
  1. Occurs when the individual devlops tolerance for the substance and needs inceased amounts to achieve the disred effect.
    Substance dependence
  2. Refers to patters of use of alcohol and/ or other drugs that result in health consequences or impairment in social, psycholigic, and occupational functioning.
    Substance abuse
  3. refers to maladaptive responses to distress and an inability to mobilize resources
    Mental illness
  4. Physical deviation from normal structure, function, physcial organization or development
  5. Restricted ability to perform  an activity in a normal expected manner; what activity the person cannot perform
  6. Ex) Spina bifida, Spinal cord injury, amputation, detached retina
  7. Ex) Cannont walk nassisted; uses crutches and/ ora manual or power wheelchair; blindness
  8. Disadvantage imposed by impairment or diability related to environment
  9. protection produced by an animal or human and transferredto another human. protection usually wanes in a few weeks or months.
    Passive immunity
  10. Protection that is produed by the person's own immune systme.
    active immunity
  11. Immunity from the body's antigen antibody response.
    Natural immunity
  12. Immunity through vaccination that can either be passive (antitoxin or antibodies) or active (live, killed, toxoid).
    Artificial immunity.
  13. lack of regular adress and adequate sleeping arrangements (icludes shelter/ public or private places NOt designated for sleeping)
  14. 3 stages or types of homelessness?
    Episodic, Temporary, Chronic
  15. refers to individuals who live below or slightly above the poverty line and are socially stigmatized and vulnerable. Connection to a home is tneuous and may be episodic as persons move in and out ov poverty.
    Episodic Homelessness
  16. Refers to peopel who have recently become homeless. They still identify with the mainstream of their communities and view living on the streets or relying on shelters as an unacceptale lfestyle; most are attempting to regain a los thome, job, and social standing.
    Temporary Homelessness
  17. Refers to people who have been homeless for a significant time and don't identify with most members of society. they accept their lives on the streets as normal and are more easily and clearly idenfiable as homelss
    Chronic homeless ness
  18. Loss of control over circumstances
  19. Living below poverty level and poorly educated
  20. Refers to a feeling of seperation from mainstrem society, the person no longer has emotional connection w/ any group.
  21. Applies to a person or group more likely to develop a health-related problem or problems and to have more serious outcomes stemming from their exposure to multiple risks.
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