test 4

  1. A core feature of all abnormal behavior is that it is
  2. Which of the following situations does NOT indicate that an individual needs psychological help?
    Sheila is a 50-year-old grandmother who rides motorcycles, skydives, and skateboards
  3. The chief distinguishing feature of psychotic disorders is
    confusion of fantasy and reality
  4. Schizophrenia and delusional disorders are types of
    psychotic disorder
  5. Persons who are either euphoric and hyperactive or severely depressed may be suffering from
    mood disorder
  6. Which of the following is classified as a mood disorder
    bipolar disorder
  7. Obsessive-compulsive disorders involve
    high levels of anxiety
  8. Behavior problems in which the person exhibits symptoms suggesting physical disease or injury, but for which there is no identifiable cause, are called
    somatoform disorders
  9. Which of the following is a dissociative disorder?
    multiple personality
  10. ____ are deeply ingrained, unhealthy behavior patterns that usually appear in adolescence and continue through much of adult life and include paranoid, narcissistic, dependent, and other types
    Personality disorders
  11. Which of the following is a personality disorder?
  12. Blanche is always overly dramatic, enjoys being the center of attention. Blanch fits the description of a _____ personality
  13. Those who are preoccupied with their own importance, and crave attention and admiration, have a ___ personality
  14. Deceiving and manipulating others without any remorse are the main characteristics of the ____ personality disorder.
  15. Salvatore has extreme perfectionism that often prevents him from completing tasks. Salvatore would most likely be diagnosed with an ____ personality disorder.
  16. Thomas tends to e so overly suspicious of people's motives that he appears to trust no one. Thomas fits the description of a ___ personality disorder
  17. Anxiety refers to
    feelings of apprehension, dread, or uneasiness
  18. In general, anxiety-related problems involve
    • all of these
    • pervasive feelings of stress, insecurity, and inferiority
    • a tendency to use rigid defense mechanisms
    • restrictive, self-defeating behavior patterns.
  19. Social phobia, a post-traumatic stress disorder, and agoraphobia are classifies as
    anxiety disorders
  20. Annabelle is in the grocery store when she notices her heart is racing, and she becomes very dizzy. Annabelle is exhibiting symptoms of a
    panic disorder
  21. Sue is housebound. She is suffering from
  22. Julie can't stop thinking about germs and dirt. She is suffering from
    obsessive-compulsive disorder
  23. The difference between an acute stress disorder and PTSD is
    how long the disturbance lasts
  24. In most cases, dissociative identity disorder occurs as a response to
    extreme abuse or trauma
  25. A person who regularly interprets normal body sensations as signs of a serious disease has
  26. In contrast to hypochondriasis, somatization disorders result when
    anxieties are expressed as numerous physical ailments
  27. "Glove anesthesia" is a
    loss of feeling in the hand that contradicts the known workings of the nervous system
  28. When a person experiences delusions and/or hallucinations and loses contact with shared views of reality, the person is experiencing a
  29. False beliefs that are held even when the facts contradict them are called
  30. Allison believes that the announcer on a T.V. program is speaking to her and that the message has special mystical significance. She shows signs of
    delusions of reference
  31. Imaginary sensations, such as seeing, hearing, or smelling things that do not exist in the real world are known as
  32. The type of schizophrenia marked by incoherence, grossly disorganized behavior, bizarre thinking, and flat affect is called
  33. Hal is a resident at a psychiatric facility. He often remain motionless in an off posture for hours and sometimes days at a time. From what type of schizophrenia is he probably suffering?
  34. ___ schizophrenia usually involves delusions of persecution and grandeur.
  35. The risk of developing schizophrenia for the general population is ___ percent.
  36. The dopamine-psychosis link is based on the obervation that
    there are high levels of dopamine activity in the brains of psychotic people
  37. Major disturbances in emotion, such as depression or mania, are classified as
    mood disorders
  38. Sadness, hopelessness, withdrawal, and feelings of worthlessness are symptoms of
    a depressive disorder
  39. In ____, people go both "up" and "down" emotionally.
    bipolar disorders
  40. Calvin has been on a "pleasure binge" for the last three days. A week ago he was felling like a failure and was withdrawn and unhappy. Calvin would most likely be diagnosed with
    bipolar disorder
  41. A patient is asked to concentrate on the thought that most upset her. At the same time, she is asked to watch a moving pencil. The patient is probably being treated with
    eye movement desensitization
  42. ____ refers to learning based on the consequence of making a response.
    operant conditioning
  43. Shaping, time out, and extinction are three principles of
    operant conditioning
  44. If you get praised by your parents for making A's in your college courses, the grades are
    positive reinforcers
  45. If a response is not followed by a reward after is has been repeated many time, it will go away. This describes the operant condition term of
  46. Mrs. Parkers first grade class has been used to just calling out her name to her her attention. she calls on the students who quietly raise their hands to get her attention and doesn't answer those loudly calling her name. Eventually the students will stop loudly calling out her name because of the behavioral principle of
  47. A ____ procedure is a variation of non-reinforcement and involves removing the individual from a situation in chich reinforcement occurs.
  48. Scolding misbehaving children in a classroom may actually increase misbehavior because of the
    reinforcing effects of attention
  49. By using tokens, a therapist can
    immediately reward positive responses
  50. Tokens are
    often exchanged for candy, recreation, or privileges
  51. An elementary school teacher practically ends classroom discipline problem by giving the students "chances" in a lottery to be held at the end of the week for some small toy. The teacher has used
    operant conditioning/tokens
  52. Cognitive therapist are mainly interested in
    what people think, believe, and feel
  53. According to Aaron Beck, depressed persons see themselves, the world, and the future in negative terms because of
    major distortions in thinking
  54. When a person blows a single unpleasant event out of proportion by extending it to a large number of unrelated situations the person is exhibiting
  55. Beck labels the tendency of depressed persons to see things as completely good or bad, right or wrong as
    all-or-nothing thinking
  56. Rational-emotive behavior therapy attributes negative emotions to
    irrational beliefs
  57. In the A-B-C analysis of rational-emotive behavior therapy, the letters stand for
    activating experience, irrational beliefs, emotional consequences
  58. The use of drugs to alleviate the symptoms of emotional disturbance is known as
  59. One of the drawback of using pharmacotherapy with psychotic disorders is that it
    may cause adverse neurological side effects, such as rhythmic facial and mouth movements
  60. Which of the following types of drugs are used to reduce hallucinations and delusions?
    major tranquilizers
  61. The most appropriate use of electroconvulsive therapy is as a
    last resort means of treatment for selected cases of depression that involves self-destructive or suicidal behavior
  62. The use of electroconvulsive therapy for the treatment of depression
    • involves all of these considerations
    • produces only temporary improvement and must be combined with other treatments
    • can cause memory losses in some patients
    • should be used only after other treatments have failed
  63. Lobotomies and deep lesioning are examples of
  64. Which of the following statements regarding the prefrontal lobotomy is False?
    it is a reversible procedure
  65. A psychoanalyst who believes in the theories of Freud would see psychopathology as caused by
    deeply hidden unconscious conflicts
  66. The purpose of free association and dream analysis is to
    tap the unconscious
  67. Saying whatever comes to mind, even if it seems senseless, painful, or embarrassing, is part of the Freudian technique known as
    free association
  68. When utilizing dream analysis, Freud would interpret symbols to uncover the ____ content of the dream.
  69. In psychoanalysis, resistance was thought by Freud to be important because it
    revealed important unconscious conflicts.
  70. In psychoanalysis, an emotional attachment to the therapist that symbolically represents other important relationships in the patients life is an example of
  71. Today, psychoanalysis
    • is characterized by all of these
    • involves more direct questioning to reveal unconscious conflicts
    • involves actively provoking emotional reactions that will lower defenses and provide insights
    • is a much shorter therapy than it was originally
  72. Humanistic therapies generally emphasize
    making full use of one's potential
  73. Which of the following would be described as a non-directive therapy based on insights gained from conscious thoughts and feelings and that emphasizes accepting one's true self?
    client-centered therapy
  74. Total and uncritical acceptance of a client's thoughts and feelings is called
    unconditional positive regard
  75. Behavior modification involves
    the use of learning principles to change behavior
  76. One thing that all behavior modification techniques have in common is that they
    apply learning principles to specific target behaviors
  77. Behavior modification refers to any use of ___ or ___ to directly alter human behavior.
    classical conditioning; operant conditioning
  78. In ____, a neutral stimulus is followed by an unconditional stimulus that consistently produces an unlearned reaction, called the unconditioned response. Eventually, the previously neutral stimulus begins to produce this response directly.
    classical conditioning
  79. The process of suppressing an undesirable habit, such as smoking or drinking, by association it with a painful or uncomfortable situation is known as
    aversion therapy
  80. Desensitization is primarily used to
    alleviate phobias and anxieties
Card Set
test 4
multiple choice