ANSC 260

  1. Importance of water
    • Highest requirement of all nutrients
    • Can lose 100% of body fat, 50% of protein and still live, but lose 10% of body water and deal with dehydration and poosibly death
    • Body water = 70-75% of fat-free body mass
  2. 6 Functions of water
    • 1. Transport - digesta and nutrients and metabolites
    • 2. Excretion of waste
    • 3. Cell rigidity and elasticity
    • 4. Lubrication and cushioning
    • 5. Biochemical reactions
    • 6. Maintenence of body temp
  3. Consume
    • 2-4 times more water then dry matter
    • water restrictions limit feed intake
  4. 3 sources of water
    • Drinking (60%)
    • Eating (30%)
    • Metabolic (10%)
  5. Relative proportion of water depends on:
    • Species
    • Metabolic, physical state
    • Water supply
    • Diet type
  6. Water requirements increase with
    • Dietary protein and salt
    • Lactation
    • Increases in temp
    • High dry matter intake
    • High fibre levels
  7. Greatest to least production of water in metabolic intake
    • Fat, starch, then protein
    • Depends on amount of H in feed
  8. Desert animals
    survive by not sweating, reducing respiration rate, oil on surface to reduce water loss, stay underground during the day, urine very concentrated (camels->fat metabolism)
  9. Water loss
    Urine, feces, lungs (respration), skin surface (evaporation), milk and eggs
  10. TDS
    • Total Dissolved Solids
    • -crude measure of water quality by measuring mineral content
    • Increased TDS thend to decrease water intake
    • Poultry very sensitive to water quality, cattle least sensitive
  11. Water contaminants
    • SO4-2 (sulfate), if >1000ppm catharitc effect
    • NaCl (if high in H2O, reduce it in the feed)
    • NO2- (nitrite) - oidizes iron in hemoglobin
    •             >10ppm, unacceptable for humans
    •            pigs can tolerate <300 ppm
    •            cattle tolerate < 1000pp
    • NO3 (nitrate) Less toxic then nitrite, but bacteria can turn it into nitrite
  12. DEB
    Dietary Electrolyte Balance
  13. Electrolytes
    Dissolve in water and dissociate into ions, water follows these ions
Card Set
ANSC 260
After midterm