bio chapter 4

  1. plasma membrane:
    • This is the cells skin, it is composed mainly of lipids and proteins.
    • most cells secrete materials for coats of one kind or another that are external to the plasma membrane, these extracellular coats help proect and support cells and facilitate certain interactions between cellular neighbors in tissues.
  2. cell junction:
    most cells contain tissues and it can also have protective and supportive functions.
  3. nuclear envelopes:
    the double membrane by which the nucleus is bordered.
  4. chromatin:
    long fibers found in the nucleus formed from DNA molecules and associated proteins.
  5. nucleolus:
    a ball-like mass of fibers and granulues in the nucleus.
  6. ribosomes:
    small dots found in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. they do not begin work until the components move through the pores of the nucleus into the cytoplasm. they may also be found suspended in the cytosol (the fluid of the cytoplasm). THESE ARE PROTEIN FACTORIES.
  7. How does dna control a cell?
    • 1. The synthesis of mRNA in the nucleus.
    • 2. the movement of mRNA into the cytoplasm via the nuclear pore.
    • 3. Synthesis of protein in the cytoplasm.
  8. what is the endomembrane systems main function?
    manufacturing and distributing cellulra products
  9. what does the endomembrane system include?
    the ER, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, and many of the opther membraneous organelles.
  10. ER:
    one of the main manufacturing facilities within a cell.
  11. what does the Smooth ER do?
    detoxifies drugs and other poisons that might be present in the body.
  12. what does the golgi apparatus do?
    receives, refines, stores, and distributes chemical properties of the cell.
  13. lysosomes:
    these are ENZYMES that can break down macromolecules such as proteins, polysaccharides, fats, and nucleic acids (ABSENT FROM MOST PLANT CELLS).
  14. food vacuoles:
    tiny cytoplasmic sac into which many cells engulf nutrients.
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bio chapter 4
bio chapter 4