Emesis Indications
- after oral ingestion only
- not useful if drug given IV, SC, transdermal, or inhalation
Emesis Contraindications
- corrosives: strong acid or base-->causes additional damage upon vomiting
- unconscious: may inhale vomit into lungs or choke on it
- stimulants: vomiting may induce seizures
- petroleum products with low viscosity: difficult to vomit completely and product may get into lungs (inhalation)
Syrup of ipecac description
- alkaloid - emetine - given PO
- induces vomiting in 5-20 min in 85% pts
Syrup of ipecac dosing
- children 6 mo - 12 yrs: 15 mL
- adults: 30 mL
- take with lots of water to help with vomiting
- if no emesis in 20 min, may repeat dose
syrup of ipecac MOA
local irritant to stomach and simulates CTZ
gastric lavage description
- a tube inserted into stomach and water, normal saline or one half normal saline is instilled into the stomach
- solution containing poison is withdrawn via the tube
- must be done within 1-2 hrs after ingesting poison and only if pt is stable; can be used in unconscious patients
gastric lavage technique
- large tube inserted into stomach via mouth
- endotracheal tube should also be inserted to prevent aspiration
- pt placed on left side
- first: withdraw as much stomach contents first
- then instill about 150-300 mL of the lavage solution at a time and withdraw
- repeat until the returns are clear (10-12x or 1.5-3.5 L)
gastric lavage efficacy
- no evidence to demonstrate a clear benefit to clinical outcomes
- procedure not used routinely
whole bowel irrigation description
- 20cc/kg/hr (about 2 1/hr in adults) of polyethylene glycol/electrolyte solution is given via nasogastric tube
- antiemetic may also be given IV -- most patients can't tolerate much fluid without vomiting
- given until rectal effluents are clear
- messy and time consuming
whole bowel irrigation useful in...
- sustained release products
- drugs that don't bind activated charcoal
- body packers
Cathartics description
- hasten transit time through GI tract
- hyperosmotic solutions of sodium sulfate, magnesium sulfate or sorbitol pull water into the GI tract
- no study or case report shows a positive clinical outcome
cathartic problem
- most drugs are absorbed in 30-90 minutes; cathartics take a few hours to get full effect
- could be used when poison is a volatile hydrocarbon
- avoid Mg in renal failure and Na in CHF
chemical inactivation
- not used very often if ever
- requires that you know exactly what was ingested and that you have the specific inactivator
chemical inactivation examples
- sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate converts mercuric ions to less soluble metallic Hg
- NaHCO3 converts ferrous iron to ferrous carbonate which is poorly absorbed
neutralization: alkali
vinegar, OJ, lemon juice
treatment of choice
neutralization: acid ingestion
H2SO4, HF, HCL (muratic acid)
- antacid, NaHCO3 + acid --> CO2
- excess gas --> GI perforation (w/o belching)
treatment of choice
inhalation or dermal exposure
- remove patient from source
- wash skin thoroughly
- remove contaminated clothing
- if it involves the eye, irrigate
- blood passed through charcoal column to adsorb drug
- useful when the drug is already absorbed and pts condition is life threatening
- very effective for some agents; not effective for those agents with high Vd
- many drugs metabolized by P450 system in the liver
- system can be induced by several drugs, but takes too long (a few weeks)
biotransformation (inhibiting metabolism)
many drugs metabolized to more toxic chemicals and therefore, inhibit metabolism can decrease toxicity
- examples: ethanol can be used to inhibit conversion of methanol to formic acid via alcohol dehyrogenase
- APAP becomes toxic when its metabolism depletes liver of glutathione and then attacks liver cells; N-acetylcysteine prevents depletion of GSH
urinary excretion
can only impair reabsorption by favoring ionized form
- acidification will promote excretion of basic drugs (administer ascorbic acid)
- alkalization of urine will promote excretion of acidic drugs (administer NaHCO3 or antacid)
drug-receptor antagonism
drug-receptor antagonism
drug-receptor antagonism
vitamin K
drug-receptor antagonism
2-PAM & atropine
physical interactions
- heavy metals - chelators
- digoxin - digoxin immune Fab
functional antagonism
give drug that produces opposite effect of original agent
- example: drug induced seizures - give anticonvulsant
- respiratory deppression - CNS stimulants to reverse may be more harmful than good
- control BP - give vasodilators or vasoconstrictors
initial management of poisoned patient
- airway: cleared of any obstructions
- breathing: watch for rise and fall of chest
- circulation: check for pulse
- drugs: glucose, O2, naloxone, thiamine
HTN, tachycardia
hypotension and tachycardia
alpha blockade, TCAs, phenothiazine
rapid respiration
any anticholinergic
drug + environment: EtOH, clonidine, beta-blockers, barbs, BZDs
pupil constriction
opioids, cholinesterase inhibitors
pupil dilation
amphetamine, atropine, LSD
vertical and horizontal nystagmus
PCP (pathognomonic)
mouth burns
caustic (acid/alkali)
mouth odors
alcohol, solvents (petroleum products, organic solvents)
hot, flushed, and dry skin
sweating skin
sympathomimetics - amphetamine
hyperactive bowel sounds, diarrhea, cramping
ileus (bowel obstruction)
opioids, anticholinergics
measuring electrolytes
anion gap formula
normal value
- anion gap = (Na + K) - (HCO3 + Cl)
- normal: 12-16
anion gap > 16
likely metabolic acidosis
causes of metabolic acidosis
- diabetic keto acidosis
- renal failure
- ASA/salicylates, methanol, iron
widening of QRS complex on electrocardiogram
prolonged QT interval on electrocardiogram
ventricular arrhythmias
electrolytes abnormalities and ischemia
abnormal EKGs
which drugs can be seen with x-ray films?
iron tabs and EC products in stomach
when use drug screening (tox screening)?
- only if results will alter management of patient
- tox screens can be inaccurate, misleading, and are expensive
Acetaminophen s/s of acute OD
phase I
- 24 hours
- GI upset (N/V) & sweating
- if huge dose (75 g) --> metabolic acidosis and arrhythmias
Acetaminophen s/s of acute OD
phase II
- 1-3 days
- hepatotoxicity begins - hepatic enzymes appear in blood, prothrombin time increases and bilirubin inreases
- huge doses - renal failure & hepatic encephalopathy
Acetaminophen s/s of acute OD
phase III
- 3-5 days
- irreversible liver damage - death could occur
Acetaminophen s/s of acute OD
phase IV
recovery begins - start to see enzyme/protein levels return to normal
toxic APAP dose
- 125 - 200 mg/kg
- adults ~10 g
- children ~ 5 g
APAP mechanism of toxicity
- acetaminophen dose increases, glutathione becomes depleted
- quinoid intermediate now attaches via a covalent bond to proteins located within the cell leading to cell death
- considered basis for drug toxicity
acetylcysteine antidote mechanism of action
its sulfhydryl groups act as a replacement for glutathione to bind quinoid intermediate
role of chronic ethanol use in APAP toxicity
- chronic ethanol induces CYP2E1, which metabolizes APAP to its toxic form
- more of toxic metabolite synthesized
- chronic ethanol also decreases glutathione levels
role of acute ethanol use in APAP toxicity
- acute ethanol slows degradation of CYP2E1
- ability to form toxic metabolite is enhanced
alcohol as liver protectant?
- competes with APAP for metabolism by CYP2E1 & prevents formation of APAP's toxic metabolite
- but will not protect liver!
activated charcoal use in APAP OD
if given within 30 minutes
when to use acetylcysteine in APAP OD
when patient has a plasma level above probable risk line (to the right)
how soon to use acetylcysteine?
- within 8 hours
- up to 24 hours post ingestion
acetylcysteine dosing?
- 72 hours regimen
- LD of 140 mg/kg IV, then 70 mg/kg every 4 hours x 17 doses
- 24 hour regimen
- same dosing but stop at 24 hours
treatment of sustained release APAP
- same as IR APAP
- activated charcoal (AC) would be used if within 30 minutes but acetlcysteine still most effective
- when drawing plasma levels, need at least 2 levels to find peak
Acute OD of aspirin/salicylates
mild cases
- mostly GI-related: N/V/D, GI bleeding
- tinnitus: first sign
Acute OD of aspirin/salicylates
moderate cases
confusion, disoriented, hyperventilation, or tachypnea
Acute OD of aspirin/salicylates
severe cases
hallucinations, coma, seizures, metabolic acidosis
Acute OD of aspirin/salicylates
phase I
- 12 hours
- tachypnea (ending in respiratory alkalosis)
- urine becomes alkaline, impaired consciousness
Acute OD of aspirin/salicylates
phase II
- 12-24 hours
- moving toward metabolic acidosis, urine --> acid
- + bleeding problems
Acute OD of aspirin/salicylates
Phase III
- > 24 hours
- metabolic acidosis
Acute OD of aspirin/salicylates
toxic doses
- 200 mg/kg
- adults ~ 15 g
- fatal at 300 mg/kg ~ 20 g
- metabolism becomes saturable at these doses
- half-life changes from 4 hours to 18-36 hours
treatment of OD of aspirin/salicylates
- activated charcoal with sorbitol
- 1 g activated charcoal binds 550 mg salicylate
supportive: NaHCO3 IV to treat metabolic acidosis
patient counseling for ASA/salicylates
- watch for bleeding gums or blood in stool
- avoid taking with warfarin
- notify physician if ringing in ear
opioid analgesics
- morphine
- codeine
- heroin
- oxycodone
- hydrocodone
- methadone
- meperidine
- propoxyphene
uses of opioids
- analgesic
- anti-diarrheal
- anti-tussive
- anesthetics
opioid street names
- antifreeze
- blow
- cube juice
- flea powder
- good-n-plenty
- horse (heroin)
- smack
- solid gold
- tootsie roll
- belushi (coke & heroin)
s/s of acute opioid OD
- CNS depression
- respiratory depression
- miosis
- decreased BP
- decreased bowel sounds
meperidine & propoxyphene unique s/s of OD
treatment of opioid OD
oral ingestion
- AC can work
- do not use ipecac if sedated
- naloxone (opioid antagonist)
treatment of opioid OD
- maintain breathing
- naloxone
- short acting - may need to give multiple injections
- given IV
- reverseseverything associated with opioid (even analgesia)
- restores breathing
- may cause w/d in dependent patients
- problem: may unmask another drug OD; ex: pt took opioid + stimulant; block opioid = CNS excitation
- dependence/withdrawals: N/V, diarrhea; pain
- aliphatic alcohol
- common industrial solvent, found in some antifreeze liquids, paints, varnishes, and paint thinners; added to ethanol to make it tax free for use as a solvent
methanol metabolism
formaldehyde and formic acid (both toxic)
toxic doses of methanol
- 15 mL - blindness: may be permanent at this low dose, if acute
- 70-100 mL - death: will experience blindness first then death within 24 hours
methanol poisoning treatment
- supportive: NaHCO3 IV to treat met. acidosis followed by dialysis
- ethanol competes with methanol for alcohol dehydrogenase: give enough EtOH to saturate enzyme until drunk
fomepizole (Antizol)
- inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase
- single 20 mg/kg dose is required
isopropyl lethality
- much less toxic than methanol
- does not produce acidosis or blindness
- lethal dose is 250 mL
ethylene glycol info
- antifreeze for cars
- produces CNS depression, acidosis and renal failure
- treatment: NaHCO3, EtOH or fomepizole
propylene glycol
- much less toxic
- used as a solvent in drugs, cosmetics and ointments and found in food materials
- industrial solvent
- long-term exposure --> leukemia and aplastic anemia
- this is the substance in glue that gives a high
- not carcinogenic
mechanism of heavy metal poisonings
- heavy metals (lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium) produce toxic effects by combining with proteins containing oxygen (-OH, -COO-, C=O, -OPO3H) sulfur (-SH, -S-S-) and nitrogen (-NH2)
- interfere with protein function and protein synthesis
treatment of heavy metal poisonings
- chelation: reaction of an electron donor (usually O, N, or S) with a metal to form a ringed system
- electron donor forms a 5 or 6 member H-bonded ring system
penicillamine (CUPRIMINE)
- treats copper poisonings (also chelates mercury, lead, and zinc)
- Cu poisoning rare and genetically determined
- normally, Cu from diet is excreted with ease from urine
- Wilson's disease: pt can't excrete or eliminate Cu
- Cu levels increase in liver, kidney, brain, and eyes
- also treats rheumatoid arthritis
- possible cross reactivity with PCN
Wilson's disease
patient can't excrete or eliminate copper
effectiveness of chelating agent depends on...
- selectivity for heavy metal vs essential body metals (Fe, Ca)
- distribution of chelator compared to metal
- ability of the chelator to be removed from body once it has chelated metal
ideal chelator
- high solubility in water
- resistance to biotransformation
- ability to reach sites of metal storage
- forms non-toxic complexes with toxic metal
- retains chelating activity at pH of body fluids
- readily excreted
- must have greater affinity for heavy metals over endogenous metals
sources of mercury
elemental, salts, organic
- elemental mercury: fillings in teeth (doesn't lead to neurological problems)
- mercury salts: occupational hazards - electronics and plastics industries
- organic mercury: very toxic - methyl mercury used to calibrate NMRs (lipophlic --> CNS)
elemental mercury toxicities
classic triad: excitability, tremors, and gingivitis
mercury salt toxicities
- early: ashen gray color mouth, abdominal pain, vomiting
- late: metallic taste, foul breath, loss of teeth
- most common and serious: renal failure
organic mercury toxicities
neurological: ataxia, mental deterioration, paralysis --> death
lead sources
environmental sources include leaded paint and drinking water stored in lead lined containers or plumbing with lead soldered fittings (include making moonshine in radiators in this category)
occupational exposure occurs with people working in lead smelters or battery factories
acute lead toxicity
- relatively uncommon; may result from ingesting acid soluble lead cpmds or inhaling lead vapors
- s/s include N/V, abdominal pain, black stools, anemia, and renal failure
- death in 1-2 days: if patient survives, will likely experience s/s of chronic lead exposure
chronic lead toxicity
GI: metallic taste, intestinal spasm
neuromuscular: lead palsy, muscle weakness, paralysis
CNS: lead encephalopathy - ataxia & headache progressing to delirium, convulsions & coma
in children --> mental deficits
hematological: anemia b/c lead interferes with heme production
renal: renal failure
other: ashen-colored face, premature aging, and black gums
edetate calcium disodium (VERSONATE) - EDTA
- chelator
- chelates di- and trivalent cations: useful in lead, manganese, zinc, iron and possible cadmium poisonings NOT MERCURY
- its affinity for lead is greater than that for Ca; Ca is displaced with Pb and the complex renally excreted
- Vd limited to ECF: does not go into tissue but heavy metal will redistribute to plasma as it is removed from plasma
- no reabsorption from kidney: excretion can't be hastened by altering urine pH
- given IV (5% PO administration)
calcium salt of EDTA...
administered because it would otherwise chelate Ca in blood and cause cardiac problems
succimer (CHEMET)
- chelates Pb (approved use) and may be useful in Hg, As, and Cd
- does not significantly affect essential body metals (Cu, Zn, Fe)
- PO active, produces N/V/D and rash
deferoxamine (DESFERAL)
- very specific for Fe and very little afinity for Ca
- does not remove Fe from hemoglobin or cytochrome enzymes
- very poor PO absorption; usually given IV or IM
- most common SE is allergic-like reactions
dimercaprol (BAL in Oil)
- arsenic antidote
- British anti-lewisite (BAL)
- arsenic causes toxicity by reacting readily with sulfhydryl groups; idea is to provide alternate sulfhydryl groups for metal to bind
- BAL more effective when given early; better at preventing attachment than reactivating proteins
- 2 molecules of BAL complexed with one molecule of the metal is a very stable complex; 1:1 complex is unstable and wen delivered to the kidney, may dissociate allowing the metal to cause renal toxicity
- alkalization of urine will help prevent dissociation in the kidney
- most common side effect: increased BP
- bad odor
- dissolved in peanut oil and administered IM
- treats Pb, Hg, and As poisoning