Muscles 2

  1. Flexor digitorum profundus
    • O: Ulna
    • I: distal phalanges 2-5
    • Action: flexes distal phalanges
  2. pronator quadratus
    • O: ulna
    • I: radius
    • A: pronates forearm
  3. Flexor pollicis longus
    • O: radius
    • I: distsal phalanx I
    • A: flex thumb
  4. Extensor Carpi radialis
    • O: humerus
    • I:metacarpal II
    • A: extends and abducts wrist
  5. Extensor carpi radialis brevis
    • O: humerus
    • I: metacarpal III
    • A: extends and abducts wrist
  6. Extensor digitorum
    • O: humerus
    • I: distal phalanges II-V
    • A: finger and wrist extensor, finger abduction
  7. Extensor carpi ulnaris
    • O: humerus
    • I: metacarpal V
    • A: extends and adducts wrist
  8. supinator
    • O: humerus and ulna
    • I: radius
    • A: supinates forearm
  9. Gluteus maximus
    • O: ilium (dorsal), sacrum, coccyx
    • I: femur
    • A: thigh extensor, lateral rotation and abduction of thigh
  10. gluteus minimus
    • O: ilium
    • I: femur
    • Aabduction and medial rotation of thigh
  11. gluteus minimus (caudofemoralis)
    • O: ilium
    • I: femur
    • A: abduction and medial rotation of thigh
  12. quadratis femoris
    • O: ischium
    • I: femur
    • A: lateral roation of thigh
  13. Adductors (magnus, brevis, longus)
    • O: pubis, ischial tuberosity
    • I: femur (linea aspera)
    • A: adducts , medially rotates and flexes thigh
  14. Gracilis
    • O: pubis
    • I: tibia
    • A: adducts thigh, medial rotates and flexes leg
  15. Pectineus
    • O: pubis
    • I: femur (linea aspera)
    • A: adducts, medially roates and flexes thigh
  16. Rectus femoris
    • O: acetabulum, iliac spine
    • I: tibia
    • A: extends knee flexes thigh
  17. Vastus lateralis
    • O: femur
    • I: tibia
    • A: extends knee
  18. Vastus medialis
    • O: femur
    • I: tibia
    • Action: knee extensor
  19. Vastus intermedius
    • O: femur
    • I: tibia
    • A: knee extensor
  20. tensor fascia latae
    • O: ilium (crest and spine)
    • I: tibia via iliotibial tract
    • A: flexes, abducts and medially rotates thigh
  21. gastrocnemius
    • O: femur
    • I: calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
    • A: plantar flexes floot, flexes knee
  22. Soleus
    • O: tibia and fibula
    • I: calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
    • A: plantar flexion
  23. Popliteus
    • O: femur and lateral meniscus
    • I: tibia
    • A: flexes and rotates knee medially
  24. tibailis posterior
    • O: tibia and fibula
    • I: tarsals and metatarsals 2-4
    • A: foot inversion, plantar flexes
  25. flexor digitorum longus
    • O: tibia
    • I: distal phalanges 2-5
    • A: flexes toes, plantar flexes and inverts foot
  26. Biceps femoris (hamstring)
    • O: femur and ischium
    • I: fibula and tibia
    • A: extends thigh, flexes knee and laterally rotates
  27. Semitendinosus
    • O: ischium (tuberosity)
    • I: tibia (medial)
    • A: extends thigh, flexes knee, medially roates
  28. Semimembranosus
    • O: ischium
    • I: tibia
    • A: extends thigh, flexes knee and medially roates
  29. Ilippsoas (ilacus and psoas major)
    • iliac crest, sacrium t12-l5
    • femur
    • flex trunk on thigh, flex thigh, lateral flexion of trunk
  30. sartorius
    • O: ilac spine
    • I: tibia
    • A: flexes, abducts and laterally rotates thigh, flexes knee
  31. Fibularis (peroneus) longusĀ 
    • O: fibula
    • I: medial cuneiform and metatarsal I
    • A: plantar flexes and everts foot
  32. fibularis (peroneus) brevis
    • fibula
    • metatarsal V
    • plantar flexes and everts foot
  33. fibularis tertius
    • O: fibula
    • I: metatarsal V
    • A: dorsiflexion and eversion of the foot
  34. Extensor digitorum longus
    • O: tibia and fibula
    • I: middle,distalĀ  phalanges 2- 5
    • Action: toe extension and dorsiflexion
  35. Pectoralis major
    • O: clavicle , sternum, ribs 1-6
    • I: humerus
    • A: flexion, adduction and medial rotation of arm
  36. pectoralis mino
    • O: ribs 3-5
    • I: scapula
    • A: draws scapula forward and inferior
  37. Serratus anterior
    • O: ribs 1-8
    • I: scapula
    • A: rotates scapula to raise and abduct arm
  38. Deltoid
    • O: clavicle, scapula
    • I: humerus (deltoid tuberosity)
    • A: arm abduction
  39. Frontalis
    • O: galea aponeurotica
    • I: skin of brow, nose
    • A: raises eyebrows
  40. Occipatlis
    • occipital and temporal
    • galea aponeurotica
    • pulls scalp poster.
  41. orbicularis oculi
    • frontal and maxilla
    • eyelid
    • closes eyes
  42. levator labii superioris
    • O: zygomatic and maxilla
    • I: upper lip and nostril
    • A: opens lips
  43. Zygomaticus major and minor
    • zygomatic
    • corner of mouth
    • raises corner of mouth- smile
  44. depressor anguli oris
    • O: mandible
    • I: corner of mouth
    • A: depresses corner of mouth
  45. Depressor anguli oris
    • mandible
    • corner of mouth
    • puckering (kissy face)
  46. Buccinator
    • maxilla and mandible
    • orbicularis oris
    • compresses cheek (sucking)
  47. Masseter
    • zygomatic arch and maxilla
    • mandible
    • elevates mand. closes jaw
  48. Temporalis
    • O: tempral fossa
    • I: mandble
    • A: elevates mand/closes jaw
  49. Digastric
    • Mandible
    • hyoid
    • dpresses mandible
  50. scalenes
    • transver process c2-c6
    • ribs 1, 2
    • flex neck lift ribs
  51. anterior scalene
    • c3-c6
    • first rib
    • flex neck, lift ribs
  52. posterior scalene
    • c4-c6
    • 2nd rib
    • flex neck, lift ribs
  53. middle scalene
    • c2
    • first rib
    • flex neck lift ribs
  54. platysma
    • fascia of chest
    • mandible, skin around jaw
    • depr. mandible, opens jaw and lower lip
  55. sternocleidomastoid
    • sternum and clavicle
    • temporal
    • flex neck, rotate and tilt head
Card Set
Muscles 2