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    • Title: Stela 11 (Siebal)
    • Period: Terminal Classic
    • Date: 849
    • Civilization:
    • Medium:
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    • Temple of the Feather Serpent (Xichicalco)
    • Terminal Classic
    • 9th Cent.
  3. MITLA
    2nd most important archelogical site after Monte Alban
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    • Part of the Columns Group (Mitla)
    • Terminal Classic
    • 9th Cent.
  5. Huastecs
    • Indigenous people of Mexico
    • pre-Columbian mesoamerican culture
    • constructed temples on step-pyramids, carved independently-standing sculptures, and produced elaborately painted pottery
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    • Apotheosis Sculpture
    • Tampico Region, 13-15th century
    • Early Post-classic
    • Double sided figures, skeleton and child
    • Holes made for offerings of jade or inlaid eyes
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    • Atlantean Columns, toltec rulers
    • Tula, Pyramid B
    • Early post classic
    • 1200
    • Produced in a workshop
    • Originally shown red & white pigmentation
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    study map
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    • 1. Sagrado cenote
    • 2. Bearded man temple
    • 3. Juego de Pelota
    • 4. Jaguar temple
    • 5, kukulcan temple
    • 6. deer temple
    • 7. steambath
    • 8. xtoloc cenote
    • 9. iglesia
    • 10. los guerreros temple
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    • El castillo (chichen itza)
    • Terminal classic
    • 9th century
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    • El caracol observatory temple
    • Chichen itza
    • terminal classic
    • 9th cent
  12. Tulum
    • Pre-columbian Maya walled city
    • Major port for Coba
    • 39 ft cliffs on east side of Yucatan Peninsula in Caribbean
    • Height between 13-15th c.
    • Survived 70 yrs after spanish occupied
    • Demise:  old world diseases brought by spanish settlers
    • one of the best preserved coastal maya sites
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    • El castillo of Tulum
    • Post classic
    • 13-15th c
    • used obsidion to make tools and weapons
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    • Dresden Codex
    • Earliest known written book in the americas
    • pre columbian maya book from 11th c
    • Believed to be copy of original 300-400 yrs before
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    • Templo Mayor
    • Aztec
    • Tenochitlan
    • Post classic
    • 1400-1500
    • Temple to Tlaloc and Slipotly, rain and sun gods
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    • Huitzilopochtli Tlaloc
    • Two volcanoes: Ixtaccihuatl & Popocatepetl
    • Built on 7 diff layers
    • Found in diff layers - temples, leftover tools, offerings
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    • Codex Mendosa
    • Folio 2
    • 1550
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    • Aztec goddess Coatlicue
    • Mother of earth
    • post classic
    • 1400-1500
    • Very blocky
    • Goddess of fertility
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    • Coyolxauhqui
    • Aztec
    • 1469. Post Classic.
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    • Headdress made from real Quetzl bird
    • Fertility = green
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    • Codex Selden
    • 1556
    • post classic
    • Shows diff ambassadors and the blending of 2 diff cultures
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    • Brogia Codex page 56
    • Mictlantecuhtli and Quetzalcoatl in the guise of Echecatl. Before 1492, Post Classic
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    • Aztec cosmogram
    • pre-Hispanic Codex Fejérváry-Mayer
    • the fire god Xiuhtecuhtli is in the center. B
    • efore 1492, Post Classic. ;
    • Folio 1.
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    • Book IX Florentine Codex
    • Written in Noatlyl with spanish translation
    • Shows offerings, planting, etc daily life of aztec culture
    • Trying to sympathize w natives
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