Modern Art

    • Moreau
    • Jupiter and Semele
    • Symbolism
    • 1875
    • Redon
    • The Cyclops
    • Symbolism
    • 1898
    • Much
    • The Scream
    • Symbolism
    • 1892-1895
    • Munch
    • Puberty
    • Symbolism
    • 1895
    • Ensor
    • Christ's Entry into Brussels
    • Symbolism
    • 1899
    • Rousseau
    • The Sleeping Gypsy
    • Symbolism
    • 1897
    • Rousseau
    • The Dream
    • Symbolism
    • 1910
    • Ryder
    • Death on a Pale Horse
    • Symbolism
    • 1910
    • Matisse
    • Woman with the Hat
    • Fauvism
    • 1905
    • Matisse
    • Red Room (Harmony in Red)
    • Fauvism
    • 1908-1900
    • Matisse
    • The Dance
    • Fauvism
    • 1906
    • Derain
    • London Bridge
    • Fauvism
    • 1906
    • Rouault
    • The Old King
    • Fauvism
    • 1914-1918
    • Kokoschka
    • Bride of the wind
    • German Expressionism
    • 1914
    • Nolde
    • The Last Supper
    • German Expressionism
    • 1909
    • Kirchner
    • Street Berlin
    • German Expressionism
    • 1913
    • Marc
    • Great Blue Horse
    • German Expressionism
    • 1911
    • Beckmann
    • The NIght
    • German Expressionism
    • 1919
    • Beckmann
    • The Departure
    • German Expressionism
    • 1932-1935
    • Picasso
    • Portrait of Gertrude Stein
    • Cubism
    • 1906
    • Picasso
    • Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
    • 1907
    • Cubism
    • Picasso
    • Still Life with Chair Caning
    • 1911-1912
    • Cubism
    • Picasso
    • Three Musicians
    • 1921
    • Cubism
    • Picasso
    • Guernica
    • 1937
    • Cubism
    • Braque
    • The Portuguese
    • 1911
    • Cubism
    • Leger
    • The City
    • 1919
    • Cubism
    • Duchamp
    • Nude Descending the Staricase
    • 1912
    • Cubism
    • Lipchitz
    • Bather
    • 1917
    • Cubism
    • Boccioni
    • Unique Forms of Continuity in Space
    • 1913
    • Futurism
    • Stella, J
    • Brooklyn Bridge
    • 1917
    • Futurism
    • Kandinsky
    • Improvisation 28
    • 1913
    • Abstact/Non-Objective
    • Mondrian
    • Composition in Blue, Yellow, and Black
    • 1930
    • Abstract/Non-Objective
    • Calder
    • Hanging Spider
    • 1933
    • Abstract/Non-Objective
    • Brancusi
    • Bird in Space
    • 1922-1925
    • Abstract/Non-Objective
    • Jack-in-the-Pulpit
    • O'Keeffe
    • 1932
    • Absract/Non-Objective
    • Duchamp
    • Foutain
    • 1917
    • Dada
    • Duchamp
    • Bicycle Wheel
    • 1913
    • Dada
    • Duchamp
    • LHOOQ
    • 1913
    • Dada
    • Duchamp
    • The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even
    • 1916-1923
    • Dada
    • Schwitter
    • Merz 19
    • 1920
    • Dada
    • DeChirico
    • Mystery and Melancholy of the street
    • Metaphysical
    • 1913
    • Ernst
    • Two Children are Threatened by a Nightingale
    • 1924
    • Surrealism
    • Dali
    • Persistance of Memory
    • 1933
    • Surrealism
    • Margritte
    • False Mirror
    • 1928
    • Surrealism
    • Magritte
    • Treachery of Images
    • 1928
    • Surrealism
    • Klee
    • Twittering Machine
    • 1922
    • Surrealism
    • Klee
    • Death and Fire
    • 1940
    • Surrealism
    • Oppenheim
    • Object (Fur Teacup)
    • 1936
    • Surrealism
    • Kahlo
    • The Two Fridas
    • 1937
    • Surrealism (?)
    • Wood
    • American Gothic
    • 1930
    • Regionalism
    • Hopper
    • The Nighthawks
    • 1942
    • Social Realism
    • Pollock
    • Lucifer
    • 1947
    • Abstact Expressionism
    • Kline
    • Painting (untitled)
    • Abstract Expressionism
    • de Kooning
    • Woman I
    • 1950-1952
    • Abstract Expressionism
    • Rothko
    • Red/Orange
    • Abstact Expressionism
    • Hamilton
    • Just what is it that Makes Today's Homes so Different, so Appealing?
    • 1950
    • Pop-Art
    • Rauschenberg
    • Odalisk
    • 1955-1958
    • Pop-Art
    • Rauschenberg
    • Estate
    • 1963
    • Pop-Art
    • Johns
    • Three Flags
    • 1958
    • Pop-Art
    • Johns
    • Painted Bronze Beer Cans
    • 1960
    • Pop-Art
    • Lichtenstein
    • Hopeless
    • 1963
    • Pop-Art
    • Warhol
    • Green Coca Cola Bottles
    • 1962
    • Pop-Art
    • Warhol
    • Marilyn
    • 1962
    • Pop-Art
    • Oldenburg
    • Giant Saw
    • 1960 (?)
    • Pop-Art
    • Magritte
    • Rape (Le Viol)
    • 1934
    • Surrealism
    • Miro
    • Painting
    • 1933
    • Surrealism
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Modern Art
Art from the late 1800 to the mid 1900s. Symbolism to pop art.