Functional age
A combination of the chronologic, physiologic, mental, and emotional ages.
Average life expectancy
The number of years that an individual born in a particular year can expect to live, starting at any given age
Average healthy life expectancy
The number of years a person born in a particular year can expect to live in full health, without diseases or injury
Macular degeneration
When light sensitive cells break down in older adults and central vision blurs and gradually is lost.
Basic self-care tasks requiring one to live on one's own, such as bathing, dressing, getting in and out of bed or eating
Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
Task of cognitive competence, such as telephoning, shopping, food preparation, housekeeping and paying bills.
Instrumental activities of Daily Living (IADL)
The immune system is more likely to malfunction by turning against normal body tissues
Autoimmune Response
A condition in which breathing ceases for 10 seconds or longer, resulting in many brief awakenings.
Sleep apnea
How many hours of sleep do old people need?
About 7 hours; as much as young people.
Severe impairment or loss of intellectual capacity and personality integration,due to the loss of or damage to neurons in the brain
Unaware of who you are: person, where you are; place and when it is time
The most common form of dementia in which structural and chemical brain detereoration is associated with gradual loss of many aspects of thought and behavior
Alzheimer's disease
A series of strokes leaves areas of dead brain cells, producing step-by-step degeneration of mental ability, which each step occuring abruptly after a stroke
Cerebrovascular Dementia
What are the 3 types of memory
- 1. Memory recognition- Automatic
- 2. Cue recall - Hint
- 3. Free recall - Explicit. Reduces the most with age
Associative memory deficit
Difficulty creating and retrieving links between pieces of information.
Selective optimization with compensation
Narrowing their goals, they select personally valued activities to optimize (maximize) returns from their diminishing energy.
A range of experiences that enhance expertise in the conduct and meaning of life
Ego integrity vs. Despair
A feeling of whole, complete, satisfaction with your acheivements versus failure
A term used for those who invested alot of time and energy into their career and once they are retired, are trying to affirm thier self-worth through, friends, family and communtiy
Ego differentiation
Acknowledging physical limitations by emphasizing the compensating rewards of cognitive, emotional and social capabilities
Body transcendence
A cosmic and transcendent perspective directed forward and outward, beyond the self
Affect optimization
The ability to maximize positve emotion and minimize negative emotion
Telling stories about people and events from their past and reporting associated thoughts and feeling
Dependency-support script
Dependent behavoirs are attended to immidiately
Independence ignore script
Independent behaviors are mostly ignored
Activity Theory
When the elderly lose their common roles and try to find other roles to stay active
Continuous Theory
A theory in which most elders strive to continue their significance by finding interest and roles that promote self satisfacion by engaging if familiar acts and socializing with familiar people
Socioemotional selective theory
Selecting friends and associates that have the potential to be life long friends
Ego transcendence
Acknowleging that death is emminent and making efforts to have a more secure meaningful life by gratifying to the younger generation
Why do most elderly individuals live in cities?
They have more access to transporatation, clinics, and social services
What are some advantages for an elderly person living in a small town?
- 1. People are more friendly
- 2. Less crime
- 3. Share common interst/beleifs and the elederly tend to 4. Closer relationships
Aging in place
Remaining in a familiar setting in which they have control over their everyday life
What are some disadvantages to "Aging in place"?
Poverty stricken and loss of independent skills
Why is it so hard to live in a nursing home?
- Loss of idependence and freedom
- Loss of privacy
A long term care option that provides support services, including meals and monitoring resdients with physical and mental diability
Congregate Housing
A range of alternative housing from independent housing, congregate housing and full nursing home care. Usually involves a fee
Life-care communities
A cluster of family members and friends that provide support as we move through life
Social convoy
What factors into a good long term marriage?
- Shared leisure activities
- Increase in positive communication
Who retires early vs late and why?
Women retire earlier than men due to family responsibilities
Optimal aging
The ability to minimize loss and maximize gains in social services and avialable resources
Where do most people die?
In the hospital
What are the 3 phases of death?
- 1. Agonal death - regular hearbeat disintegrates
- 2. Clinical death - a short interval in which resuscitation is still possible
- 3. Mortality - permanent death
Brain death
Accepted definition of death - death of the brain
Persistent vegitative state
A disorder of consciousness in which patients with severe brain damage are in a state of partial arousal rather than true awareness.
What is the thinking process of death from early adulthood to late adulthood
- Early adulthood - many avoid thinking about death
- Middle aduthood - begin to become aware that life will eventually end
- Late adulthood - pondering more about the process of dying rather than death itself
Death anxiety
Less fear of death due to religious and social factors
Appropriate death
The "good" death. Coming to terms that the end may be near and making the necessary arrangements to be as comfortable as possible
Meeting a dying persons phsyical, social, emotional and spiritual needs
Hospice care
Comfort care focused on protecting the quality of life rather than prolonging life
Palliative care
Living will
A living will containing instructions for treatment
Advanced directives
Instructions for treatment in the absence of consciousness
Withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment from a hopelessly ill patient
Passive euthanasia
Ending the life ot a person suffering from an incurable condition
Physcian assisted suicide
Doctors comply with a suffering patient's request to end their natural life
The experience of losing a loved one by death
The intense physical and psycholigical distress that accompanies loss
Culturally prescribed expressions of thoughs and feelings designed to help people work through their grief
A prolonged expected death
Anticipatory grieving
Erikson stages from adolescece through old age
o 5. Identity vs Identity Confusion (12-20)
o 6. Intamacy vs Isolation (21 - 39)
o 7. Generativity vs Stagnation (40 - 59)
o 8. Integrity vs Despair (60>)
Implicit memory
Memory without conscious awareness. Automatic recall.
Noticing when a stimulus is identical or similar to the one previously expereinced
More challenging that recogniton because it involves remembering something not present
Remembering to engage in planned actions in the future
Prospective memory