Chapter 6 Chemistry gloassary terms

  1. Ion
    A positivley or negativley charged atom or group of atoms
  2. Chemical bond
    A chemical link of two atoms, which hold the atoms together
  3. Ionic bond
    A chemical bond that forms between oppositley charged ions
  4. Ionic compound
    A compound made of oppositley charged ions
  5. Molecular compounds
    A compond with particles made up of atoms held together by colvalent bonds
  6. Colvalent bonds
    A chemial bond in which two  atoms share one or more pair of electrons
  7. Molecule
    The smallest discrete paricle of a molecular compound; has one or more shared pairs of electrons in one or more colvalent bonds
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Chapter 6 Chemistry gloassary terms
Chapter 6 Chemistry gloassary terms for Ms.Day