
  1. What is a food preservation technique in which foods are exposed to measured doses of radiation to reduce or eliminate pathogens and kill insects, reduce spoilage, and, in certain fruits and vegetables, inhibit sprouting and delay ripening?
  2. What is biodiversity?
    The countless species of plants, animals, and insects that exist on the earth.
  3. What are chemical compounds created in the manufacturing, combustion, and chlorine bleaching of pulp and paper and in other industrial processes?
  4. What are chemicals used to control insects, diseases, weeds, fungi, and other pests on plants, vegetables, fruits, and animals?
  5. What is a potentially toxic alkaloid that is present with chlorophyll in the green areas on potato skins?
  6. What are operational steps or procedures in a process, production method, or recipe at which control can be applied to prevent, reduce, or eliminate a food safety hazard?
    critical control points (CCPs)
  7. What are foods that originate from farms or handling operations that meet the standards set by the USDA National Organic Program; food produced without using synthetic pesticides or synthetic fertilizers?
    organic foods
  8. What are mushrooms that contain toxins that can cause stomach upset, dizziness, hallucinations, and other neurological symptoms?
    Poisionous mushrooms
  9. What is a reference published periodically by the Food and Drug Administration for restaurants, grocery stores, institutional food services, vending operations, and other retailers on how to store, prepare, and serve food to prevent foodborne illness?
    Food Codes
  10. What is short for proteinaceous infectious particle. Self-reproducing protein particles that can cause disease.
  11. What is a sickness caused by food contaminated with microorganisms, chemicals, or other substances hazardous to human health.
    Food bourne illness
  12. What is a bacterium that produces a protein called the Bt toxin. One of the bacterium’s genes carries the information for the Bt toxin. Inserting a copy of this gene into plants enables them to produce Bt toxin protein and resist some insect pests. The Bt protein is not toxic to humans
    Bt gene
  13. What is the total genetic information of an organism, stored in the DNA of its chromosomes?
  14. What is a rod-shaped bacteria responsible for many foodborne illnesses?
  15. What is methyl mercury?
    A toxic compound that results from the chemical transformation of mercury by bacteria. It is water-soluble in trace amounts and contaminates many bodies of water.
  16. What is an integrated pest management (IPM)?
    Economically sound pest control techniques that minimize pesticide use, enhance environmental stewardship, and promote sustainable systems.
  17. What is a chronic degenerative disease, widely referred to as “mad cow disease,” that affects the central nervous system of cattle?
    Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
  18. What is Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)?
    a modern food safety system that focuses on preventing contamination by identifying potential areas in food production and retail in which contamination could occur and taking steps to ensure contaminants are not introduced at these points.
  19. What bacteria that are the most common cause of urinary tract infections?
    Escherichia coli (E. coli).
  20. Why is E. coli the most common cause of uti's?
    Because they release toxins, these bacteria can rapidly cause shock and death.
  21. Foods produced using plant or animal ingredients that have been modified using gene technology are known as what?
    genetically modified (GM) foods.
  22. The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network does what?
    nonprofit organization devoted to increasing public awareness of food allergy and anaphylaxis (a life-threatening allergic reaction), educating the public about food allergies, and advancing research on food allergies.
  23. What is the Safe Table Our Priority (S.T.O.P)?
    a national organization devoted to preventing illness and death from foodborne illness by working with government agencies and industry to encourage practices and policies that promote safe food.
  24. What is a process for destroying pathogenic bacteria by heating liquid foods to a prescribed temperature for a specified time?
  25. Chemicals or other agents that slow the decomposition of a food are what?
  26. What is a chemical produced in starchy foods by high-temperature cooking methods and found to be carcinogenic in animal tests?
  27. Biotechnology refers to the set of laboratory techniques and processes used to do what?
    modify the genome of plants or animals and thus create desirable new characteristics—genetic engineering in the broad sense.
  28. What is Botulism?
    an often fatal type of food poisoning caused by a toxin released from Clostridium botulinum, a bacterium that can grow in improperly canned low-acid foods.
  29. What was a 1996 presidential directive to three cabinet members to identify specific steps to improve the safety of the U.S. food supply?
    The Food Safety Initiative
  30. What is s toxin found in more than 300 species of Caribbean and South Pacific fish?
  31. What is ciguaterais?
    a nonbacterial source of food poisoning.
  32. What are poisons that are produced by or naturally occur in plants or microorganisms?
    natural toxins.
  33. Manipulation of the genome of an organism by artificial means for the purpose of modifying existing traits or adding new genetic traits is called what?genetic engineering
  34. Carcinogenic and toxic factors produced by food molds are called?
  35. Pollutants are what?
    gaseous, chemical, or organic waste that contaminate air, soil, or water.
  36. Researchers at the CDC estimate that how many deaths are caused by foodborne illnesses each year?
  37. Foodborne illnesses can result directly from what?
    infection with a pathogen or from the toxins it produces.
  38. Clostridium botulinum is a bacterium that can grow where?
    in improperly canned low-acid foods
  39. The most common antimicrobial agents used to preserve food are?
    salt and sugar.
  40. What can be used to preserve the color and flavor of foods that may be lost with exposure to air because they are antioxidants?
    Vitamin C and vitamin E
  41. What is the host?
    person affected by a pathogen
  42. What are common causes of food bourne illness?
    • bateria
    • parasites
    • viruses
    • fungi,mold,yeast
  43. What is a bateria that is found in foods high in protein, sugar, salt and is causes symtons such as diareha, vomiting, and nausea?
  44. What is a bateria found in soil, water and improperly canned foods that produces toxins and symptoms such as nerve dysfuction, difficulty swallowing and breathing?
    Clostridium botulinum
  45. What is a bateria found in raw eggs, poultry, meat and unpaturized milk?
  46. What is a bateria found in raw or rare ground beef unpat. milk, cont. water?
  47. What are cond. affecting bacterial growth?
    • Food
    • Acidity
    • Temp
    • Time
    • Oxygen
    • Mostiure
  48. What is the FDA for?
    labeling and ing.
  49. What is the FTC for?
  50. What does the CDC do?
    monitors illness outbreak
  51. What does the USDA do?
    arg. inspection
  52. What does the EPA do?
    Drinking water and pesdicides
Card Set
food safety