anp test 7

  1. Lymphatic capillaries join to form what?
    Lymphatic vessels
  2. These have valves to ensure one way flow 
    lymphatic vessels
  3. these are distributed along vessels and filter lymph 
    lymph nodes
  4. these drain tissues of the body and move lymph into major veins
    lymphatic ducts
  5. the right lymphatic duct drains what three things?
    right side of head, right upper limb, right thorax
  6. what parts of the body does the thoracic duct drain
    everything the right lymphatic duct doesnt
  7. excess interstistial fluid enters the lymphatic capillaries and become what?
  8. what are the lymphatic capillaries that absorb dietary fats in the villi of the small intestine 
  9. the combination of fat and lymph in the lacteals is called 
  10. microorganisms and other foriegn substances are filtered from the lymph by what? and from the blood by what?
    • lymph nodes
    • spleen
  11. what are the 5 components of the lymphatic system
    • lymphatic vessels
    • lymph node
    • the spleen
    • thymus gland
    • tonsils
  12. what is the lymphatic vessels function
    transport lymph
  13. what is the function of the lymph nodes
    cleanse the lymph 
  14. what is the function of the spleen
    cleanses the blood 
  15. thymus gland facilitates what?
    maturation of T lymphocytes
  16. tonsils protect what ?
    the throat
  17. lymph is made from water plus solutes from what two sources 
    • plasma - ions, nutrients, gases, some protiens
    • cells - hormones, enzymes, waste products
  18. lymp returns to the circulatory system via? This is essential for what?
    • Veins 
    • fluid balance
  19. Where do lymphatic vessels carry lymph
    away from tissues
  20. lymphatic capillaries are more or less permeable than blood capillaries ?
  21. what do the epithelium function as in the lymphatic capillaries?
    one way valves
  22. in what parts of the body are lymphatic capillaries found?
    all parts of the body except nervous system, bone marrow, and tissues without blood vessels
  23. what is the largest lymphoid organ
  24. what are the 3 groups of tonsils
    • palatine - the "tonsils"
    • pharyngeal - the adenoids
    • lingual
  25. where ids the thymus located 
    superior mediastinum
  26. the thymus is the site of maturation for what cells
    T Cells
  27. what are peyers patches
    clusters of lymphoid follicles 
  28. where are payers patches located
    in the wall of the distal portion of the small interstine
  29. what are the 2 functions of the peyers patches
    • destroy bacteria and prevent them form breaching the intestinal wall
    • generate memory lymphocytes
  30. what is immunity?
    the ability to resist damage from foriegn substances such as microorganisms and harmful chemicals 
  31. innate or nonspecific resistance

    physical barriers :
    prevent entry or remove microbes, Skin, tears, saliva, mucous membranes, mucus
  32. innate or nonspecific resistance

    Chemical mediators:
    promote phagocytosis and inflammation
  33. innate or nonspecific resistance

    Cells : 
    Involved in phagocytosis and production of chemicals 
  34. Adaptive/aquired/specific immunity

    ability to recognize a particular substance
  35. Adaptive/aquired/specific immunity

    ability to remeber previous encounters with a perticular substance and respond rapidly
  36. what is innate immunity
    recognition of traits shared by broad ranges of pathogens, using a small set of receptors 
  37. is innate immunity a rapid or slower response
  38. what are the 3 barrier defenses
    • skin
    • mucous membranes 
    • secretions
  39. internal defenses 
    • phagocytic cells
    • antimicrobial protiens 
    • inflammatory response
    • natural killer cells
  40. what is aquired immunity
    recognition of traits specific to the particular pathogens, using a vast array of receptors
  41. is aquired immunity slow or rapid response
  42. humoral response:
    antibodies defend against infection in body fluids 
  43. cell mediated response
    cytotoxic lymphocytes defend against infection in the body cells
  44. what is adaptive immunity
    involves the ability to recognize, respond to, and remeber a particular substance 
  45. what are the 2 types of adaptive immunity
    • humoral or antibody - mediated: B Cells
    • Cell - Mediated - T Cells 
  46. B Cells mature where?
    bone marrow
  47. T Cells mature where?>
    in the thymus
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anp test 7
anp test 7