Anatomy Sec 9 Pelvic Girdle and Hip

  1. What structures form the pelvic brim?
    • Sacral Promontory
    • Ala of Sacrum
    • Arcuate lines of ilium
    • Pectineal lines of pubic 
    • pubic tubercles
    • pubic crests
    • pubic symphysis
  2. What is the true and false pelvis?
    • True = below pelvic brim
    • False = above pelvic brim
  3. What are the difference between male and female pelvis?
    • Subpubic angle
    •      male  = more acute
    •      Female = < 90 degrees
    • Shape of inlet
    •     male = heart
    •     female = oval
    • Ischial spines
    •     male = inverted
    •     female = everted
    • Sciatic notch
    •     male = J-shaped
    •     female = L-shaped
    • Obturator Foramen
    •     male =  oval
    •     female = triangular
  4. What bones contribute to the acetabulum and what percent do they contribute?
    • Posterior = Ischium 2/5
    • Superior = Ilium 2/5
    • Inferior   = Pubis 1/5
  5. What structures pass through the greater sciatic foramen?
    • Piriformis (seperates superior and inferior)
    • Above piriformis = Superior gluteal artery, nerve, and vein
    • Below piriformis = Sciatic nerve, Inferior gluteal nerve, artery, and vein
  6. What structures pass through the lesser sciatic foramen?
    Tendon of obturator internus
  7. What is piriformis syndrome?
    Spasam of the piriformis causes pressure on sciatic nerve 
  8. What is the pattern of blood supply to the head of the femur?
    • Blood supply is poor
    • provided by medial circumflex femoral artery
  9. What is the location of the intertrochanteric line and crest?
    • Line =  anterior
    • Crest = posterior
  10. What bones make up the pelvis?
    • Hip bones
    • Sacrum
    • Coccyx
  11. The ASIS is in the same verticle plane as what other structure?
    Pubic tubercle
  12. The pubic tubercle is on the same horizontal plane as what other structure?
  13. what forms the posterioinferior part of the hip bone?
  14. What are the two main collateral nerves of the lubosacral plexus?
    • superior gluteal nerve
    • Inferior gluteal nerve
  15. What type of patient most often has a femoral fracture?
    Elderly women with osteoporosis
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Anatomy Sec 9 Pelvic Girdle and Hip