
  1. Next-Generation B-Education
    • Change Oriented
    • Global
    • Diverse
    • Socially responsible
    • Customized
    • Community focused
    • Ethics based
  2. Types of Organization Change
    • Transformational vs. Transactional
    • Dramatic vs. Incremental
    • Revolutionary vs. Evolutionary
    • Strategic vs. Operational
    • Episodic vs. Continuous
    • Global vs. Local
    • System-wide vs. Single unit
  3. Levels of Organization Change
    • Individual
    • Team
    • Organization
  4. Change Drivers (External?)
    • Globalization
    • Technological Innovations
    • Changing Nature of Workforce
    • Changing Nature of Work Arrangements
    • Competitive Pressures
    • Changing Customer Expectations
    • Mergers/Acquisitions
    • Changing Products and Services
  5. Trends Reshaping Business
    • Changing social attitudes & individual expectations
    • Globalization
    • Demographic Shifts
    • New Technologies 
    • People-dependent business strategies
  6. Types of Interventions
    • Human Process Interventions
    • Technostructural Interventions
    • Human Resource Management Interventions
    • Strategic Interventions
  7. Potential Intervention Outcomes
    • Organization adaptation
    • Problem solving
    • Individual/group development
    • Organizational learning
    • Organizational improvement
    • System enhancement
    • Organizational renewal
    • Absenteeism going down
  8. Internal Change Drivers
    • Leadership Change
    • Vision/Mission/Goals
    • Organization Structure/Work Setting
    • Systems/Processes/Practices
    • Organizational Culture (shared norms and values)
  9. Types of Change
    • Alpha Organization Change
    • Beta Organization Change
    • Gamma Organization Change
  10. Change Models (Tools)
    • Lewin (1947): Unfreezing | Moving | Refreezing
    • Bechard & Harris (1977): Present State | Transition State | Future State
    • Beer (1980): Dissatisfaction | Process | Model
    • Kanter (1983): Departures from tradition & crisis | Strategic decisions & prime movers | Action vehicles & institutionalization
    • Tichy & Devanna (1986): Awakening | Mobilizing | Reinforcing
    • Nadler & Tushman (1989): Energizing | Envisioning | Enabling
  11. Diagnostic Techniques (Methods)
    • Questionnaires/Surveys
    • Interviews (most expensive)
    • Group Discussions
    • Drawings
    • Collages
    • Polling
  12. Diagnostic Dimensions
    • Timing
    • Confidentiality
    • Administrative Participants
    • Type of Technique/Methods (the very best is face-to-face)
    • Nature & Size of Target Population
  13. Change Readiness
    • Cognitive (mental) precursor to the behaviors of resistance to, or support for, a change effort
    • Attitude and will toward change
  14. Influence (Leadership) Strategies to Increase Readiness
    • Effective Change Leadership and Senior Executive Support
    • Communication Planning (Oral / Written / Communicate a clear Change Message)
    • External Information Management
    • Training and Development (ADDIE/POP)
    • Active Participation
  15. ADDIE
    • Analysis
    • Design
    • Development
    • Implementation
    • Evaluation
  16. POP
    • Purpose
    • Outcomes
    • Plan
  17. What is diagnosis?
    Identifying the nature of organizational functioning (health, well-being)
  18. Why Change is Resisted
    • Loss of control: Too much is done to people rather than with people
    • Loss of face: Embarassment about the past
    • Too much uncertainty: Information about next steps is unavailable
    • Too many surprises: Decisions are sprung without preparation
    • Confusion: Unclear translation of strategy into practice
    • Competence concerns: Employees concern with their capabilities
  19. Why Change Initiatives Fail
    • Lack of information/misinformation (having a clear message)
    • Ineffective change leadership
    • Perceived as a fad or quick fix
    • Not linked to strategy
    • Short-term perspective
    • Lack of commitment
    • Lack of training and development
    • Historical/political realities
    • Lack of measurable results and follow-up
    • Fear of the unknown
  20. Factors Contributing to Effective Change Management
    • Motivating Change
    • Creating a Vision
    • Developing Support
    • Managing the Transition
    • Action Planning
    • Goal Setting
    • Sustaining the Change
  21. Action Planning
    • What needs to be done
    • Who needs to do it
    • By when
  22. Goal Setting
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Attainable
    • Realistic
    • Time-Bound
    • (SMART)
  23. Management Empowerment Methods
    • Expressing confidence in subordinates' accomplishments
    • Fostering opportunities for subordinates to participate in decision making
    • Providing autonomy from bureaucratic constraints
    • Setting inspirational and meaningful goals
  24. Organization Culture
    • Shared values, beliefs, and norms
    • (The set of key values, assumptions, beliefs, understandings, and norms that are shared by members of an organization)
  25. Functions of Culture
    • Integration
    • Adaptation
    • Identity
    • Commitment
  26. Success Factors for OD Professionals and Change Consultants
    • Stay motivated
    • Appreciate where your client is at (Empathy | EQ/EI - Emotional Intelligence)
    • Involve & develop the change recipients
    • Light many fires (collaborate)
    • Keep an optimistic bias (challenges seen as opportunities)
  27. What is the Purpose of Organizational Learning?
    • Growth & Development
    • Continuous Improvement
    • Organizational Effectiveness
    • Organizational Change & Transformation
  28. The Missing Synergy
    • Shared Vision
    • Change Mastery
    • Team Learning
  29. Change Masters
    The right people in the right place at the right time (Kanter)
  30. What an exemplary leader looks like
    • Is a skilled speaker
    • Has a strong interest in and understands people
    • Is energetic
    • Shows early in life that he or she will accomplish something
    • Is willing to confront individuals in authority
    • Is concerned with moral issues
    • Often is competitive
    • Enjoys a position of control
    • Establishes relationships in ever-widening circles
    • Travels outside her or his homeland
    • Has completed the necessary apprenticeships
    • Is attuned to issues on people's minds, particularly issues of identity
    • Adjusts his or her story to accommodate changing circumstances while still adhering to basic principles and remaining an individual of conviction
    • Attaches herself or himself to an institution or organization-or creates one
    • Seeks opportunities for reflection
    • Is more optimistic than pessimistic
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Management 6500: Change Management