physio final

  1. Leydig cells secrete:
  2. Sertoli cells do what?
    • support sperm development.
    • Secrete fluid into lemen of seminiferous tubles to support sperm development and transport.
    • provide nutrients for developing sperm
    • secerete paracrines that stimulate spermatogenesis.
  3. Seminal vesicles
    secrete alkaline fluid with fructose, enzymes and prostaglandins
  4. prostate gland
    secretes citrate and enzymes
  5. bulbourethral glands
    secrete viscous fluid with mucus
  6. FSH in males stimulates
  7. LH in males stimulates
    Androgen (testosterone) secretion
  8. androgens in males does what 6 things
    • stimulates spermatogenesis
    • promote dev. of 2nd sex characteristics in puberty and maintains these in adult live.
    • increase sex drive.
    • promote protein synthesis in skeletal msucle. stimulate growth hormone secretion which permits bone growth during adolescence.
    • promote dev. of male reproductive structures during embryonic live.
  9. Sperm Head consists of...
    • chromosomes
    • acrosomes
    •     enzymes necessary for fertilization
  10. Sperm midpeice consists of
    mitochondria to provide "power" to tail movement
  11. sperm tail
    whiplike movements to propel sperm
  12. What are the phases of Spermatogonium
    spermatogonia-->primary spermatocytes-->secondary spermatocytes-->spermatids-->spermatozoa
  13. what are the characteristis of the female reproductive system
    • Cycle changes in activity: menstural cycle
    • Restricted periods of fertility: ovulation
    • Limited gamete production: Pool established at birth.
  14. what are the female reproductive organs
    • Gonads: Ovaries
    • Reproductive tract: uterus, uterine tubes, vagina
    • External Genitalia: Vulva
  15. Ovaries are the site of...
    Ova Maturation
  16. ovaries consist of...
    connective tissue with follicles
  17. ovaries are separte from...
    reproductive tract
  18. Follicles
    • contain one ovum
    • develope in the ovary
    • start as primordial follicle (oocyte aka ovum)and granulosa cells
    • later in development, some granulosa cells become theca cells
  19. granulosa cells are the target cells of ___ and ___hormones and secrete ____ in response
    estrogen and FSH and secrete chemical messengers in response
  20. granulosa cells secrete inhibin that provides...
    negative feedback to FSH secretion
  21. granulsosa cells transport nutrients to ___ through ___
    oocytes through gap junctions
  22. granulosa cells also secrete ____
  23. The uterus is the site of fetal development and consists what there sections
    • body: Upper portion
    • Cervix: canal leading to the vagina
    • Cervix + vagina: Birth canal
  24. The wall of the uterus is made up of...
    • Perimetrium (outter layer)
    •        epithelial cells and connective tissue
    • Myometrium (Middle layer) this is the thickest layer
    •         smooth muscle
    • Endometrium: (inner layer)
    •         epithelial cells, connective tissue,
    •         numerous glands
  25. Uterine tubes (Fallopian tubes or oviducts) are
    transport ova from ovaries to uterus.  site of fertilization.
  26. menstrul cycle includes these two things...
    ovarian cycle and uterine cycle.
  27. Menstrual cycle is caused by changes in __ & ______ concentrations.
    Estrogen & Progesterone
  28. Follicular Phase lasts for about____days and includes ________ to _________.
    14 days; menstruation to ovulation
  29. luteal phase lasts for exactly _____days and includes _______ to before_________.
    14 days; ovulation to before menstruation
  30. hormonal control of follicular phase
    FSH and estrogens stimulate follicle growth and development.
  31. LH surge triggers ______
    ovulation and development of the the corpus luteium of the gluteal phase.
  32. profliferian phases is when the uterus
    prepares for the fertelized egg
Card Set
physio final
final reveiw physio