A&P Chapter 11

  1. Cardiovascular System
    Mechanism for rapid transport of nutrients, waste products, respiratory gases and cells within the body
  2. Blood
    Specialized fluid connective tissue
  3. Functions of Blood
    • Transporting dissolved gases, nutrients , hormones & metabolic waste
    • Regulate Ph and electrolyte composition of the interstitial fluids
    • Restricting fluid loss through damaged vessels
    • Defending against pathogens and toxins
    • Regulating body temp by absorbing and redistributing heat
  4. Blood is made up of?
    • Plasma
    • Red Blood Cells (RBCs)
    • White Blood Cells (WBCs)
    • Platelets
  5. The three classes of plasma proteins are
    • Albumins
    • Globulins
    • Fibrinogen
  6. Antibodies (immunoglobulins)
    Attack foreign proteins and pathogens
  7. Albumens
    Most abundant proteins and major contributers to the osmotic pressure of plasma
  8. Globulins contain?
    antibodies and transport proteins
  9. Transport Proteins
    Bind small ions, hormones or compounds that might otherwise be lost at the kidneys or that have very low solubility in water
  10. What is Fibrinogen
    Plasma protein that that functions in blood clotting
  11. Hemopoiesis is?
    Process by which all formed elements (RBCs, WBCs and platelets) are produced
  12. Hemocytoblasts
    Stem cells that divide to produce RBCs, WBCs and platelets (formed elements)
  13. Red Blood Cells abbreviation and other name
    • RBCs
    • Erthrocytes
  14. Hemocrit
    Percentage of whole blood volume occupied by cellular elements
  15. What do RBCs do?
    • Transport CO2 and O2 within the blood stream
    • Lack many organelles and usually degenerate aft 120 days in the blood stream
  16. Hemoglobin
    • Found in RBCs
    • Globular protein formed from 4 subunits
    • Each subunit contains a single molecule of heme & can reversably bind an O2 molucule
  17. The formation of Red Blood Cells is called and occurs where?
    Erthropoiesis takes place in the red bone marrow (myeloid tissue)
  18. Erythropoietin (EPO) is?
    • Erythropoiesis stimulating hormone
    • Hormone is excreted when peripheral tissues are exposed to low O2 concentrations
  19. Stages in RBC development include
    • Erythroblasts
    • Reticulocytes
  20. Surface Antigens
    • Substances that your immune defenses recognize as "normal"
    • In other words you immune system ignores them rather than attacking them as foreign
  21. What determines blood type?
    Three surface antigens R, B & Rh
  22. Four Blood Types & their antigens
    • Type A: Blood has antigen A only
    • Type B: Blood has antigen B only
    • Type AB: Blood has both A & B antigens
    • Type O: Blood has neither A nor B antigens
  23. Inotropy
    Contractility of the heart
  24. Chromotropy
    Rate of heart beat
  25. Dromotropy
    Conductivity of the heart
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A&P Chapter 11
Review question p432