el/la remitente
sender of return address
Acerca de
El bisabuelo
great grandfather
No nos hemos llevado muy bien
We haven't gotten along real well
Es bastante mayor
is old enough
Santo que no es visto
Saint that's not seen
Santo que no es adorado
Saint that's not adored
Tener toda la vida por delante
To have all your life ahead of you
sera por algo
it must be for a reason
perder la cuenta
to lose count
?Que te parece?
How does it appear to you?
Una vasija silbadora con coyote
a vase with a coyote on it
to advise, to inform
la caja fuerte
safe; strong box
los archivos
archives; records
El dato
data; information
el bisnieto, la bisnieta
great grandson/granddaughter
to get near; to approach
el/la sinverguenza
some one who is shameless
despues de Christo
after christ
de cualquier manera
in any way
dar un consejo
to give advice
hacer caso a
to heed; to pay attention to
el major postor
highest bidder
tnere ganas de
to feel like
por cortesia de las casa
courtesy of the house
en un principio
in the beginning
de todas formas
jugar a la pelota
to play ball
el asesor
curator of a museum
convertirse (en)
to become
el grabada en piedra
carved in rock
el/la culpable
guilty person
el carino
love, affection
la puesta en libertad
the setting free of someone or something
to prove, to show
la clave
key to solving a mystery
el almacen
department store, warehouse
salir de un lio
to get out of a bad situation
volver a hablar
to talk to again
me muero de hambre
I'm dying of hunger
no te chivees
don't get embarassed
me da mucho gusto
gives me a lot of pleasure
salir bien
to turn out well
tender una trampa
to set a trap
tener querer
having to do with
to give a sermon
la red
group of people that have a purpose
el funcionario/ la funcionaria
public employee
I'll go anywhere
un fantasma
a ghost, a vision
get out of here!
el desconocido, la desconocida
unknown, stranger
a traves de
through, by means of
to appreciate, to give thanks for
se cubre las espaldas
he covers his trail
por su cuenta
on his/her own
en contra suya
in opposition to you
mantener (a alguien)
to support financially
toward, in the direction of
to park (one's car)
to count on, to consider
la delicadeza
delicacy, care
!que bien huele!
how good it smells!
no tenia la menor idea
I didn't have the slightest idea
let's go! hurry!
el intermediario / la intermediaria
hacer dano a
to cause harm to
to respond to
!Quedan detenidos!
You're under arrest!
He oido decir a su gente "don Silvestre"
I heard people say the name "don Silvestre"
no sabia que haria surgir todo esto
I didn't know it would cause all of this
?no es cierto?
Isn't that true?
por encargo
assigned something to do
pluma de avestruz
ostrich feather