Animal Science Test/ Final

  1. Nutrient
    Feed constituent that functions in the support of life
  2. Four Types of Feedstuff
    Roughages, Proteins, Concentrates, NPN
  3. What is Silage?
    Fermented Forages
  4. What are the 6 basic classes of nutrients?
    Water, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, Carbohydrates
  5. Where does the nutrients go once they are absorbed from the GI tract?
  6. What is Digestibility?
    the percentage of a feedstuff that crosses from the inside of the intestinal tract into the body
  7. How do you determine digestibility? 
    (intake dry matter-output dry matter) = intake dry matter * 100
  8. What is the digetibility of forages?
  9. What is the digestibility of concentrates?
  10. Why is it  important to know the dry matter (DM) content of feeds when balancing diets or purchasing feeds?
    So you know the amount of nutrients in something
  11. Fats contain what elements?
    Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen
  12. What are fats composed of?
    one,two,or three fatty acids attatched to a glycerol backbone
  13. Fats contain 2.25 times more energy than...
  14. Saturated fats have what kind of bonds?
    Have single bonds 
  15. Unsaturated fats have what kinds of bonds?
    double or even triple bonds between carbons
  16. Which is more stable: Saturated or Unsaturated fats?
    Saturated Fats
  17. Which is easier to break down: Saturaterd or Unsaturated Fats?
    Unsaturated fats
  18. What elements do Carbohydates contain?
    Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
  19. Molasses is an example of what?
    Simple Carb
  20. Cellulose, a major component in plant cell walls, is an example of what?
    Complex Carb
  21. What is the first sign of a bad calcium and phosphorus ratio mix up?
    Kidney Stones
  22. Minerals are made up of what elements?
    Anything that is NOT; C, H, N, or O
  23. Minerals are; inoganic or organic?
  24. Macrominerals are required in: large or small amounts?
    Large amounts
  25. Microminerals are required in: large or small amounts?
    Small amounts
  26. What are the fat soluble vitamins?
  27. What are the water soluble vitamins?
  28. True of False: Ruminants have to be balanced on all vitamins because they cannot make their own.
  29. Proteins are composed of what elements?
    Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen
  30. What is the only nutrient class that contains Nitrogen?
  31. What are the building blocks of proteins?
    Amino Acids
  32. WHat is the most used example of a NPN?
  33. What is an encapsulated protein, that is given to a ruminant to bypass the rumen and to be absorbed in the small intestine?
    Bypass Protein
  34. Average feed values can be obtained from standard what?
    Feed Tables
  35. TDN stands for what?
    Total Digestible Nutrients
  36. What is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of ! gram of water 1 degree Celsius?
  37. Carnivores consume what as their main source of nutrients?
    Animal Tissue
  38. Front eye placement signals the animal as: predator or prey?
  39. Side eye placement signals the animal as a :predator or prey?
  40. Herbavores consume what as their main source of energy?
    plant tissue
  41. True or False: Omnivores consume both plant and animal tissue as their main energy source.
  42. The order of the monogastric digestive tract is what?
    Mouth -> Esophagus -> Stomach -> Small Intestine -> Large Intestine -> Rectum
  43. Chemical digestion begins where?
  44. Mouth is a form of; physical or chemical digestion?
  45. Small intestine is the site of?
    Major absoption
  46. What prepares feces for absorption and is in charge of absoption of water?
    Large Intestines
  47. Microbial digestion takes place in the?
    Large Intestines
  48. The Cecum functions as a ___ and is otherwise known as_____?
    Vestigial Organ, Appendix
  49. What does R.O.A.R stand for?
    Rumen, omasum, abomasum, and reticulum
  50. What part of the ruminant is responsible for storage of large amount of feed?
  51. Reticulum is also known as the______ and works as a _____?
    Honey comb, sifter
  52. Rumen is also known as the ______?
  53. Where does microbial digestion in the ruminant take place?
  54. Omasum is also know as _______ and it ________ feed?
    manyplys, grinds/pulverizes
  55. Abomasum functions similar to the________?
    Monogastric stomach
  56. Greasy wool is what?
    Wool shorn once per year
  57. Wool that is washed to remove grease is know as?
    Scoured wool
  58. The leading world producer of greasy wool is?
  59. The three top wool producing states are?
    • 1. Texas
    • 2. Wyoming
    • 3. California
  60. Grease, in wool, is also known as?
  61. Shearing is to what?
    Take the wool off the sheep
  62. To put the fleece into a big washer and clean it is also called?
  63. Yolk, after it is processed, is used as?
  64. Mohair comes from what?
    Angora Goats
  65. Growth of wool occurs where?
    Hair follicles
  66. What supplement is important in wool and hair production?
  67. What is the most important nutrition in wool production?
  68. Cuticle is the?
    Outer layer of wool
  69. What is absent in fine wool but the center usually?
  70. Fleece is a term for?
    Wool from one sheep
  71. The natural waviness of a wool fiber is called?
  72. The length of a wool fiber is called?
  73. True or False: A clip is one years production of wool?
  74. What is the number of hanks of yarn that can be spun?
    Spin Count
  75. Wool tags are?
    Manure covered locks of wool = bad
  76. Wool is measured in what?
  77. Extremely fine fleece is usually less than ____ microns?
Card Set
Animal Science Test/ Final
Flash Cards for ANSC 107