Ch 15

  1. Urination may not seem like a glamourous topic, why is it important?
    It removes waste products, maintains healthy levels of water, maintains healthy levels of salts and solvents.
  2. How does the Urinary system contribute to homeostasis?
    Regulates body water levels, regulates nitrogenous and other soluable waste, and it maintains acid/base balance.
  3. What is the pH of blood?
  4. Which of the following blood vessels transport filtered blood from the kidney?
    Renal Vein
  5. What is the function of the kidneys?
    Excrete metabolic wastes, maintain water and salt homeostasis, help regulate acid/base balance, help regulate blood pressure, control red blood cell production, activate vitamin D.
  6. What is the function of the ureters?
    Transport urine to the bladder.
  7. What is the function of the urinary bladder?
    Stores urine until excretion.
  8. What is the function of the urethra?
    Transports urine to outside.
  9. What are the organs of the Urinary System?
    Kidneys, Ureters, Urinary bladder, Urethra.
  10. When the kidneys start to fail, what is it that is shutting down?
    The nephrons.
  11. What do the nephrons produce?
  12. What is the process of urine formation?
    • 1) Filtration
    • 2) Reabsorption
    • 3) Secretion

    All of which are performed by the nephrons in the kidney.
  13. What is glomerular filtration?
    Filters fluid from capillaries into glomerular capsule.
  14. What are signs of kidney malfunction?
    • -Vitamin D deficiency
    • -High blood pressure
    • -Fluctuation in blood pH
    • -Anemia
  15. What muscle controls the internal urethral sphincter?
    Smooth muscle (involuntary).
  16. What muscle controls external urethral sphincter?
    Skeletal muscle (voluntary).
  17. What is the function of the urinary bladder?
    Bag of storage for urine.
Card Set
Ch 15
The Urinary System