Promotional Mix
- combination of one or more communication tools used to
- 1. inform prospective buyers about the benefits of the product
- 2. persuade them to try it
- 3. remind them later about the benefit they enjoyed by using the product
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
designing marketing communications programs that coordinate all promotional activities and to provide a consistent message across all audiences
process of conveying a message to others
communication requires 6 elemnts
a source, message, channel of communication, receiver, encoding, decoding
may be a company or a person who has information to convey
a message
the information sent by a source, such as a description of a new cellular telephone forms the message
a channel of communications
the means (salesperson, advertising media, or public relations tools) of conveying a message to a receiver during the communication process
consumers who read, hear or see the message
process of having the sender transform an idea into a set of symbols
reverse- process of having the receiver take a set of symbols, the message and transform the symbols back into the idea
field of experience
mutually shared understanding and knowledge that the sender and receiver apply to a message so that it can be communicated effectively during the communication process- decoding
feedback loop
consists of a response and feedback
- impact the message had on the receiver's knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors
- sometimes do pre-testing to ensure that messages are decoded properly
- extraneous factors that can work against effective communication by distorting a message or the feedback received
- -can be a simple error (printing mistake that affects the meaning) or pictures that fail to communicate message clearly