Extra Acupuncture Points

  1. Where is TaiYang Located?
    Midway outer cantus & end of eyebrow. 1 cun lateral to the outer canthus (outside the orbit of the eye)
  2. What is TaiYang point good for?
    HA (esp migraines), swelling of the of the eyes/face, toothaches, expels wind, clears heat
  3. How do you puncture TaiYang?
    Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 in or prick to bleed
  4. Where is YinTong point?
    Midway between the eyebrows
  5. What does YinTong point do?
    • 1. Clears heat, brightens the eyes, relieves nasal obstruction, stops infantile convulsions. 
    • 2. Relaxation, good for sinus problems
  6. How do you puncture YinTong?
    Subcutaneous 0.3-0.5in (avoid puncturing the vein)
  7. Where is ShangLianQiuan point?
    1 cun below midpoint of lower jaw (under the chin)
  8. What does ShangLianQiuan point do?
    Benefits the throat, use it for speech problems due to stiff tongue, sore throat, loss of voice, difficulty swallowing
  9. How do you puncture ShangLianQiuan?
    Oblique 0.8-1.2 in towards the root of the tongue (close to Ren 23)
  10. Where is ErJan point?
    • 1. Means "Ear Apex"
    • 2. Located on the ear apex
  11. What does ErJan do?
    Clears heat, benefits the throat, brightens the eyes
  12. How do you puncture ErJan?
    Prick to bleed or Perpendicular 0.1-0.2in
  13. Where is YuYao located?
    • *(2) points total
    • *Middle of each eyebrow
  14. YuYao is good for?
    Eye pain, benefits the eye muscles, good for eyelid twitching
  15. How do you puncture YuYao?
    Pinch the eyebrow and puncture subcutaneously 0.3-0.5in towards UB 2
  16. Where is SiShengCong located?
    4 points that are 1 cun anterior, posterior and lateral to Du 20
  17. What does SiShengCong do?
    Good for epilepsy, poor memory (smart points), calms the mind, benefits hearing and eyes
  18. How do you  puncture SiShengCong?
    Subcutaneously 0.5-1.0 in towards Du 20
  19. Where is QiuHou?
    • *It means "behind eyeball".
    • *Divide the infraorbital region into 4s, lateral 1/4 is where the point is located.
  20. What does QiuHou do?
    Good for P! behind the eyeball, benefits the eyes
  21. How do you puncture QiuHou?
    Perpendicular 0.5-1.2 in (like ST 1)
  22. Where is JiaChengJiang?
    (2 points) 1 cun on either side of Ren 24 (below the lips)
  23. What does JiaChengJiang do?
    Clears damp-heat, benefits meridians for muscles & tendons, tootache, gum problems
  24. How do you puncture JiaChengJiang?
    Oblique 0.5-1.0 in
  25. Where is JinJinYuYe?
    (2 points) located under the tongue (2 veins are located)
  26. What is JinJinYuYe good for?
    Vomiting (severe & caused by post-stroke), swelling or stiffness of tongue, clears heat, calms the mind, reverses rebellious ST qi (NOT for pregnancy)
  27. How do you puncture JinJinYuYe?
    Prick the 2 veins to bleed. Make sure you have proper gear on. There will be blood coming out. 
  28. Where is BiTong?
    Located in the space between bone & nasal cartilage. The point is on the face.
  29. What does BiTong do?
    Good for any kind of nasal problems
  30. How do you puncture BiTong?
    Subcutaneously towards UB1 0.3-0.5in
  31. Where is QianZheng located?
    • *Means "pull right"
    • *Anywhere between 0.5-1.0 cun anterior to ear lobe on the face
  32. What does QianZheng do?
    Good for relieving tongue sores or ulcerations, deviation of eyes & mouth
  33. How do you puncture QianZheng?
    Oblique 0.5-1.0in deep towards ST 4
  34. Where is YiMing located?
    1 cun posterior to SJ 17 (between mandible & mastoid)
  35. What does YiMing do?
    Expels the wind (exterior & interior), brightens the eyes, good for any eye problem
  36. How do you puncture YiMing?
    Perpendicular 0.5-0.8in
  37. Where is AnMian located?
    Midway between GB 20 (between upper trap & SCM below the skull) and SJ 17 (between the mandible & mastoid)
  38. What is AnMian good for?
    Sleep disorders, calms the mind, mania, epilepsy, mental disorders
  39. How do you puncture AnMian?
    Perpendicular 0.5-0.8 in
  40. Where is DingChuan located?
    (2 points) = 1/2 cun lateral to Du14 on either side
  41. What is DingChuan good for?
    Asthma, allergy problems, clears external & internal heat, rubella (German measles)
  42. How do you puncture DingChuan?
    Perpendicular 0.5-0.8 in
  43. Where is HuaTuoJiaJi located?
    (34 points) = 0.5 cun lateral to spinous processes of T1-L5
  44. What is HuaTuoJiaJi good for?
    • T1-T4 = heart, chest & respiratory problems
    • T5-T12 = digestive system
    • L1-L5 = urogenital disorder
  45. How do you puncture HuaTuoJiaJi?
    • T1-T12 = Perpendicular 0.5-1.0 in
    • L1-L5 = Perpendicular 1.0-1.5 in
  46. Where is BaiLao located?
    1 cun lateral to Du 14 & 2 cun above
  47. What is BaiLao good for?
    Whooping cough, asthma, cough, scrofula. It resolves masses & phleghm 
  48. How do you puncture BaiLao?
    Perpendicular 0.3-0.5in
  49. Where is WeiGuanShiaShu located?
    1.5 cun lateral to T8 (on UB channel)
  50. What is WeiGuanShiaShu good for?
    Diabetes, promotes body fluids
  51. How do you puncture WeiGuanShiaShu?
    Oblique 0.5-0.7 in
  52. Where is ShiQiZhui?
    Below L5 on Du Meridian
  53. What is ShiQiZhui good for?
    Tonifies KD, benefits water passages. Good for dysurea, irregular or painful menstruation
  54. How do you puncture ShiQiZhui?
    Perpendicular 0.8-1.2 in
  55. Where is YaoQi located?
    On Du Meridian, 2 cun above tip of cocyx
  56. What is YaoQi good for?
    Epilepsy, insomnia, constipation, calms the mind
  57. How do you puncture YaoQi?
    Subcutaneously upwards 1-2 in deep
  58. Where is PiGen located?
    3.5 cun lateral to L1
  59. What does PiGen do?
    Removes masses (esp. in LV, SP, LI). Good for hepatosplenomegaly. Used on pts that have LV cirrhosis or cancer
  60. How do you puncture PiGen?
    Perpendicular 0.5-0.8 in
  61. Where is YaoYan located?
    3.5 cun lateral to L4 (level w/UB 25 and Du 3)
  62. What is YaoYan good for?
    Frequent urination, irregular menstruation
  63. How do you puncture YaoYan?
    Perpendicular 0.8-1.2 in
  64. Where is ZiGongXue located?
    4 cun below the umbilicus (Ren 3), 3 cun lateral to Ren 3 
  65. What is ZiGongXue good for?
    Uterine prolapse. Regulates menstruation, promotes reproduction. "uterus point"
  66. How do you puncture ZiGongXue?
    Perpendicular 0.8-1.2 in
  67. Where is JianQian?
    Midway between LI 15 (anterior & inferior to acromion, on upper portion of deltoid) and anterior axillary fold
  68. What is JianQian used for?
    shoulder problems
  69. How do you puncture JianQian?
    Perpendicular 0.8-1.2 in
  70. Where is ShiXuan located?
    (10 points) = fingertips
  71. What is ShiXuan good for?
    High fever, epislepsy, acute tonsillitis, numbness of fingers. Clears heat, stops convulsions, usually used for acute disorders, infantile convulsions.
  72. How do you puncture ShiXuan?
    Superficially 0.1-0.2 in or prick to bleed
  73. Where is SiFeng?
    (8 points) = located on palmer surface of hand, on proximal central crease of interphalangeal joint
  74. What is SiFeng good for?
    Malnutrition & indigestion in children, whooping cough. Promotes appetite
  75. How do you puncture SiFeng?
    Prick to bleed
  76. Where is ZhongKui located?
    Dorsum of hand on the proximal interphalageal joint of the middle finger
  77. What is ZhongKui good for?
    Hiccups, reverses rebellious ST qi
  78. How do you puncture ZhongKui?
    Just use 3 Moxa cones
  79. Where is BaXie located?
    (8 points) Dorsum of the hand, proximal margins of the web
  80. What is BaXie good for?
    Swelling, pain, contraction or spasm of hand/fingers (esp due to excess heat), finger numbness, swelling of hand. Clears heat.
  81. How do you puncture BaXie?
    Oblique 0.3-0.5 in or prick to bleed 
  82. Where is LuoZhen located?
    Dorsum of hand, between 2nd & 3rd metacarpal bones, 1/2 cun posterior to metacarpal-phalangeal joint
  83. What is LuoZhen good for?
    Neck pain (acute)
  84. How do you puncture LuoZhen?
    Perpendicular 0.5-0.8 in
  85. Where is YaoTongXue located?
    (2 points) = On dorsum of hand, divide the interphalangeal joint & wrist crease in half. It is between the 2nd/3rd and 4th/5th metacarpal bones. 
  86. What does YaoTongXue do?
    Tx acute lumbar spine (low back) pain
  87. How do you puncture YaoTongXue?
    Oblique 0.5-1.0 in 
  88. Where is ZhongQuan located?
    Midway between LI 5 (anatomical snuff box) & SJ 4 (on transverse crease of dorsum of wristm in depression lateral to tendon of extensor digitorum communis)
  89. ZhongQuan is good for?
    Almost any chest problems, epigastric P!, spitting of blood
  90. How do you puncture ZhongQuan?
    Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 in
  91. Where is ErBai located?
    (2 points) = 4 cun above the wrist crease on either side of tendor flexor carpi radialis
  92. What does ErBai good for?
    Tx hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse
  93. How do you puncture ErBai?
    Perpendicular 0.5-1.0 in
  94. Where is BiZhong located?
    Lateral aspect of forearm between wrist & elbow crease and between ulna & radius 
  95. What is BiZhong good for?
    Local problems = numbness & P! of upper extremity
  96. How do you puncture BiZhong?
    Perpendicular 1.0-1.2 in
  97. Where is ZhouJian located?
    Tip of olecranon of ulna
  98. What does ZhouJian do?
    Removes masses due to qi stagnation, resolves phlegm, scrofula
  99. How do you puncture ZhouJian?
    Moxa only (7-14 cones)
  100. Where is HuanZhong?
    Medial 1/3 between the hiatus of sacrum and greater trochanter line (lateral 1/3 is GB 30)
  101. HuanZhong is good for?
    Sensory or motor problems of lower limbs & lower back
  102. How do you puncture HuanZhong?
    Perpendicular 1.5-2 in
  103. Where is BiaChongWo?
    1 cun above SP 10 (2 cun above the medial superior aspect of the patella)
  104. What is BiaChongWo good for?
    Any kind of skin problems, allergies, itching, resolves damp, cools the blood, expels wind, eczema, intestinal parasites, rubella (German measles)
  105. How do you puncture BiaChongWo?
    Perpendicular 1.0-1.2 in
  106. Where is XiYan located?
    (2 points) =  inferior lateral (ST 35) and inferior medial side of the patella
  107. What is XiYan good for?
    Knee P! (acute & chronic)
  108. How do you puncture XiYan?
    Perpendicular 0.5-1.0 in
  109. Where is LanWeiXue located?
    2 cun below ST 36 (3 cun below ST 35, 1 fingerbreath anterior border of the tiba)
  110. What is LanWeiXue good for?
    Local point for muscle atrophy or spasm. Acute or chronic appendicitis. Clears heat & stops P!
  111. How do you puncture LanWeiXue?
    Perpendicular 1.0-1.2 in
  112. Where is HeDing located?
    Upper border of the patella, midpoint where there is a depression
  113. What is HeDing good for?
    Knee P!
  114. How do you puncture HeDing?
    Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 in
  115. Where is DanNangXue located?
    tender point 1-2 cun below GB 34 (anterior inferior border of the fibula)
  116. What does DanNangXue  do?
    Clears heat, resolves damp. Good for P! or distention in hypochondriac region, acute/chronic cholescystitis.
  117. How do you puncture DanNangXue ?
    Perpendicular 0.8-1.2 in
  118. Where is BaFang located?
    (8 points) = Proximal to margin of web on the toes
  119. What is BaFang good for?
    Beriberi. Toe P!, numbness & swelling.
  120. How do you puncture BaFang?
    Oblique 0.5-0.8 in
Card Set
Extra Acupuncture Points
Extra Acupuncture Points