Final 1-2

  1. What is the tissue that covers surfaces and lines the inside of organs and body cavities?
    Epithleium Tissue
  2. Cells within epithelium are held together laterally by special connetions called junctions. Which junction provides a direct passageway for small molecules to pass one cell to another?
    Gap Junctions
  3. A--------- plane cut perpendicular to the long axis of the body or organ?
  4. Where would pseudstrtified ciliated columnar epithelium would be found?
    Lining portions of the respiratory system
  5. What type of epithelium would be most suited for high levels of diffusion and filtration?             
    Simple Squamous Epithelium
  6. Connective tissue included all of these choices except?
    • Adipose
    • Bone
    • Ligaments
    • All our types of connective tissue
    • All our types of connective tissue
  7. The unit of compact bone tissue that consists of a central canal containing blood vessels and nerves and is surrounded by concentric rings of calcified bone is?
     An Osteon
  8. A metatarsal bone is an example of
    A Long Bone
  9. The heart is confined within a double walled serous membrane sac. The part of the membrane that is in contact with the heart is it the: ________ Layer 
  10. The type of muscle that has elongated, peripheral multinucleated cells and is under voluntary control is?
  11. The medullary cavity of a long bone is lined with a thin layer of tissue called?
  12. The directional term that means "away from the midline of the body?
  13. Where in the body would find a glial cell?
    In the nervous system
  14. Which best defines "superficial"?
    On the outside
  15. The directional term that means close to the point of attachment to the trunk is?            
  16. The axillary region is ______ to the pectoral
  17. The best view of the popliteal region is seen
    from the   
    Posterior View
  18. A professional fighter hit in the mental region would have damage to the?
  19. If youhad a disease that prevented collagen from forming in your body. Which of the tissues would you expect to be most affected
    Connective Tissue
  20. In compact bone ________ connect osteocytes to other osteocytes in lacunae thereby providing a pathway for nutrient and other materials between osteocytes
  21. The moist two layered serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity is called
  22. Of the abdominopelvic regions the one that is superior of the middle column is called the?
    Epigastric region
  23. What is the regional term for the hip?
  24. The formation of bone from a cartilage model is termed
    Endochondral ossification
  25. Bone growth in which the bone increase in diameter is called?
    Appositional Growth
  26. Which hormone inhibits rather than stimulates bone growth?   
    Parathyroid hormone
  27. 1.   What are the are steps in the process of bone
    repair following a fracture:
    • Bony callous forms
    • Fracture hematoma forms
    • Bone is remodeled
    • Fibrocartlaginous callus forms      
  28. Which bones form each pectoral girdle?
    Clavicle & Scapula
  29. The bones of the antebrachium are the?              
    Radius & Ulna
  30. In anatomic position the ulna lies ____ to the radius       
  31. The layers of tissue in a hollow internal
    organ from the lumen to the external organ would be in the following order?
    • Epithelial tissue
    • connective tissue,
    • smooth muscle
    • connective tissue
    • epithelial tissue
  32. What are risk factors for osteoporosis? 
    • Smoking
    • Small Body Size
  33. From deep to superficial the order of thestrata of the epidermis is?    
    Hint: But Skin Grows Like Corn
    • Stratum Basale
    • Startum Spinosum
    • Stratum Granulosum
    • Stratum Lucidym
    • Stratum Corneum
  34. Know this body parts:
    • Pleural Cavity
    • Preforating Canals
  35. Bone cells called________ break down bones by dissolving the matrix
  36. Which bones are part of the axial skeleton?
    cervical vertebra and ribs
  37. In anatomic postion the ulna lies ______ to the ______
    Medial; radius
  38. Movement of a body part towards the midline of the body is called?
  39. Clenching the fingers to make a fist, then relaxing and straightening them is an example of ……. Followed by ………?
    Flexion, extension
  40. The joint movment called eversion involves?
    Turning the sole of the foot laterally
  41. Which does NOT correctly pair a movement with its opposing movement?
    Elevation– retraction
  42. Which is a correct listing of a skeletal muscle’s components, beginning with the smallest?
    Myofibrils, muscle fiber, fascicle, skeletal muscle
  43. Which is the correct order of the connective tissue layers of a skeletal muscle, beginning with outermost first? 
    Epimysium, Perimysium, Endomysium
  44. Which proteins make up the thick filaments?
  45. What is the letter associated with the dark bands in a sacomere?
  46. Which incorrectly describes what happens during skeletal muscle contraction?
    The Z discs of a sarcomere move farther apart
  47. This scromere depicts relaxed muscle . Number 1 denotes the ? figure
    A band
  48. This muscle has its origin on the manubrium and sterna end of clavicle and its insertion on the mastoid process?
  49. The most medial of the abdominal muscles are?
    Rectus abdominis
  50. A large, flat, dimond-shaped muscle that extends from the skull and vertebral column to the pectoral girdle laterally, it depresses, retracgts, or rotates the scapula?
  51. The prime EXTENSOR of the elbow joint is the 
    Triceps brachii muscle
  52. The muscle that makes up the “calf” of the leg is the?
  53. On the figure know “ the Deltoid Muscle”….
  54. The peripheral nervous system includes all, except?
    Spinal cord
  55. The nervous system has three general functions to perform. Select the exeption?
    Transporting materials throughout the body
  56. The afferent division of the nervous system is also know as the?
    Sensory division
  57. The portion of the nervous system that sends sensations from the skin, joints, skeletal muscles, and special senses is the?
    Somatic sensory
  58. The portion of the nervous system that has (usually) voluntary control over skeletal muscles is the?
    Somatic Motor
  59. The glial cell that helps to from cerebrospinal fluid is the?
    Ependymal cell
  60. The glial cell that defends the CNS against pathogens is the?
  61. The glial cell that protects and supports neuron cell bodies located with ganglia is the?
    Satellite cell
  62. A nerve?
    Is cablelike bundle of parallel axons
  63. Axons communicate within three possible items. Select the exception.?
    Bone, other neurons, muscles, glnds
  64. Ananterior muscle with an origin on the femur and an insertion on the tibia would be able to produce which of the following body movements?
    Extension at the Knee
  65. This figure above # 2 is?
  66. This figure above #3 is ?
    Synaptic knobs
  67. This figure above depicts a neuron. Name the structural
    category of the neuron?
  68. The meninx composed of the delicate web of collgen and elastic fibers is?
  69. The brain ventricle located between the pons and the cerebellum is?
    4th Ventricle
  70. Excess CSF is removed from the subarachnoid space by small structures called?
    Arachnoid Villi
  71. Clusters of gray matter containing neuron cell bodies that lie within the CNS are called?
    Cerebral nuclei
  72. This space contains areolar connective and adipose connective tissue and surrounds the spinal cord?
    Subarachnoid space
  73. Which of the abdominal muscles has its fibers running in an inferomedial direction (as though you were putting your hands in your front pockets?
    External oblique
  74. Which is not one of the hamstring group of muscles?
    Rectus femoris
  75. A sickle-shaped vertical partition of dura mater that divides the left and right cerebellar hemisphers is the?
    Flax cerebelli
  76. A muscle with an origin on the posterior tibia and an insertion on the calcaneus would be likely to perform which of the following actions?
  77. Name the muscle on the figure #2?
    Teres major
  78. Name the muscle on the figure # 3?
    Vastus medialis
  79. Name the structure labeled 9 on this figure?
  80. Awarenessof sensation is located in the ---------- of the cerebral cortex?
    Postecentral gyrus
  81. Identify the cranial nerve?
  82. Identify the function of this cranial nerve?
  83. the features in the figure below: 
  84. The figure above(posterior scapula): 
  85. From deep to superficial, the order of the strata of the epidermis is:
    • basale
    • spinosum
    • granulosum
    • lucidum
    • corneum.
Card Set
Final 1-2
Final Fall 2012