CF2 Final

  1. Colossians
    • -Purpose: (Colossians 2:8)
    • ---Visit from epaphus; emergency in colosse
    • ---Church being infiltrated by cultists
    • ---Gnosticism distorted the gospen
    • -----Person of Christ
    • -----Plan of Salvation
    • -Theme: (Colossians 2:9-10)
    • ---The surpremecy and Suffering of Christ
    • -Contents:
    • ---Intro (1:1-14)
    • ---Christ: First in position (1:15-29)
    • ---Christ: First in importance (2:1-23)
    • ---Christ: First in practical living
  2. Ephesians
    • -Purpose: (Ephesians 3:16)
    • -Theme: (Ephesians 3:10-11)
    • ---The mystery of the church
    • -Contents:
    • ---Greeting (1:1-2)
    • ---Sit! (1:1-3:20)
    • ---Walk! (4:1-6:9)
    • ---Stand! (6:10-20)
    • ----Farewell (6:21-24)
  3. Philemon
    • -Purpose: (Philemon 1:13, 1:17)
    • ---Doing the right thing
    • ---A letter of intercession
    • -Theme: (Philemon 1:15)
    • ---Christian forgiveness
    • -Contents:
    • ---Introduction (1-3)
    • ---A Prayer for philemon's ministry (4-7)
    • ---a petition for onesimus' restoration (8-21)
    • ---the prospect of paul's visit (22)
  4. Philippians
    • -Purpose:
    • ---Endorsement of epaphraditus (2:25-29)
    • ---An apostolic update (1:12-14, 19-26)
    • ---Appreciation (1:3-5, 4:10-18)
    • ---Affection (1:7-8, 4:1)
    • ---Assurances (1:6, 4:19)
    • ---Prayer (1:9-11)
    • ---Warnings (3:1-2, 17-19)
    • ---Exhortations (1:27-30, 2:1-5, 12-14, 2:3, 2:12, 2:14, 4:4-9, 4:6)
    • -Theme: (Philippians 4:4)
    • ---Rejoice in the Lord
    • -Contents:
    • ---Intro (1:1-2)
    • ---Rejoice in suffering (1:3-30)
    • ---Rejoice in submitting (2:1-30)
    • ---Maturing (3:1-21)
    • ---Enduring (4:1-9)
    • ---Conclusion (4:10-23)
  5. 1 Timothy
    • -Purpose:
    • ---A challenging responsibility in ephesus (1 Timothy 1:3)
    • ---Not his first tough assignment (1 Thessalonians 3:2, 1 Corinthians 4:16-17)
    • ---Timothy needed wisdom and exhortation (1 Timothy 1:18, 4:12, 4:16, 5:21, 6:11,12,14)
    • -Theme: (1 Timothy 3:14-15)
    • ---How to lead the local church
  6. 2 Timothy
    • -Purpose: (2 Timothy 1:6)
    • ---Timothy...still unassertive and sickly
    • ---Timothy needs encouragement
    • -Theme: (2 Timothy 1:13, 2:2)
    • ---Truth is important
    • -Contents:
    • ---Intro (1:1-2)
    • ---Truth: Guard it (1:3-18)
    • ---Truth: Teach it (2:1-26)
    • ---Truth: Live it (3:1-17)
    • ---Truth: Preach it (4:1-8)
  7. Titus
    • -Purpose: (Titus 1:5)
    • ---Titus was an apostolic problem solver
    • -Theme: (Titus 3:8)
    • ---Sound doctrine results in responsible living
  8. 1 Peter
    • -Purpose: (1 Peter 4:16)
    • ---To encourage christians facing persecution
    • -Theme: (1 Peter 5:10)
    • ---Suffering for Christ

    -Note: 'suffering' mentioned 16 times in 5 chapters
  9. 2 Peter
    • -Theme: (2 Peter 3:17-18)
    • ---The importance of true knowledge
  10. 1 John
    • -Purpose: (1 John 1:4, 2:1, 5:13)
    • ---Subtle, but strong, rebuttle to 1st century gnosticism
    • ---Outline of biblical Christology
    • ---Re-assure christians: salvation here and now
    • -Theme: (1 John 2:20)
    • ---Certainty of true knowledge
    • -Contents:
    • ---Symphonic style
  11. 2 John
    • -Purpose: (Verses 4 and 5)
    • ---To Commend and Exhort
    • -Theme: (Verse 4)
    • ---Walking in the truth
    • -Contents:
    • ---The paths to truth (v. 1-6)
    • ---The perols to truth (v. 7-11)
    • ---Conclusion (v. 12-13)
  12. 3 John
    • -Purpose: (Verses 5 and 11)
    • ---To Commend and to Reprimand
    • -Theme: (Verse 4)
    • ---Walking in the truth
  13. John
    • -Purpose: (John 20:30-31)
    • ---Life comes through beliefs in Christ
    • -Theme:
    • ---Jesus Christ is the Son of God
  14. Jude
    • -Theme: (Jude 1:3)
    • ---Contending for the faith
  15. Revelation
    • -Purpose:
    • ---To encourage the original recipients
    • ---To forcast the day of the Lord
    • ---Close of the canon of scripture
    • -Theme: (Revelation 19:15-16)
    • ---Christ = King of Kings and Lord of Lords
    • -Contents:
    • ---What you have seen (Revelation 1:1-20)
    • -----Origin and outline of prophesy
    • ---What is now (Revelation 2:1-3:22)
    • -----Letters to the 7 churches
    • ---What will happen later (Revelation 4:1-22:5)
    • -----Vision
    • -----Seals
    • -----Trumpets
    • -----Judgments
    • -----Return
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CF2 Final
CF2 Final Review