La Catrina

  1. atender(a)
    to attend to
  2. ultimamente
  3. solicitar
    to apply
  4. atreverse (a)
    to dare
  5. el milagro
  6. meterse
    to get involved
  7. el/la remitente
    sender of return address
  8. suceder
    to occer
  9. inesperado,-a
  10. la beca
  11. Querer
    to love
  12. Se ve
    it looks
  13. La cita
  14. Extranjero
  15. Acerca de
  16. procedente de
    comes from
  17. El bisabuelo
    great grandfather
  18. La solicitud
  19. No nos hemos llevado muy bien
    We haven't gotten along real well
  20. Pasar por
    stop by
  21. Es bastante mayor
    is old enough
  22. Seria
    would be
  23. Santo que no es visto
    Saint that's not seen
  24. Santo que no es adorado
    Saint that's not adored
  25. Tener toda la vida por delante
    To have all your life ahead of you
  26. Una hora de retraso
  27. sera por algo
    it must be for a reason
  28. perder la cuenta
    to lose count
  29. ?Que te parece?
    How does it appear to you?
  30. Una vasija silbadora con coyote
    a vase with a coyote on it
  31. Avisar
    to advise, to inform
  32. la caja fuerte
    safe; strong box
  33. molestar
    to bother
  34. los archivos
    archives; records
  35. El dato
    data; information
  36. averiguar
    to find out
  37. el bisnieto, la bisnieta
    great grandson/granddaughter
  38. el dueno, la duena
  39. la pieza
  40. el tesoro
  41. firmar
    to sign
  42. acercarse
    to get near; to approach
  43. sospechar
    to suspect
  44. el/la sinverguenza
    some one who is shameless
  45. compartir
    to share
  46. repentino,-a
  47. lograr
    to obtain
  48. despues de Christo
    after christ
  49. de parte de
    on behalf of
  50. !cuidate!
    Take care!
  51. puerde que
  52. de cualquier manera
    in any way
  53. dar un consejo
    to give advice
  54. hacer caso a
    to heed; to pay attention to
  55. el major postor
    highest bidder
  56. tnere ganas de
    to feel like
  57. de hecho
    in reality
  58. ningun lado
  59. por cortesia de las casa
    courtesy of the house
  60. en un principio
    in the beginning
  61. de todas formas
  62. jugar a la pelota
    to play ball
  63. conducir
  64. a segurar
  65. el asesor
    curator of a museum
  66. zapoteca
    indian tribe
  67. convertirse (en)
    to become
  68. mixteca
    indian tribe
  69. el grabada en piedra
    carved in rock
  70. fijarse
    to take notice
  71. el tejido
    type of fabric
  72. la barbaridad
    cruel act
  73. la creencia
  74. la carrera
  75. intentar
    to try
  76. el impuesto
  77. probar
    to prove
  78. el/la culpable
    guilty person
  79. el placer
    the pleasure
  80. el quesillo
  81. el carino
    love, affection
  82. la puesta en libertad
    the setting free of someone or something
  83. el lavadero
    wash place
  84. demonstrar
    to prove, to show
  85. libre
  86. la clave
    key to solving a mystery
  87. el almacen
    department store, warehouse
  88. malvado
  89. salir de un lio
    to get out of a bad situation
  90. volver a hablar
    to talk to again
  91. me muero de hambre
    I'm dying of hunger
  92. dentro de
  93. no te chivees
    don't get embarassed
  94. me da mucho gusto
    gives me a lot of pleasure
  95. salir bien
    to turn out well
  96. tender una trampa
    to set a trap
  97. tener querer
    having to do with
  98. desear
    to desire
  99. vasija
  100. la pesadilla
  101. permonear
    to give a sermon
  102. la red
    group of people that have a purpose
  103. el funcionario/ la funcionaria
    public employee
  104. cumplir con
    to fulfill
  105. dondequiera
    I'll go anywhere
  106. la pista
  107. un fantasma
    a ghost, a vision
  108. ni siquiera
    not even
  109. !largarte!
    get out of here!
  110. evitar
    to avoid
  111. el desconocido, la desconocida
    unknown, stranger
  112. a traves de
    through, by means of
  113. agradecer
    to appreciate, to give thanks for
  114. agotado,-a
  115. se cubre las espaldas
    he covers his trail
  116. por su cuenta
    on his/her own
  117. un don nadie
    a nobody
  118. en contra suya
    in opposition to you
  119. los celos
  120. morir
    to die
  121. mantener (a alguien)
    to support financially
  122. hacia
    toward, in the direction of
  123. la lengua
  124. quiza(s)
    perhaps, maybe
  125. luchar
    fight, wrestle
  126. el corazon
  127. la duda
  128. estacionar
    to park (one's car)
  129. contar
    to count on, to consider
  130. la delicadeza
    delicacy, care
  131. !que bien huele!
    how good it smells!
  132. no tenia la menor idea
    I didn't have the slightest idea
  133. llegar a ser
    to become
  134. !andale!
    let's go! hurry!
  135. por si caso
    in case of
  136. !suelteme!
    free me!
  137. desenterrar
    to dig up
  138. la prueba
  139. el/la ayudante
  140. el intermediario / la intermediaria
  141. recoger
    to pick up
  142. delicado, -a
  143. hacer dano a
    to cause harm to
  144. surgir
    to produce
  145. corresponder
    to respond to
  146. vencer (?)
    to win
  147. temer
    to fear
  148. !Quedan detenidos!
    You're under arrest!
  149. He oido decir a su gente "don Silvestre"
    I heard people say the name "don Silvestre"
  150. no sabia que haria surgir todo esto
    I didn't know it would cause all of this
  151. ?no es cierto?
    Isn't that true?
  152. Estoy aburrido
    I'm bored
  153. grabar
    to record
  154. el taller
    shop, studio
  155. cartel (es)
  156. el corrido
    song (poetic)
  157. la calavero
  158. por encargo
    assigned something to do
  159. la gracia
  160. pluma de avestruz
    ostrich feather
Card Set
La Catrina
El Ultimo Secreto (Pt. 1)