Chapter 37 Prentice Hall Biology: The Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

  1. Myocardium
    Thick middle muscle layer of the heart; pumps blood throughout the circulatory system.
  2. Atrium
    Upper chamber of the heart that receives and holds blood that is about to enter the ventricle.
  3. Ventricle
    Lower chamber of the heart that pumps blood out of the heart.
  4. Pulmonary Circulation
    Pathway of circulation between the heart and lungs.
  5. Systemic Circulation
    Pathway of circulation between the heart and the rest of the body except the lungs.
  6. Valve
    A flap of connective tissue between an atrium and a ventricle, a ventricle and an artery, or in a vein. It prevents the backflow of blood.
  7. Pacemaker
    A small group of cardiac muscle cells in the right atrium that "sets the pace" for the heart as a whole. It is also called the sinoatrial node.
  8. Aorta
  9. Artery
  10. Capillary
  11. Vein
  12. Atherosclerosis
  13. Plasma
  14. Hemoglobin
  15. Lymphocyte
  16. Platelet
  17. Lymph
  18. Pharynx
  19. Trachea
  20. Larynx
  21. Bronchus
  22. Alveolus
  23. Diaphragm
  24. Nicotine
  25. Emphysema
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Chapter 37 Prentice Hall Biology: The Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
If a question is just a word, then define the word.