Pupil dysfunctions

  1. Nonreactive, midposition pupils
    Midbrain damage
  2. Nonreactive, pinpoint pupils
    Pons lesion or opiate drug overdose
  3. reactive, small pupils
    bilateral injury to thalamus or hypothalamus or metabolic coma
  4. Unilateraly dilated, fixed pupils
    compression of oculomotor nerve
  5. nonreactive, dilated pupils
    severe anoxia (no o2) or ischemia (atropine and epinephrine)
  6. pupils that are fixed (non-reactive) and dilated are a poor prognostic sign, resulting from a marked increase in ICP. Pt's w/ this problem are sometimes referred to as having?
    blown pupils
  7. ominous sign of oculomotor dysfunction. The head is turned but the eyes go the opposite way
    Oculocephalic reflex. (Doll's eyes)
  8. Filling syringe with ice cold water and squirting it into the pt't tympanic membrane. If the eye's dont both turn towars the ear that was squirted, they have a dsyfunction with the ?
    oculovestibular reflex (caloric). dysfunction of the brainstem (occulomotor)
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Pupil dysfunctions
Pupil dysfunctions