Tightness in this muscle creates an anterior pelvic tilt or an anterior pelvic tilt created by tight psoas, weak gluteals, weak deep abdominals can caus tightness of this muscle, predisposing one to glenohumeral impingement
Latissimus Dorsi
Tightness in this muscle creates glenohumeral IR/adduction (forward shoulders
Latissimus Dorsi
Weakness in this muscle causes synergistic dominance of subscapularis
Latissimus Dorsi
This muscle is inhibited by dysfunction at the iliosacral joint, thoracic spine and scapulothoracic joint (arthrokinetic inhibition)
Latissimus Dorsi
Weakness in this muscle leads to synergistic dominance of the upper trap and levator scapula to initiate arm elevation, leading to glenohumeral impingement
Serratus Anterior
Weaknes of this muscle leads to scapulothoracic instability, which in turn causes impaired upper extremity elevation and may be the cause of headache symptoms (due to trigger points in the upper trapezius muscle)
Serratus Anterior
Weakness in this muscle decreases scapular stability and increases stress to the rotator cuf (normally acts as a stabilizing synergist for teres maor)
Tightness in this muscle results in a downward rotated position of the scapula which leads to decreased passive stability of the dependent arm and requiring excessive firing of the rotator cuff muscles (especially the supraspinatus)
Inhibition of this muscle may be created by thoracic spine immobility (i.e. rotated posture to the opposite will shorten; rotated same will lengthen/weaken this muscle
This muscle works synergistically with the upper trapzius and the serratus anterior to upwardly rotate the scapula
Lower Trapezius
Weakness in this muscle allows synergistic dominance of upper trapezius, levator scapula and serratus anterior.
Lower Trapezius
Thoracic spine dysfunction creates arthrokinematic inhibition of this muscle (excessive kyphosis may lengthen/weaken this muscle)
Lower Trapezius
This muscle stabilizes medial border of scapula, creating a stable base for arm function
Middle Trapezius
This muscle is synergistic to upper, lower trap and serratus anterior
Middle Trapezius
Weakness in this muscle allows pstural compensations (increased scapular protraction)
Middle Trapezius
This muscle is inhibited by tight pectoralis major/minor
Middle Trapezius
This muscle is arthrokinematically inhibited by thoracic spine dysfunction (ex: increased kyphosis)
Middle Trapezius
This muscle is synergistic with lower trapezius and serratus anterior to produce upward rotation of the scapula during arm elevation
Upper Trapezius
Tightness in this muscle may create cerival spine dysfunction
Upper Trapezius
Tightness in this muscle creates reciprocal inhibition of the lower trapezius
Upper Trapezius
Weakness in this muscle decreases force couple relationship of the scapula
Upper Trapezius
This muscle may compensate for functional leg length discrepancy and thoracic spine compensation by shortening or lengthening
Upper Trapezius
Sternoclavicular joint dysfunctioncreates inhibition of this muscle
Pectoralis Major
Tightness in this muscle creates inhibition of rhomboids, mid and lower trapezius
pectoralis Major
Tightness in this muscle may create rib dysfunction
Pectoralis Major
Tightness in this muscle creates humeral IR
Pectoralis Major
This muscle is synergistic to pectoralis major
Pectoralis Minor
Tightness in this muscle crates inhibition of rhomboids, mid/low traps and vice versa
Pectoralis Minor
Dysfunction of rib 3-5 will create inhibition of pec minor. affecting respiration and leading to dominance of accesory respiratory muscles (i.e. scalenes)
Pectoralis Minor
Anterior and posterior fibers of this muscle act as neutralizers during abduction
Inhibition of this musle creates rotator cuff impingement and may lead to tissue overload of the infraspinatus/teres minor during deceleration activities
Posterior Deltoid
Peripheral axillary nerve entrapment due to tight lats, teres major or triceps will decrease neural input to this muscle, leading to synergistic dominance of the rotator cuff
Tight levator scapula or upper trapezius alters length/tension relationship of this muscle
Posterior Deltoid.
Tight subscapularis decreases neural drive to this muscle and infraspinatus decreasing caudal glide and dynamic stabilization of the glenohumeral joint
Teres Minor