12.6 The European State in the Renaissance: I

  1. European states
    • I.                   European states= disintegrative patterns of previous century
    • a.       Second half of century= recovery; attempts to reestablish centralized power of monarchical governments= “Renaissance states”  or “new monarchies”
    •                                                               i.      Rulers in western Europe: succeeded; rulers in central and eastern weak and unable to impose authority
  2. I.                   Growth of the French Monarchy
    Hundreds Year War
    • a.       Hundred Years War= France devastated
    •                                                               i.      Depopulation, desolate farmlands, ruined commerce, independent/ unruly nobles= kings couldn’t assert authority
  3. I.                   Growth of the French Monarchy
    •                                                               i.      Positives: French national feeling toward enemy that kings used for gaining power
    • 1.      Need to end war= excuse to strengthen king’s authority
    • a.       Charles VII after crowned king at Reims
    •                                                                                                                                       i.      Consent of Estates-General: established royal army of cavalry and archers
    •                                                                                                                                     ii.      Received right to levy taille, an annual direct tax usually on land or property, without need for further approval from Estates- General
    • 1.      Less power for parliamentary body
  4. king Louis XI
    • a.       Process of developing French territorial state advanced by King Louis XI= Spider because of wily and devious ways
    •                                                               i.      By retaining taille as permanent tax imposed by royal authority, he secured sound, regular source of income
    • 1.      Not successful in repressing nobility, whose independence threatened state building
    • 2.      Problem: his vassal, Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy
  5. Charles the Bold
    • a.       Attempted to create middle kingdom between France and Germany, stretching from Low Countries to Switzerland
    •                                                                                                                                       i.      Opposed by Louis and when killed in 1477 fighting Swiss, Louis added parts of Charles’s possessions (Burgundy) to his lands
    • 1.      3 years later: provinces of Anjou, Maine, Bar, and Provence brought under royal control
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12.6 The European State in the Renaissance: I