
  1. Which patients do you give a more detailed occlusal exam?
    • Patients with orthodontic problems
    • Adult patients preparing for comprehensive restorative plans
    • *all others including pediatric have a basic exam
  2. Who serves as the historian for the child's medical history?
    The parent or guardian
  3. What can we tell from vital signs?
    • 1. Identify abnormalities
    • 2. Establish baseline health data for emergencies
  4. Which extraoral problem is not commonly observed in kids?
    TMJ problems
  5. Which 4 facial analysis features do we use to determine orthodontic status
    • 1. Profile
    • 2. Facial pattern
    • 3. Lip position
    • 4. Facial symmetry
  6. What are the three types of facial profiles that you can get?
    • Convex (Class II), Straight, and Concave (Class III)
  7. What are brachyfacial and dolichofacial?
    • Brachyfacial- short, wide facial pattern
    • Dolichofacial- long, narrow
  8. How do you determine if someone has a mesofacial facial pattern?
    Draw a line from the mandible to the lowest point in the occipital region. If they line up, it's mesofacial
  9. Where does the line lie on a brachyfacial presentation?
    The mandibular plane line goes under the occiput line
  10. Where does the line lie on a dolichofacial patient?
    The mandibular line intersects at a region above the occipital region
  11. What are the three lip positions?
    Retrusive, normal, protrusive
  12. Which intraoral soft tissues is enlarged normally in children?
  13. Do children have more or less plaque than adults? Calculus?
    More plaque, less calculus
  14. What type of bite occurs with overjet?
    Anterior crossbite
  15. Class II Maloclussion
    Molars are end to end
  16. What is a flush terminal plane?
    The distal surface of the mandibular molar is flush with the maxillary molar
  17. What is a mesial step?
    The distal surface of the mandibular molar is mesial to the distal surface of the maxillary molar
  18. What is a distal step? What does this commonly translate to in the permanent dentition?
    • A distal step has the distal surface of the mandibular molar distal to the distal surface of the maxillary molar.
    • It will be a future class II
  19. What is overjet?
    • horizontal overlap of incisors from labial surface of lower incisor to incisal tip upper incisor
    • Normal= 2-3mm
  20. What class of molar relationship usually accompanies Overjet?
    Class II
  21. What are the two types of incisor divisions?
    • Div 1: flared incisors
    • Div 2: retroclined incisors
    • trusive refers to position
    • clined refers to angulation
  22. What is overbite?
    • Vertical overlap of the incisors
    • Normally 1-2mm or 20-30%
    • Excessive: deep pite, possible palatal impingement
    • No overbite= open bite
  23. What are the two most important aspects of transverse dimension?
    Midlines and posterior crossbites
  24. which anatomical landmark gives us a good idea of the midline?
    The philtrum
  25. What is a brodie bite?
    Brodie bites are buccal crossbites
  26. How often should we take radiographs in children?
    • Every 12-24 months if child is caries free and low risk
    • Every 6 months if child is high risk
  27. What is caries risk assessment?
    • The determination of the likelihood of the incidence of caries (# of new cavitated or incipient lesions) during a certain time period
    • The likelihood of a change in size/activity of present lesions
  28. At which age is a child considered pre-cooperative?
    3 years old
  29. What factors can be involved with emotionally compromised children?
    • From broken homes
    • Unfortunate parenting circumstances
    • Poverty
    • Abused and neglected children
  30. How do we define the shy, introverted child?
    • Limpness, trembling
    • Demonstrates avoidance behaior (crying, whimpering, rarely aggressive)
  31. How do we defined the frightened child?
    • Developmentally unable to arrest fear
    • Emotional upset results in overreaction
    • Acquired (from others) and learned (experienced) fears
  32. How is a child who is adverse to authority?
    • Undue attention (annoying, irritating, disrupting)
    • Struggle for power (argue, contradict, tantrums)
    • Retaliation and revenge (violent temper, seeks revenge)
    • Inadequacy (gives up easily, rarely participates)
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