Data Base Final Exam

  1. What will CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),GETDATE(),112) give you?
    • (full year)
  2. What are te different kinds of triggers?
    • Insert
    • Update
    • Delete
  3. What does the UPDATE(..) function do?
    Check to see if the trigger updates a single column.
  4. What does the COLUMNS_UPDATED() function do?
  5. What does SUSER_SNAME() do?
    Check to see who changed the database.
  6. How do you get the current date?
  7. How do you use the SUBSTRING method and what and
    does it do?
    • It will determine the current value .
  8. What does a full backup do?
    • copies all pages in the database that are in allocated
    • extents.
  9. What is a differential backup?
    copies all pages which have been modified since the last full backup.
  10. What is a transaction log backup?
    • copies the contents of the transaction log since the
    • last transaction log backup.
  11. What is the best strategy to insure adequate
    protection in a production environment?
    A transaction log backup with a full backup
  12. Define atomicity
    all or nothing rule
  13. RAW
    • generates a single XML element for each row in the result set returned by the query.
    • <row>
  14. for xml auto
    • Returns query results in a simple, nested XML tree.
    • uses select statement.
  15. -E
    use a trusted connection
  16. -Sserverinfo
     where serverinfo is the string that you place in the “Server Name” textbox when signing into mgmt studio
  17. -Qquery
    • where query is the actual query you want to enter. Make sure you fully qualify the database object in question, for instance:
    • –Q”SELECT * FROM banking.dbo.Custs”
  18. -Ooutputpath
    • where outputpath is the full path and name of the file, for instance
    • –OCusts.dat
  19. "/" in xml
    The slash is the xpath command for starting at the root.
  20. "//row"
    is an xpath command that says start at the root node and find every occurence of “row”
  21. Why xml?
    XML is a good choice if you want a platform-independent model in order to ensure portability of the data by using structural and semantic markup.
  22. What does BIDS stand for?
    Business Intelligence Development Studio
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Data Base Final Exam
Practice for Data Base Final Exam