1. HACCP?
    Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
  2. HACCP Objective?
    • 1. Ensure effective sanitation and hygiene
    • 2. Produce safe product
    • 3. Provide proof that safety practice have been followed
  3. HACCP 7 Principles?
    • M- Monitor procedures
    • A- Analyze
    • I- Identify
    • L- Critical Limits
    • V- Verify procedures
    • C- Corrective actions
    • D- Document HACCP System
  4. HACCP Principles (M)?
    • Establish procedures to monitor critical control points
    • determine how and by whom monitor the cooking time & temperature
  5. HACCP Principles (A)?
    • Analyze hazards
    • Potential hazards associated with food
    • Measures to control hazards identified
    • biological → microbe
    • chemical → toxin
    • physical → ground glass
  6. HACCP Principles (I)?
    • Identify critical control points
    • Points in food's production
    • From raw state through processing, shipping to consumption by consumer
    • At which hazard can be controlled or eliminated
    • cooking, cooling, packaging, metal detection
  7. HACCP Principles (L)?
    • Establish preventive measures with critical limits for each control point
    • cooked food:
    • minimum cooking temperature
    • cooking time required
    • → ensure elimination of harmful microbes
  8. HACCP Principles (V)?
    • Establish procedures
    • to verify the system is working properly
    • testing time and temperature recording device to verify the cooking unit is working properly
  9. HACCP Principles (C)?
    • Establish corrective actions
    • to be taken when monitoring shows a critical limit has not been met
    • reprocessing or disposing if minimum temperature not met
  10. HACCP Principles (D)?
    • Establish effective record-keeping to document the HACCP system
    • each principle must backed by sound scientific knowledge
    • Published microbiological studies on time and temperature factors for controlling foodbrone pathogens
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