test 1

  1. Which of the following behaviors can best be described as objective behavior?
    watching a TV game show
  2. Which of the following schools of pshcology is most likely to emphasize the relationship between stimuli and responses?
  3. Limitations of naturalistic observation include:
    • all of these
    • the potential for observer effect
    • the potential for observer bias
    • that the data collected provides a description, but not an explanation
  4. Sometimes observes in naturalistic observation see what they expect to see even when it doesn't occur. This problem is called
    Observer bias
  5. The temptation to attribute human thoughts, feelings, and motives to animals is called the
    Anthropromoric fallacy
  6. A study to determine the degree to which two observations or events vary together is called
    a controlled experiment
  7. Which of the following coefficients of correlation indicates the strongest relationship between two sets of variables
  8. To be confident that a cause-and-effect relationship exists, it is necessary to
    perform a controlled experiment
  9. The independent variable in an experiment is
    the variable that the experimenter chooses to manipulate
  10. The variables that are unwanted in an experiment are called _____ variables
  11. In an experiment, the experimental and control groups differ only with respect to
    An exposure to the independent variable
  12. The chief function of the control group in an experiment is that it
    provides a point of reference against which the behavior of the experimental group can be compared
  13. When subjects in an experiment are chosen so that each has an equal chance of being in either the experimental group or the control group, we say that the subjects have been assigned
  14. Critics of the use of laboratory experiments as a means of studying behavior suggest that they
    provide for the study of behavior under artificial conditions.
  15. An advantage of the experimental method is that
    • all of these
    • clear cause-and effect relationships can be identified
    • powerful controlled observations can be staged
    • there is no need to wait for a natural event to occur
  16. Responding to a substance like a sugar pill as if it were a drug is called
    a placebo effect
  17. An experiment in which neither the subjects nor the experiments know who is receiving a drug or a placebo is called a ____ experiment
    double blind
  18. The observation that an experimenter's expectations can have an influence on the outcome of the experiment is called
    the experimenter effect
  19. A psychiatrist does extensive interviewing and testing of a client with at least three distinct personalities her investigation is a
    Case study
  20. The survey method involves
    careful questioning of a representative sample of people
  21. In the nervous system, electrical charges are set up because of unequal concentrations of ions inside and outside the cell. The electrical charge of an inactive neuron is known as
    a resting potential
  22. The trigger point at which a neuron will "fire" is called the
    action potential
  23. The conduction of a nerve impulse down the axon is called an
    action potential
  24. The "all-or-nothing event" refers to the fact that
    action potentials occur completely or not at all
  25. Communication is carried out between neurons at the _____, where neurotransmitters are secreted.
  26. Receptor sites on a neuron are primarily found on
    dendrites and soma
  27. Which of the following best describes the means by which neurons communicate with each other?
    Neurotransmitters flow across the synapse and attach to receptor sites.
  28. The effect of mind-altering drugs may be a result of their
    ability to duplicate or block neurotransmitters
  29. The main function of myelin is to
    affect the speed of nerves impulses
  30. The autonomic nervous system contains two brances called the
    sympatheitc and parasympathetic systems
  31. The parasympathetic branch of the ____ nervous system ____.
    autonomic; quiets the body and helps keep vial functions at moderate levels
  32. When you see an attractive person sit down next to you on the bus, the mad pounding of your heart is under the influence of the
    automonic nervous system
  33. The function of the sympathetic nervous system is to prepare the body for
    "fight or flight"
  34. The reflex arc occurs when a stimulus provokes an
    automatic response within the spinal cord without brain involvement
  35. The ____ cerebral hemisphere is superior at language, computational math, and analytic thought.
  36. The visual area of the brain is located in the ___ lobe.
  37. The area of the frontal lobe that directs the body's muscles is called the
    motor cortex
  38. Which of the following is most closely associated with language production?
    Broca's area
  39. The reflex control centers for vital life functions like heart rate and breathing are found in the
  40. Muscle tone, body balance, and muscular coordination are regulated by the
  41. Which of the following is most involved in the production of emotion?
    the limbic system
  42. The limbic system includes the
    hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, and parts of the thalamus
  43. The formation of memories depends on the
  44. The "master gland" is the
    pituitary gland
  45. The study of changes in behavior from conception to death encompasses
    developmental psychology
  46. Heredity can have an effect on
    • all of these
    • eye and skin color
    • susceptibility to some diseases
    • personality traits
  47. Bruce has a dominant gene for brown eyes and a recessive gene for blue eyes. Bruce's eye color would be
  48. Temperament refers to
    the physical core on one's personality
  49. A teratogen
    is any substance capable of causing birth defects
  50. Which of the following statements are true?
    • all of these statements are true
    • the brain of a newborn has fewer dendrites and synapses that the brain of an adult
    • early learning environments literally shape the developing brain
    • as new connections form in the baby's brain every day, unused connections disappear
  51. The physical growth and development of the body, brain, and nervous system is called
  52. Cephalocaudal means
    from the head to the toes
  53. By the age of two to three months, infants smile more frequently when another person in nearby. This behavior is called a
    social smile
  54. Distress displayed by infants separated from their parents or caregivers is called
    seperation anxiety
  55. Nat likes to "lay down the law" and takes no arguments from his children. According to the research on parenting by Diana Baumrind, Nat is exhibiting ____ parenting.
  56. ____parents give little guidance and do not enforce rules or hold children accountable for their actions.
    Overly permissive
  57. Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of discipline discussed in the test?
    passive withdrawal
  58. Which combination of chromosomes would a male baby have
    an X and Y at the 23rd pair
  59. Behavioral traits are the result of ____ influence.
  60. ____ is the adolescent stage of Erickson's theory of psychosocial development where the goal is to establish values and beliefs that are unique
    identity vs role confusion
  61. People raised by _____ parents have a higher risk of psychological disorders.
  62. Teratogens generally do the most harm _____ pregnancy.
    early in
  63. A strong physical bond between a child and his or her carefiver is called
  64. According to Erickson, ____ refers to the psychosocial conflict of the school years
    initiative vs guilt
  65. Maggie always feeds and cares for her newborn infant when he shows signs of hunger or discomfort. By providing her infant with this predictable care, Erickson would say that Maggie's infant will
    develop trust
  66. According to Erickson, a child entering adolescence can expect the major developmental task to center around the need to
    develop a sense of one's self
Card Set
test 1
multiple choice