Ch.14 Psych

  1. Nomothetic
    identifying the general laws that govern the behavior of all people
  2. Idiographic
    identifying the unique configuration of characteristics and life history of individuals
  3. Psychic Determinism
    all psychological events have a cause
  4. Id
    primitive impulses, entirely unconscious
  5. Pleasure Principle
    strive for immediate gratification
  6. Ego
  7. psyche's decision maker, mediates between id and superego
  8. Superego
    sense of morality
  9. Repression
    motivated forgetting of emotionally threatening memories/impulses
  10. Denial
    motivated forgetting of distressing external experiences
  11. Regression
    returning psychologically to a younger, simpler, safer age
  12. Reaction-Formation
    transforming an anxiety provoking emotion to opposite
  13. Projection
    unconscious attribution of our negative characteristics to others
  14. Displacement
    directing an impulse from a socially unacceptable target onto a soafer more socially acceptable target
  15. Rationalization
    providing reasonable explanations for unreasonable behavious
  16. Intellectualization
    avoiding emotions by focusing on impersonal thoughts
  17. Identification with agressor
    adopting characteristics of threatening people
  18. Sublimation
    transforming socially unacceptable impulse into admired goal
  19. Oedipus Complex
    boys love mothers and want to eliminate rival fathers
  20. Electra Complex
    girls develop penis envy, love fathers and want to eliminate rival mothers
  21. Style of Life
    each person's way of achieving superiority
  22. Inferiority Complex
    low self-esteem that leads to overcompensation
  23. Collective Unconscious
    shared memories that ancestors passed down
  24. Archetypes
    cross culture emotional symbols
  25. Determinism
    all our behaviors are products of pre existing causal influesces
  26. Reciprocal Determinism
    mutual influence of personality and cognitive factors, behavior and environment
  27. Locus of Control
    extent to which people believe that reinforcers and punishers lie inside or outside of their control
  28. Self Actualization
    drive to develop innate potential to the fullest possible extent
  29. Incongruence
    inconsistency between personality and innate disposition
  30. Peak Experiences
    transcendent moments of intense excitement and tranquility marked by a profound sense of connection to the world
  31. Factor Analysis
    analyzes correlations of responses on personality inventories
  32. Lexical Approach
    most crucial aspects of personality are embedded in language

    Five Factors

    • 1. Openness to experience
    • 2. Conscientiousness
    • 3. Extraversion
    • 4. Agreeableness
    • 5. Neuroticism
    • OCEAN!!!!
  33. Mesomorphs
    assertive and bold
  34. Ectomorphs
    introverted and intellectual
  35. Endomorphs
    relaxed and sociable
  36. Structured Personality Tests
    paper and pencil tests consisting of questions that respondents answer in one of a few fixed ways
  37. Empirical Method of Test Construct
    begin with two or more criterion groups and examine which items best distinguish them
  38. Low Face Validity
    extent to which respondents can tell what items are measuring
  39. Rational/theoretical Method of Test Construction
    start with clear concept of a trait and write items to assess that concptualization
  40. Projective Tests
    consist of ambiguous stimuli that examinees must interpret
  41. P.T. Barnum Effect
    tendency to accept high rate descriptions as specific and sccurate
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Ch.14 Psych
Personality Chapter for the Final Exam