins of pampiniform plexus are elongated & dilates (usually on left)
congenitally acquired indirect hiatal hernia
hernia occuring as an adult due to maintained connection between peritoneal cavity & tunica vaginalis (patent processus vaginalis)
derivatives of indifferent gonads
- male: testes, seminiferous tubules, rete testis, sertoli cells, leydig cells
- female: ovary, primordial follicles, rete ovarii
derivatives of gubernaculum
- male: gubernaculum testis (testicular ligament)
- female: round ligament of the uterus, ovarian ligament
derivatives of mesonephric tubules
- male: efferent ductules, paradidymis
- female: epoophoron, paroophoron
derivatives of mesonephric ducts
- males: appendix epipdidymis, epididymis, ductus deferens, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory duct
- females: appendix vesiculosa, duct of Gartner
- both: ureter, pelvis, calices & collecting tubules
derivatives of paramesonephric duct
- male: appendix testes
- female: uterine tubes, uterus, cervix, superior 1/3 of vagina, hydatid of Morgani
derivatives of UG sinus
- male: bladder, prostate gland, prostatic urethra, prostatic utricle, membranous urethra, bulbourethral glands, penile urethra
- female: inferior 2/3 vagina, bladder, urethra, urethral & paraurethral glands, greater vestibular glands
derivatives of sinus tubercle
- male: seminal colliculus
- female: hymen
derivatives of genital tubercle
- male: glans & body of penis
- female: clitoris
derivatives of urogenital folds
- male: ventral aspect of penis
- female: labia minora
derivatives of labioscrotal swellings
- male: scrotum
- female: labia majora & mons pubis