Lecture 15 Neurological

  1. what is the most common permanent physical disability of childhood?
    Cerebral Palsy
  2. what are the four types of CP
    • spastic
    • dyskinetic/athetoid
    • ataxic
    • mixed type/dystonic
  3. what are the s/s of cerebral palsy
    • unsteady gait
    • muscle tone
    • visual deficits
    • hearing impairment
    • oral motor involvement
    • seizures
    • sensory impairment
  4. what do we do for cerebral palsy
    • promote normal functioning
    • may have splints for arms/legs
    • med management (pain meds, muscle relaxants, anti-epileptic, treatment of symptoms)
  5. what are the 3 types of meningitis
    • bacterial (kids b/t 1 month and 5 years)
    • tuberculous (rarely seen)
    • viral (more common, can happen at any age)
  6. what do we see with meningitis
    • fever
    • vomiting
    • irritability
    • nuchal rigidity (neck stiffness)
    • seizures
    • bulging fontanelles
    • photophobia
  7. what are we going to do for meningitis
    • decrease environmental stimuli (decrease noise, lights)
    • seizure precautions
    • observe and assess
    • IV antibiotics (bacterial until proved otherwise)
    • lab test observation
  8. what is hydrocephalus
    • imbalance in production and absorption of CSF
    • often related to obstruction or impaired absorption in subarachnoid space
  9. what causes hydrocephalus
    • developmental malformations
    • neoplasms
    • infections
    • trauma
  10. what are we going to see with hydrocephalus
    • bulging fontanelles
    • abnormal head growth
    • separated sutures
    • irritability
    • cries when disturbed, calm when alone
    • changes in LOC
    • shrill, high pitch cry
  11. how do we treat hyrdrocephalus
    shunt placement (VP shunt)
  12. what are we going to do for hydrocephalus
    • assessment for s/s of ICP
    • daily circumference head measurement
    • assess fontanelles
    • assess LOC
    • sudden changes in behavior
  13. what are we going to do for post-op hydrocephalus shunt placement care?
    • lay off operative side
    • may have head elevation orders
    • observe for complications
    • observe for abdominal distention
    • I/O
    • IV antibiotics
    • skin care
  14. what are the different types of spina bifida
    • spina bifida occulta
    • spina bifida cystica
  15. what are we going to see with spina bifida
    • lower extremity paralysis
    • incontinence
    • joint deformities
    • sometimes nothing
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Lecture 15 Neurological
Lecture 15 Neurological