archaeology section of final

  1. the branch of anthropology that seeks to reconstruct the daily life and customs of peoples who lived in the past and to trace and explain cultural changes. Often lacking written records for study, archaeologist must try to reconstruct history from the material remains of human cultures
  2. the relationship between and among artifacts,ecofacts,fossils,and features
  3. any object made by a human
  4. artifacts of human manufacture that cannot be removed from an archaeological site. Hearths, storage pits, and buildings are examples of features.
  5. natural items that humans have used; things such as the remains of animals eaten by humans or plant pollens found on archaeological sites
  6. locations where the material remains of human activity have been preserved in a way that archaeologists or paleanthropologists can recover them
  7. iceman
  8. the earliest stone toolmaking tradition named after the tools found in bed 1 at olduvai gorge, tanzania,from about 2.5 million years ago. the stone artifacts include core tools and sharp-edged flakes made by striking one stoe against another
  9. aztec word for spear thrower
  10. use on tools
    use-wear analysis
  11. the careful removal of the archaeological deposits; the recovery of artifacts,ecofacts, fossils,and features from the soil in which those deposits have been buried
    horizontal excavation and vertical
  12. a method of dating fossils that determines the age of a specimen or deposit relative to a known specimen or deposit
    relative dating
  13. a method of dating fossils in which the actual age of a deposit or specimen is measure
    absolute dating
  14. the study of how different rock formations and fossils are laid down  in successive layers or strata. older layers are generally deeper or lower than more recent layers
  15. a thin flake whose length is usually more than twice its width. in the blade technique of toolmaking, a core is prepared by shaping a piece of flint with hammerstones into a pyramidal or cylindrical form.
  16. a chisel-like stone tool used for carving and for making such artifacts as bone and antler needles, awls, and projectile points
  17. a small,razorlike blade fragment that was probably attached in a series to a wooden or bone handle to form a cutting edge
  18. method of comparative cultural study that extrapolates to the past from recent or current societies
    ethnographic analogy
  19. a dating method uses the decay of carbon-14 to date organic remains. It is reliable for dating once-living matter up to 50,000 years old
    radiocarbon dating
  20. the time it takes for half of the atoms of a radioactive substance to decay into atoms of a different substance
  21. a chronometric dating method that uses the rate of decay of a radioactive form of potassium into argon to date samples from 5,000 years to 3 billion years old. The k-Ar method dates the minerals and rocks in a deposit,not the fossils themselves
  22. wedge-shape writing invented by the Sumerians around 3000bc
  23. picture writing as in ancient Egypt and in Mayan sites in Mesoamerica
Card Set
archaeology section of final
ant archaeology final