TCM Fundamentals Final

  1. Zang Fu symptoms:
    Shortness of breath, faigue and chronic cough with watery sptutum
    Weak voice and bright white complexion
    Tendency to catch cold during winter
    Lung-Qi Deficiency
  2. Zang Fu Symptom:
    Called 911
    Palpitations and stabbing chest pain
    Constriction of chest
    Cyanotic lips
    Dark Complexion
    Heart-Blood stagnation
  3. Zang Fu Symptoms:
    Poor Appetite
    Abdominal distention after eating
    loose stools
    Sallow complexion
    eats fast food regularly
    Spleen-Qi deficiency
  4. Zang fu symptom:
    Marathon runner and vegetarian
    Scanty or no periods
    Recent bouts of dizzindess, difficulty sleep and blurred vision
    Nails are dry and brittle
    Liver-blood deficiency
  5. Zang Fu symptoms:
    85 years old man with dizziness and vertigo
    Bad short-term memory and low ringing in ear
    Dry mout at night and hot hands and feet
    Back aches and irregular movements
    Kidney-yin deficiency
  6. Zang fu symptoms:
    Dizziness and blurry vision
    Lack of courage and timidness
    Gullblader Xu
  7. Zang Fu symptoms:
    Discomfort in abdomen and sour regurgitation
    Foul breath and thick tongue coat
    Consumed large amount of food
    Stomach food stagnation
  8. Zang Fu Symptoms:
    5 years old boy
    developed cravings for soil, wax and uncook rice
    stomach hurts
    sallow complexion
    Hook worm in the SI
  9. Zang Fu Symptoms:
    Sudden abdominal pain and diarrhea
    feeling very cold
    Cold invading the LI
  10. Zang Fu symptoms:
    Frequent, urgent and burning urination
    Urination stops mid-flow and is dark
    Fever and constant thirst
    UB damp Hat
  11. Zang Fu symptoms:
    Regularly mutters to himself
    Incoherent speech followed by violence and swearing
    Phlegm Fire Harrassing the HT
  12. Zang Fu Symptoms:
    Chronic cough with profuesd white sputum
    Constantly feels clogged up
    Hard time sleeping because symptoms get worse while lying down
    White pasty complexion and out of breath
    Lung Phlegm
  13. Zang Fu symptoms:
    Fatigue and distention after eating
    Prolapse anus
    Spleen-qi falling
  14. Zang Fu symptoms:
    Emotions fluctuate wildly before periods
    Liver-qi stagnation
  15. Zang Fu Symptoms:
    Shortness of breathe with exertion
    Cough, sore back and difficulty inhalation
    Kidney-qi failing to grasp
  16. Zang Fu Symptoms:
    Vomitting and hiccups
    Stomach-qi rebellion with Liver-qi stagnation
  17. Zang Fu Symptoms:
    Lower abdomen that twist and extend to his back
    Frequent stomach rumbling
    Lots of gas, when released, relieves the pain
    Small Intestine Qi pain
  18. Zang Fu Symptoms:
    Palpitations and insomnia
    Agitation and impulsiveness
    Painful canker sores
    Hot and thirsty all the time
    Red face
  19. Zang Fu symptoms:
    Frequent temporal headaches with Outbursts of anger
    Red face and eyes
    Interrupted sleep with dreams
    High pitched rining in ears with Constipation and nose bleeds
  20. Zang Fu Symptoms:
    8 year old with mental retardation
    Frontal fontanels didn't close until 3yrd old
    Bones have not developed properly
    KD-Essence dificiency
  21. True or False, GB is a Yin organ that deals with Food, Drink and Waste
    • False, GB is a Yang organ
    • GB is the ONLY Yang organ that does NOT deal with Food, Drink or waste
  22. True or False: GB is the only YANG organ taht communicates with the exterior
    • FALSE
    • GB is the onlyYANG organ that does NOT communicate with the Exterior
  23. What is the shape of the GB?
    • Shapped like a Yang Organ
    • Hollow
  24. What is the function of the GB?
    • Functions like a Yin Organ
    • Stores Bile
  25. What organ does Surplus Liver-Qi flow into?
  26. What does surplus Liver-qi become?
    Surplus Liver Qi becomes Post-Heaven Essence in the GB
  27. What can sbstruct the flow of surplus Liver-qi into the GB?
    • Damnp-heat
    • Blood stasis
    • GB stones
    • Parasites and worms
  28. Bile is known as an [Blank].  Is bile clean or dirty?
    • An Essential Juice
    • It is bitter but "clean"
  29. Which role does the GB play in terms the Psycho-Emotional?
    Controls short term dicisions (judgements)
  30. Psycho-emotionaly, disease of the GB leads to what?
    • GB qi harassing he Heart
    • Symptoms: Palpations, fear, dread, desire to sleep and insomnia
  31. Which tissue does the GB control?
    • Secondary control to the Sinews
    • Provides Qi to sinews for proper movement and agility
  32. What organ is the primary control for the muscles and sinews?
    • Liver
    • LIV nourishes the sinews with blood
  33. LIV and GB has an interor/exterior relationship, which is interior and which is exterior?
    • Liver is Interior
    • GB is Exterior but does not communicate with the outside
  34. Heat from the Liver can easily shift to which organ, and vise versa?
  35. GB's function of excreting and storing bile is based on the function of which organ?
    Liver's function of smooth flow of qi
  36. Liver's function of smooth flow of qi is aided by which organ?
    GB qi
  37. Psycho-Emotional:
    Liver's ability for long term planning is dependent on GB in what way?
    Depends on GB's ability to make judgements in the minute by minute
  38. For the GB, besides LIV, what other organ helps it's functions and receives help from the GB?
  39. Pathology:
    GB damp-heat symptoms are?
    • Hypochondriac pain (Pain below the ribs) & Distention
    • Nausea and vomitting(Liver & ST)
    • Inability to digest fats (GB)
    • Yellow Complexsion (Jaundice, Liver or GB)
    • Scanty, dark urine (heat)
    • Fever (heat)
    • Thirst with no desire (Damp heat)
    • Bitter taste
  40. Pathologies:
    GB Xu symptoms are?
    • Nervousness, timidity, lack of courage and initiative
    • Sighing, easily startled
    • Dizziness & blurry vision (Affects the eyes through the LIV)
  41. What does the SI control?
    • Receivnig of food and water
    • Seperation of pure and impure
  42. What does the SI do with fluids?
    Move and transform fluids
  43. What is the relationship between the SI and the HT?
    • Psycho-Emotional:
    • Distinguish right from wrong
    • Critical Appressal
  44. What is the relationship between the GB and the HT?
    • GB gives the courage to make decisions
    • GB Xu, lack of initiative
  45. Pathologies of SI:
    Heat symptoms are?
    • Mental Restlessness (HT)
    • Tongue Ulcers (SI or HT Heat)
    • Pain in throat (SI + Heat)
    • Deafness
    • Uncomfortable feeling and heat in chest (Heat + HT)
    • Abdominal Pain (SI)
    • Thirst, Scanty Dark Urine, Dysuria, Uremia (Fluids=SI,UB or KD)
  46. Pathologies of SI:
    Qi Pain symptoms are?
    • Abdominal twisting, extends to back
    • Dislike pressure on the abdomin
    • Borborygmus, gas/flatulence
    • Relief of pain by farting
    • Pain in testis
  47. Symptoms of Roundworms in the SI?
    • Abdominal pain
    • vomit round worms
    • Cold Limbs
  48. Symptoms of Hookworms in the SI?
    Desire to eat strange objects: soil / wax /etc
  49. Symptoms of Pin worms in the SI
    • Itchy anus
    • Itching ets worse in evenings
  50. Symptoms of Tapeworms in the SI
    Constant Hunger WITH a desire to eat
  51. What does the Large Intestine receive?
    Digested food from SI
  52. What does the Large Intestines transform?
    • Digested food into Stool
    • Transform food into water (Reabsorbtion)
  53. What is the direction of qi for the Large Intestines?
    • Downward
    • Also sends stool downwards
  54. What does the Large Intestines excrete?
  55. What is the Large Intestine's relationship with the Lungs?
    • LI depends on the Lung-qi ability to move things down
    • Descending function of elimination
    • Exernal/Internal relationship
  56. Between the Lung and Large Intestine, which is external and which is internal?
    • Large Intestine is external (Fu organ)
    • Lung is Internal (Zang organ), only Zang organ that interact with the outside
  57. What is the Psycho-Emotional role of the Large Intestines?
    Letting go and NOT dwelling in the past
  58. Pathologies of the Large Intestines:
    What are the symptoms of Damp-heat?
    • Abdominal Pain, diarrhea
    • Muscus and blood in stool (Heat + LI)
    • Offensive odor of stools (LI)
    • Burning anus (Heat + LI)
    • Scanty-Dark urine
    • Fever (Heat)
    • Sweatting
    • Thirst without desire (Damp heat)
    • body and limb feels heavy, stuffy chest and epigastrum
  59. Pathologies of Large Intestines:
    Dryness symptoms are?
    • Internal cause
    • Dry stool with difficulty discharging (LI + Dryness)
    • dry mouth and throat (Heat)
    • thin body
  60. Pathologies of the LArge Intestines:
    Cold invating symptoms are?
    • Sudden abdominal pain and diarrhea with pain
    • Feeling cold
    • Cold sensation in abdomen
  61. What is the function of the Urinary Bladder?
    Removes water via Qi Transformation of fluids into urine
  62. What is the role of the Bladder in the body?
    • District official
    • Stores fluids for excretion by Qi transformation
  63. What is the Psycho-emotional role of the UB?
    Imbalence (Dampness) causes jeolousy, suspicion and long-lasting grudges
  64. What is the relationship between the UB and KD?
    • KD and Ming Men provides the UB with Qi for fluid transformation
    • KD rely on UB to excrete "dirty" fluids
  65. Pathologies of the UB:
    Damp Heat Symptoms are?
    • Frequent, urgent urination (Dampness)
    • Burning urination (HEAT)
    • Difficulty, Stopping Mid Flow (UB)
    • Dark or turbid or bloody urine (Heat)
    • Sand, Fever and Thirst (Heat)
  66. Pathologies of the UB:
    Damp Cold symptoms are?
    • Difficulty, Stopping Mid Flow (UB)
    • Frequent, Urgent Urination (Dampness)
    • Pale urine (Cold)
    • Heaviness in Hypogastrium and urethra (Dampness)
  67. What is the the San Jiao the Official of?
    Official of Irrigation: controls water passages and excetion of fluids
  68. What fluids are controlled by the Upper Burner (Upper Jiao)?
    • Lets out Wei Qi (Sweating)
    • Too much Wei Qi stops sweating and closes the pores
  69. What fluids are controlled by the Middle Burner (Middle Jiao)?
    Lets out Nutritive Qi (Stomach Fluids)
  70. What fluids are controlled by the Lower burner (Lower Jiao)?
    • Lets out Fluds to the UB (Urine)
    • Transforms, sepates and excrets fluids
    • Organs for transformation of fluids include: UB, KI, SI, LI, BUT NOT LIVER
  71. The San Jiao mobilizes Origin Qi (Yuan Qi) via what action?
    • By differentiating Yuan Qi into the various Organ-qi
    • By transporting Yuan-Qi throughout the body
  72. The Qi Mechanism of the San Jiao that controls the ascending-desendin and entering-existing of Qi is?
    Free Passage of Qi
  73. The Upper Burner of the San Jiao is like a [BLANK] and include which organs?
    • "Like a Mist"
    • Organs: LUNG, HT, PC, Throat and Head
  74. The Middle Burner of the San Jiao is like a [BLANK] and include which organs?
    • "Bubbling Cauldron"
    • Orangs: ST, SP, GB
  75. The Lower Burner of the San Jia is like a [Blank] and include which organs?
    • "Drinage ditch"
    • Organs: KD, SI, LI, UB, LIVER
  76. The San Jiao's relationship with the PC is most visible where?
    • SJ and PC Channels
    • Psycho-emotional: Minister Fire raising clear heat and calms mind
  77. What is the shape of a Yang (Fu) Organ?
  78. What is the function of a Yin (Zang) Organ?
    • Storage of Essential Juices
    • Corrosponds to Structure
    • FILLS UP but NOT overfilled
  79. What is the function of a Yang (Fu) Organ?
    • Handle Food, Discharge Waste (Except for GB)
    • Corrosponds to Function
    • Oversupplied but NOT filled up
  80. What is the shape of Yin (Zang) Organs?
  81. Symptoms:
    Heart Symptoms + Urinary Symptoms = ?
    Small Intestine Problems
  82. Symptom of general Dampness
  83. Symptoms of Upper Jiao Dampness
  84. The Uterus functions like a [BLANK] organ and has the shape of a [Blank] organ.
    • Fnntion of Yin (Zang)
    • Shape of Yang (Fu)
  85. The Yin aspect of the Uterus is responsible for:
    • Storage of blood
    • Storage of fetus
  86. The Yang aspect of Uterus is responsible for:
    • The Discharge of Blood
    • The Discharge of Fetus
  87. The function of the Uterus is related which other organ?
  88. The Uterus is incharge of what?
    • Menstral Blood
    • Regulates: menstruation, conception and pregnancy
  89. The Ren Mai is the known as the [BLANK] Vessel and the "Sea of [Blank]".  It regulate which organs.
    • Directing Vessel
    • "Sea of Yin"
    • Regulates all Yin Organs: HT,PC, LUNG, LIV, KD, SP
  90. The Yin (Zang) organs are [External/Internal] and include the organs:
    • Internal
  91. The Yang (Fu) organs are [External/Internal] and include the organs:
    • External
    • SI, SJ, LI, GB, UB, ST
  92. What is known as the Penetrating Vessel?  What does the Penetrating Vessel do?
    • Chong Mai
    • Provides Blood to the Uterus
  93. What is the origin of the Ren Mai and Chong Mai
  94. Via what vessel is Qi and Essence provide to the Uterus?
    Ren Mai
  95. The Uterus requires an abondance of what for reproduction?
    Kidney Essence
  96. Abondance Kidney Essence is required for which part of reproduction?
    • Development of the Uterus
    • Proper Menstration
    • Conception and Child Baring
  97. The Uterus can cause vomitting and nausia via what mechanism?
    Rebellious Qi in the Chong Mai affecting the ST
  98. In men "Room of Essence" is which organ and is the equvelent of what organ in woman?  What does the "Room of Essence" produce?
    • Room of Essence = Prostate = Uterus
    • Produces Sperm
  99. Which organ is known as the "Sea of Marrow"?
  100. In TCM the brain controls which aspect of the conciousness?
    Memory, Concentration, Sight, Hearing, Touch, Smell
  101. The brain overlap with what organ in the mental aspect?
    • The Heart, as primary
    • The Brain a secondary
  102. What are the three Names associated with the brain?
    • "Sea of Marrow"
    • "Palace of the Mind"
    • "Residence of Intelligence"
  103. What substance fills the brain?  What produces that substance?
    • Marrow
    • Produced by Kidney Essence
  104. What substance nourishes the brain?
    HT Blood
  105. The brain depends on which 2 organs to activate/function?
    HT and Kidney
  106. What is the common matrix that fills the brain, bone and spinal cord?
  107. What is the function of Marrow?
    • Fills brain, spinal cord and forms bone marrow.
    • Makes blood
  108. What is the treatment for bone desease?
    Tonify Kidney
  109. Tian Qui is blood of which organ?  Why is it considered special?
    • Uterus
    • It's important because it's mixed with Essence
  110. Chong Mai originates from which organ?  Run to which organ?  Runs through which organ?
    • Orginates from the Kidney
    • Runs through the Stomach
    • Runs to the Uterus
  111. Rebellis Qi in the Chong Mai causes what symptoms?
    Nausia and Vomitting
  112. What organ makes Tian Gui
  113. Which organ stores the regular blood that fills the Uterus?
  114. Which organ promotes the discharge of Menstral Blood and Ovulation?
  115. During the menstral cycle, [Organ] transforms Yang to Yin during the Falicular Phase?  Which are two phases?
    • Heart
    • Phase 1: Menstration
    • Phase 2: Post-Menstration
  116. During the menstral cycle, [Organ] transforms Yin to Yang during the Latial Phase?  Which are two phases?
    • Heart
    • Phase 3: Midcycle
    • Phase 4: Pre-menstral
  117. In the Falicular Phase, which vessel is growing?  Which vital substances are involved?
    • Ren Mai and Chong Mai is growing
    • Yin and Blood is growing
  118. In the Latial Phase, which vessel is growing?  Which vital substances are involved?
    • Yang and Du Mai is growing
    • Yin is transformed to Yang
  119. What happens to unspent Qi?
    Returns to the Kidney to make Post-Heavent Essence
  120. What happens to undischarged Essence?
    Returns to the Liver for storage and later used to make blood
  121. Where is bone marrow made?
    • Spinal Cord and Bone
    • Made by Marrow
  122. Which organ governs blood?
  123. Which organ governs Qi?
  124. What does it mean for the Heart to "govern" blood?  What does it mean for the Lungs to "govern" qi?
    • The Heart is the primary mover of blood
    • The Lungs is the primary mover of qi
  125. Which organ supports the Heart in moving blood?  Which organ supports the Lungs in moving qi?
    • The Lungs is the secondary mover of Blood
    • The Heart is the secondary mover of Qi
  126. What does it mean for the Lungs "faces the hundred vessels"?
    • Oxygenates blood
    • Pushes Qi into the heart to make blood
  127. Pathologies of Relationships:
    Lung Qi Xu leads to what pathology with the Blood?
    Sluggish movement of blood (Blood stagnation)
  128. Pathologies and relationships:
    Heart Qi Xu leads to what pathology with the Lung?
    Abnormal movement of blood and negative influence of Lung D&D
  129. Pathologies:
    What are the symptoms of Lung Qi Xu leading to Blood Stagnation?
    • Cough, Shortness of Breath
    • Oppression of Chest and Palpatation
    • Cynosis of the lips
    • Purple Tongue
  130. Pathologies:
    What are the symptoms of Heart Qi Xu leading to Lung D&D dysfunction?
    • Cough, Panting
    • Oppression of Chest, Palpation
    • Cynosis of lips
    • Purple tongue
  131. Pathologies:
    What symptom seperates Ht Qi Xu from Lu Qi Xu?
    Breathing is more difficult of Ht Qi Xu (panting)
  132. What organ stores the Shen?
    The Heart
  133. What organ stores the Hun?
    The Liver
  134. What organ Stores and Regulates Blood?
    The Liver
  135. Which psycho-emotional component directs the Hun?
    The Shen
  136. Which organ and it's function aids the Heart in governing Shen?
    • The Liver
    • Function: Free Coursing of Qi
  137. Which part of the soul controls the "coming and going" of the Shen?
    The Hun
  138. Pathologies of relationships:
    Heart Xue Xu  leads to what pathology Liver, and vise versa?
    Liver Xue Xu
  139. Pathologies and relationships:
    Shen Disharmy leads to what pathology with the Liver?
    Liver Qi Stagnation
  140. Pathologies of Relationships:
    What are symptoms of Ht Xue Xu leading to Liver Xue Xu?
    • General Blood Xu symptoms
    • Lesterless Complexion & Palpations (Heart)
    • Dizzyness, blurred vission, pale nails and Scanty Pale Menstration (Liver)
    • Summery: Blood Xu + Heart Symptoms + Liver Symptoms
  141. Pathologies of Relationships:
    What are the symptoms of Shen Disharmony leading to Liver Qi Stag?
    • Palpation (Heart)
    • Insomnia and Irretability (Shen)
    • Depression and Unhappyness (Psycho-emotional)
    • Ribside Distension and Pain (Qi Stag)
    • Summery: Heart + Shen + Qi Stag
  142. What is the relationship between the Spleen and the Heart?  Which organ makes, and which organ governs?
    • Blood
    • Spleen makes, Heart Governs
  143. What role does the Spleen play in the circulation of blood?  What role does the Heart play in the circulation of blood?
    • Spleen keeps blood in the vessels
    • Heart circulates the blood
  144. Pathological relationships:
    Heart Xue Xu leads to what pathology with the Spleen?
    Unable to nourish Spleen
  145. Pathology of Relationships:
    Spleen Qi Xu leads to what pathology with the Heart?
    • Insufficient Heart Blood
    • Blood loss affecting Heart Blood
  146. Pathology of Relationships:
    What are the symptoms of Heart Xue Xu leading to malnourished Spleen?
    • Palpation and pale comlexion (Heart)
    • Insomnia and Copias Dreaming (Shen)
    • Spleen Qi defiency: Decreaes appitite, abdominal destension, brusing, T&T deficieny, loose stool
    • Summery: Pale Complexion + Splenn Qi
  147. Pathology of Relationships:
    What are the symptoms of Spleen Qi Xu leading to insufficient Heart-blood?
    • Spleen Qi Deficiency: Decrease Appetite, Abdominal distension, Spleen qi failure to contain blood
    • Palpations and Lusterless Complexion (Heart)
    • Insonia and Copius Dreaming (Shen)
    • Summery: Lusterless Complexion + Spleen Qi
  148. What are the 3 relationships between Heart and Kidney?
    • Yin (Kidney) and Yang (Heart)
    • Water (Kidney) and Fire (Heart)
    • Essence (Kidney) and Shen (Heart)
  149. What psycho-emotional aspect directs Essence?
  150. What does Essence do for Shen?
    Essence is the material bases of the Mind
  151. Pathologies of Relationships:
    Kidney Yin Xu leads to what pathology with the heart?
    Heart Fire
  152. Pathology of relationships:
    What are the symptoms of Kidney Yin Xu leading to Heart Fire?
    • Palpation (Haert)
    • Insomnia and Copius Dreaming (Shen)
    • Tenitis, sore and limpness of lombard and knee (Kidney)
    • Dream Emissions in males, dreaming of intercourse in female (Kidney)
    • Summery: Heart + Shen + Kidney
  153. Pathology of Relationships:
    Kidney Yang Xu leads to what patholody with the Heart?
    Water intimidating the Heart
  154. Pathology of Relationships:
    What are the symptoms of Kidney Yang Xu leading to Water Intimidating the Heart?
    • Fear of Cold (Water + Kidney)
    • Somber White Complexion (Heart)
    • Edema, Scanty Urine (Kidney)
    • Palpation (Heart)
    • Summery: Fear + Heart + Kidney
  155. Pathologies of relationships:
    Heart Xue Xu leads to what pathology with the Kidney?
    Kidney Essence Xu
  156. Pathology of Relationships:
    What are the symptoms of Heart Xue Xu leading to Kidney Essence Xu?
    • Poor Memory, Dizzyness, Tenitis (Kidney)
    • Insomnia and Copius Dreaming (Shen)
    • Summery: Shen + Ear + Kidney
  157. What are the two relationships between Spleen and Liver?
    Blood and Qi
  158. Between the Spleen and Liver, when dealing with blood, which organ does what?
    • Spleen makes and contains blood
    • Liver stores and regulates blood
  159. Between the Spleen and Liver, when dealing with Qi, which organ does what?
    • Liver insures the free coursing of Qi
    • Spleen T&T Qi
  160. Which organ makes Fluids and which organ recieves Fluids?
    • Spleen makes fluids and Gu Qi
    • Lung recieves fluids
  161. How is the Lungs involved with the Spleen in Fluid metabolism
    • Lungs recieves the fluid from Spleen
    • Lung D&D help transport food and fluids
  162. Pathology of Relationships:
    Lung Qi Xu leads to what pathology of Spleen?
    Gu Qi cannot combine with Clear Qi to form Zong Qi
  163. Pathology of Relationships:
    Spleen Qi Xu leads to what pathology with the Lungs?
    • Lung Qi Xu
    • Unable to form Zong Qi by combining Gu Qi with Clear Qi
  164. Pathology of relationships:
    Chronic Lung disease consumes qi leading to what pathology with the Spleen?
    • Same problem as Lung Qi Xu
    • Spleen Qi Xu
    • Zong Qi unable to form
  165. Pathology of relationships:
    When Spleen Qi Xu leads to pathological damnpness, what pathology of the lung occures?
    • Phlegm in the Lungs
    • D&D Deficiency
    • Spleen sends phlegm to the lungs
  166. Pathology of relationships:
    When Lung Qi Xu has D&D deficiency, what pathologies occure?
    Damnpness leading to Spleen T&T Deficiency leading to Phlegm in lungs
  167. Which direction are Lung Qi and Liver Qi going?
    • Lung Qi descends
    • Liver Qi Ascends and Free Courses
  168. Pathology of relatonships:
    What does it mean when "Wood fire tomenting Metal"?
    • Liver qi stagnation causes fire to raise and invade the Lungs
    • The lungs loses D&D
  169. The relationship between the Liver and Lung are two things, what are they?
    • Qi and Qi (Lung D&D assists Liver Free coursing, and vise versa)
    • Qi and Blood (Lung gov Qi which commands Blood stored in the Liver)
  170. What are the 2 relationships between Lungs and Kidney?
    Qi and Jing-ye
  171. How does the Kidneys affect Qi and Respiration?
    During Inhalation, Kidney reaches up to grasp Clear Qi into the lungs
  172. How does the fluids from Kidney affect the lungs?
    The Kidney sends fluids up to moisten the lungs
  173. How does the Lungs affect the fluid from Kidneys
    During exhalation the Lung sends Qi down to transform Fluids
  174. Yin from which two organs mutually engender each other and moves together?
    Lung-yin and Kidney-yin
  175. Pathology of relationships:
    What re the symptoms from Obstruction of Fluid Metabolism?
    • Obstructed Excetion
    • Cough
    • Qi Panting (Inability to take deep breath)
    • Scanty urine, edema (kideny)
    • Summery: Qi Panting + Kideny
  176. What is Qi Panting?
    • Inability to take deep breathes
    • Difficulty inhalation
  177. Pathology of relationships:
    Waht are the symptoms of Kidney failing to grasp Clear Qi
    • Qi Panting
    • Cough and Shortness of Breath
    • Summery: Qi Panting + Lung
  178. Pathologies of Relationships:
    What are the symptoms of Lung-yin and Kidney-yin Xu, at the same time?
    • Malar Flush (False heat)
    • Steaming Bones/Hot bones (False Heat/Kidney)
    • Night Sweats (False Heat)
    • Dry muted cough (Heat + Lung)
    • Lower back pain (Kidney)
    • Sumery: Kidney + Lung + False Heat
  179. Pathology of Relationships:
    Liver Qi stagnation leads to what pahtology of the Spleen
    Spleen unable to T&T
  180. What are the symptoms of Spleen loosing the ability to T&T?
    Loose Stools
  181. Pathology of relationships:
    T&T Failure leads to what patholog of the Liver and GB?
    • Liver and Gall Bladder damp-heat
    • Depression due to Liver
  182. What are symptoms of Damp-Heat in the Liver and Gull Bladder?
    • Jaundice, Depression, Ribside distension and Pain (Liver/Bile)
    • Abdominal Distension and Loss of Appetite (GB)
    • Diahrria
  183. Pathology of Relationships:
    Spleen T&T Failure leads to what pathologies in the Liver and Spleen?
    • Liver Xue Xu
    • Spleen failure to contain blood in vessels
  184. What are the symptoms of Liver Xue Xu and Spleen failing to contain?
    • Low Appetite, Fatigue, exhaustion (Spleen)
    • Dizzyness, Blurred Vision (Liver)
    • Floaters in Eyes (Liver Xue Xu)
    • Scanty Pale Menstraton (Liver Xue Xu)
  185. What are the 2 relationships between Liver and Kidney?
    • Blood and Essence
    • Liver stores and regulates blood which nourish essence
    • Kidney stores Essence which makes Blood
  186. What happens to surplus qi?
    Returns to the Kidney as Essence
  187. What happens to surplus Essence?
    Returns to Essence in the Liver and later transformed into Blood (if needed)
  188. Yin from which organ nourishes Liver Yin?
  189. Yin from which 2 organs enriches Kidney Yin?
    • Liver-yin
    • Lung-yin
  190. Pathology of relationships:
    What are the sumptoms of Kidness Essence and Liver Xue Xu?
    • Dizzyness, Blurred Vision (Liver)
    • Tenitis (Liver and Kidney)
    • Diftness (Essence)
    • Soreness and lower back pain (Kidney)
    • Summery: Diftness + Kidney + Liver
  191. Pathology of Relationships:
    Liver Yin xu leads to what pathology in the Kidneys?  And what is the cause of Liver Yin Xu?
    • Kidney Yin Xu
    • Liver Yin Xu caused by hyperactive Liver yang
    • "Water not moistening wood"
  192. Pathology of Relationships:
    What are the symptoms of Liver Yin Xu leading to Kidney Yin Xu?
    • Dizzyness and Blurred Vision (Liver)
    • Red Facial Complexion (False Heat)
    • Insomnia and Irretability (Shen)
    • Night Sweats (False Heat)
    • Seminal Emissions (Kidney failure to store)
    • Summery: False Heat + Liver + Kidney failture to store
  193. What are the 2 causes of Liver Failure to Free Coursing and Kidney Storage and sealing?
    • Liver Xue Xu + Kidney Essence Xu
    • Liver and Kidney Yin Xu + Fire
  194. What are the symptoms of Liver Free Coursing failure and Kidney failure to store and contain?
    • Caotic Menstral Cycle, Amenarrhia, Failure to ejaculate (Essence)
    • Menarraghrage, Seminal Emissions (Kidney failure to store)
    • Summery: Essence + Kidney failure to store
  195. What is the relationships between Kidney and Spleen?
    • Essence
    • Kidney is the root of Pre-heaven Essence
    • Spleen is the root of Post-heaven Essence
  196. What is the relationship between Post-heaven and Pre-Heaven Essence?
    • Post-Heaven Essence supplements Pre-Heaven Essence
    • Pre-Heaven Essence is the bases of Post-Heaven Essence
  197. The Ming Men Fire is composed of yang from which two organs?
    • Kidney (primary)
    • Spleen (secondary)
  198. Spleens ability to T&T Fluid is driven by yang from which organ?
    Kidney yang
  199. Pathology of Relationships:
    Spleen qi xu leads to what pahology in the Kidney?
    Kidney Essence Xu
  200. Pathologies of Relationships:
    What are the symptoms  of Spleen Qi xu leading to Kidney Essence Xu?
    • Abdominal Distence, loose stool, emiciation (Spleen qi)
    • Sore back, tenitis (Kidney)
    • Slow development and general poor health (Essence xu)
  201. What is the pathological mechanism that causes Kidney Essence Xu due to Spleen Qi Xu
    • Spleen Qi Xu (Failure to T&T) causes deficiency of Post-Heaven Essence.
    • Lack of Post-Heaven Essence means more Pre-Heaven Essence is used.
  202. Pathologies of relationships:
    Kidney yang can lead to what pathology of the Spleen?
    • Spleen yang xu
    • Spleen yang picks up the slack where kidney yang left off
  203. Pathologies of relationships:
    What ar ethe symptoms of Kidnwy yang xu and spleen yang xu?
    • General Qi Difficiency symptoms
    • Cold
    • Cold Abdominal pain
    • Sore and cold back (Kidney)
    • Cock's Crow Diahrria (Liver + Yang)
    • Summery: Qi Difficency + Cold + Kidney + Cock's Crow Diahrria
  204. What is Cock's Crow Diahrria?
    Diahrria upon waking
  205. Pathology of relationships::
    Spleen and Kidney Qi xu leads to what Qi pathology?
    • Qi unable to transform
    • Failure Fluid Metabolism
  206. Pathology of Relationships:
    What are the symptoms of Spleen and Kidney Qi Xu leading to failure of T&T and Fluid Metabolism?
    • Puffy swelling of the face and limbs (Edema of the upper Jaio)
    • Abdominal Distence (Spleen)
    • Fear of cold and cold limbs (Kidney + Cold)
    • Sore back and knee (Kidney)
    • Summery: Edema + Kidney + Spleen + Cold
  207. What is the Spleen the Official of?
    Grainery official from whom the five tastes are derived
  208. What are the 4 functions of the spleen?
    • T&T of food/water to make blood
    • T&T fluids into usable and un-usable (Fluid Metabolism)
    • Control/Make Blood
    • Control muscles
  209. What is the pathology of Spleen Qi Xu in relation to food?  What are the symptoms?
    • Spleen failure to T&T
    • Symptoms: Poor digestion, abdominal distention, loose stool, poor appetite
  210. What are the pathology of Spleen Qi Xu in relation to Fluids?  What are the symptoms?
    • Spleen failure of Fluid Metabolism
    • Symptoms: Edema, Phlegm, and dampness
    • Treatment: treat the spleen
  211. What are the symptoms of Spleen failing to contain?
    • Brusing
    • Hammerage
  212. What are the sympoms of Spleen Xu in relation to making Blood?
    • Blood Deficiency
    • Emenia
    • Treamtment: Tonify spleen
  213. What are the symptoms of Spleen Xu failing to provide enough Gu Qi to the muscles?
    Fatigue, atrophy, weak muscles
  214. Where does the Spleen OPEN into?
    The Mouth
  215. Where does the spleen manifes?
  216. What manifestations appear on the lips when there is Spleen Xu?
    • Spleen Blood Xu: Pale lips
    • Spleen yin xu: Dry lips
    • Spleen Heat: Red and Dry lips
    • Lack of Taste
  217. What are the symptoms of Spleen Qi falling?
    • Prolapse
    • Undigested Food
    • Hemeroids
  218. What component of the Psycho-emotional does the Spleeen House?
    • The Yi, Residence of thought
    • Concentration
    • Quick Thinking
  219. What part of the Psycho-Emotional is the Heart responsible for?
    • Shen
    • Thinking clearly
    • Long term planning
    • Long term memory
  220. What part of the Psycho-Emotional is the Kidney responsible for?
    • Zhi, Willpower
    • Short term memory
  221. What organ makes phlegm and what organ makes Jing-ye?
    • Stomach makes Jing-Ye
    • Spleen T&T Jing-ye but makes Phlegm
  222. Qi stagnation in the middle burner and Spleen Xu causes what symptoms?
    Poor digestion and distention of epigastrom (Abdomen)
  223. What Element does the Spleen Loath?
    • Dampness
    • Dampness obstructs Spleen leading to T&T Deficiency
  224. What are the symptoms of dampness in Spleen?
    • Abdominal Fullness (Dampness)
    • Urinary Problems
    • Vaginal Discharge
  225. What is the bodily fluid is used to diagnose pathology of the Spleen in clinic?
    • Saliva
    • Spleen Xu = Dry Mouth
  226. What is the pathology:
    No appetite, abdominal distention after eating, tiredness, lassitude, sallow complexion, weak limbs loose stools
    Spleen-qi Deficiency
  227. What is the pathology:
    Spleen Qi Xu Symptoms, bearing down sensation in abdomen, prolapse of st, uterus, anus, vagina, frequent and urgent urination
    Spleen Qi Falling
  228. What is the pathology:
    Spleen Qi Xu, purpura, blood spots under skin, blood in urine and stools, menorrhagia or metorrhagia, sallow compexsion, Shortness of Breathe
    Spleen-qi failing to contain
  229. What is the pathology:
    Spleen Qi Xu, cold limbs, edema
    Spleen-yang Xu = SP QI XU + COLD
  230. What is the pathology:
    No appetite, stuffiness of chest and epigastrum, feeling of cold in epigastrum feeling heavy in head, sweetish taste or no taste, no thirst, lose-thin stoolss, white vaginal discharge, lassitude and feeling heaviness.
    Damp cold encombering spleen
  231. What is the pathology:
    Stuffiness of epigastrum and lower abdomen, no appetite, feeling heaviness, thirst without desire or small sips, nausesa, vomiting, abdominal pain, loose stools with offensive odor, buning anus, scanty dark urine, low-grade fever
    Damn Heat encombering spleen
  232. What is the pathology:
    Hunger with no desire to eat
    Stomach-yin deficiency
  233. What is the Liver the Official of?
    General of the army from whom all strategy is derived
  234. Where does blood go when the body is active?
    From the liver into the muscles
  235. Where does blood go when the body is at rest
    From the muscles into the liver for storage
  236. Liver blood xu causes what symptoms during menstration?
    • Scanty periods
    • Amenarrhria
  237. Liver blood Shi or Heat causes what symptoms during menstration?
    • Menarrhrage
    • heavy bleeding
  238. Liver blood stagnation causes what symptoms during menstration?
    • Dark blook with clotting
    • Sharp Pain
  239. Liver qi stagnation causes what psycho-emotional problems?
    • Frustration, Depression, Anger, Hypochondriac pain, Irritability
    • PMS with breast distention
    • Plum pit qi (something caught in throught)
  240. Liver qi stagnation causes what symptoms with digestion?
    • Prevent downward movement of ST Qi: Vomit, nausea, gurters
    • Prevent SP Qi from going up: Loose stool or Diarrhria
    • Obstructs Bile flow: Jaundice, inability to digest fats, bitter taste
  241. Blood from which organ moistens and nourish the sinews?
  242. How does liver control the sinews?
    Liver blood cause muscles to contract and relax
  243. What does Liver Xue Xu have on the muscles?
    • Contractions, cramping, caf cramping, spasums or impared flexion and extension
    • Numb limbs
  244. What does Liver Wind do to muscles?
    Convulsions, tremmers, lack of strength
  245. Where does the Liver manifest?
    • The Nails
    • A byproduct of the sinews and thus controlled by liver blodd
  246. What does Liver Blood Xu do to the nails?
    Dry, indented, cracked
  247. Where does the Liver open into?
    • They eyes
    • Shares the eyes with the Kidney-Essence and Heart-Shen
  248. What does Liver Xue Xu do to the eyes?
    • Dry eyes, blurred vision
    • Floaters
    • Color Blindness
  249. What does Liver Xue Heat do to the eyes?
    Red eyes and painful eyes
  250. What does Liver Wind do to the eyes?
    Astagmus, shaky eyes, twitchy eyes, flinchy eyes
  251. Chronic and aging Eye disease is not a pathology of [Blank] but is a pathology of which organ?
    • NOT a pathology of the Liver
    • Pathology of Kidney Essence
  252. Which part of the soul is stored in the Liver?
  253. Disharmony of the Hun cases what symptoms?
    Inablility to plan and lack drive and decisiveness
  254. Nocturnal emissions with dreams is a symptom of what pathology?
    • Blood or Yin deficiency
    • Hun becomes un-rooted at night
  255. Which bodily fluid is used to diagnose the Liver?
  256. What does anger do to the Liver?
    Makes Liver Qi rise and blood stagnate in the chest
  257. What element does the Liver loath?
    • Wind
    • Causes Convulsions
  258. Liver is anatomically on which side of the body?  Which side are the liver channels associated with?
    • Anatomically on the right
    • Liver Channels on the left
  259. What is the pathology:
    1)Distention of hypochondrium and chest
    2)Depression, moodiness
    3)Nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, abdominal distention, borborygmus, diarrea
    4)Lump in throat, plum pit qi (difficulty swallowing)
    5)Irregular periods, PMS, Irritability, Breast Distention
    • Liver Qi Stagnation
    • No pathology with Liver-Qi Xu exists
  260. What is the pathology:
    Irritability, propensity for outburst of anger
    Tinnitus, deafness, red face and eyes, thirst, bitter taste
    Dry stool, constipation, dark yellow urine
    • Liver-Fire flaming upwards
    • No deficiency here
  261. What is the pathology:
    Tinnitius, Deafness, dry mouth and throat, insomnia, irritability, anger, underlying Yin xu symptoms
    • Liver-yang raising
    • Heat + Yin Xu = False Heat symptoms
  262. What is the pathology:
    Exterior heat generating wind, Liver Yin xu with rising Liv yang, liv xue xu, tremor, numbness, convulsion, bell's palsy
    Liver Wind
  263. What is the pathlogy:
    Dizziness, numb limbs, insomnia, blurred vision, "Floaters", scanty menses or amenorrhea, dull-pale complexion, pale lips, muscular weakness, cramps, brittle nails
    Liver Xue Xu
  264. Waht is the pathology:
    Hypogstic pain in the Scortum (where the Liver channel runs),
    Cold hands and feet
    Coldin the Liver Channels
  265. What is the pathology:
    Fullness and heviness, nauseas, bitter and sticky taste, vaginal itching/redness, UTI
    GB / Liver Damn Heat
  266. What are the symptoms of Kidney Essence xu?
    Soft bones, delayed closure of futures, weak legs, pain in lombard, premature loss of teeth, dull mental faculty, poor memory, dizzyness
  267. What provides Qi to the UB to store and transform urine?
  268. What does Kidney Yang xu do to water in the body?
    Scanty urine, edema, bed wetting (water continament failure)
  269. What organ controls fluids in the Lower Jiao?
  270. Where does the Kidney open into?
    The Ears
  271. The 5 sounds rely on what in order to be percieved?
    Kidney Essence
  272. The 5 colors rely on what to be perceived?
    Liver Qi
  273. The 5 Tastes require what to be perceived?
    Spleen Qi
  274. Low pitch tenitis is caused by what?
    Kidney Essence Xu
  275. High pitch tenitis is caused by what?
    Liver-yang Raising
  276. Kidney Essence Xu does what to hearing?
    Low pitch tenitis, deminished hearing
  277. Where does the Kidney manifest?
    The hair
  278. What does Kidney Essence Xu do to hair?
    Alopacia, slow growing hair, thinning hair, premature greying hair
  279. What does Kidney Xu do to the psycho-emotional?
    Easily discouraged and swayed from goals
  280. What in the body, when declined, will calls all organ functions to decline?
    The Ming Men
  281. Yuan Qi relies on what to peform?
    Kidney Yang heating King Yin in the Ming Men
  282. What is the role of Warms from the Ming Men in the Upper and Lower Jiao?
    Transformation of fluids
  283. What is the role of Warms from the Ming Men in the Stomach and Spleen
    • Stomach: R&R
    • Spleen: T&T
  284. What "controls opening and closing" of the anus and urethra?
  285. The Kidney loaths what in the 5 phase theory?  What does it loath in the Zang Fu theory?
    • 5 Phase: Cold
    • Zang Fu: Dryness
  286. What organ helps in the communication between the Heart and the Kidney?
    Ming Men
  287. Besides the Lungs, what other organ assists the Kidney in "gasping" Clear Qi?
    Ming Men
  288. What happens when the Kidney fails to excete fluids?
    Stagnation in the Stomach
  289. Lack of fluids in the Stomach leads to what pathology of the Kidney?
    Kidney Yin Xu
  290. What are the 2 general catagory of symptoms for Kidney Qi Xu?
    • KD Qi unable to gasp Clear Qi
    • KD Qi not firm/falling
  291. What are the symptoms of KD Qi unable to grasp Clear Qi?
    • Shorness of breathe, rapid weak breathing difficult inhalation
    • Cough, asthma, seating, cold limbs, sore back
  292. What are the symptoms of KD Qi not firm?
    • Sore back, clear-frequent urination, weak stream of urine, dribbling urination
    • Nocturnal emission without dreams, preature ejaculation, spermattorhea
    • Prolapsed uterus
  293. What is the pathology:
    KID: Poor bone development, late closure of fontane, mental retardation
    ADULT: soft bone, ppoor memory, loose teecth, falling hair, weak sexual activity, sore back
    KD Essence Difficiency
  294. What is the pathology:
    Sore back, cold, bright-white complexion, impotence, premature ejaculation
    • KD-Yang Xu
    • Premature Ejac = KD Qi Xu
    • Cold = Cold
  295. Waht is the pathology:
    Dizziness, Tinitus, vertigo, poor memory, deafness, pm seats, dry mouth at night, 5 palmheat, thirst, sore back, nocturnal emissions, dark scanty urine
    • KD-Yin Xu
    • 5 palm heat, Nocturnal Emissions = KD-yin x
    • PM sweat, dark scanty urine = False heat
  296. When treating Kidney-yin deficiency, what else must be treated at the same time and why?
    Treat Kidney-yang at the same time, and vise versa.  KD-yin/yang declines at the same time.
  297. What are the general symptoms of Qi Xu
    • Spontaneous sweating without exertion
    • Pale face
    • Fatigue
    • Am or Pm Fever
    • Loose stools, Shortness of breath, low voice, palpitation, frequent urination
  298. What are the general symptoms of Yang Xu?
    • General Qi Xu symptoms + Cold
    • Cock's Crow Diarrhea
  299. What are the symptoms of general Yin Xu
    • Night sweats, 5 palm heat, malar flush
    • Restlessness
    • Afternoon fever
    • Irritability
  300. What are the symptoms of general Blood Xu?
    • Sallow complexion, pale lips, numbness
    • Dizzy
    • Poor memory, blurred vision, insomnia
  301. What are the symptoms of Qi Stagnation?
    • Moving Pain
    • Abdominal mases appearing and disappearing
    • Irritability, mood swings, depression
    • PMS
    • Distention and pain, fullness, bloating
  302. What are the symptoms of Xue Stagnation?
    • Fix, stabbing pain
    • Palpible abdominal masses
    • Blotches or bruises
    • Menses: Dark blood and clots
  303. The Heart is what offical?
    • Themonarch who governs the body
    • Governs bood and controls blood vessels
  304. What part of the soul is housed in the Heart?
  305. What does Heart Xue Xu do to the Shen?
    mental restlessness, insomnia (can't sleep)
  306. What does Heart Xue Heat do to the Shen?
    Mental restlessness, Agitation, poor sleep (but can sleep)
  307. What does Heart Xu do to the shen?
    Sadness, dpression
  308. What does Heart Shi (Excess) do to the shen?
    Mental illness, manic, depression
  309. What is Red Transformation?
    • The heart's ability to turn Gu Qi and transform it into the RED of the blood.
    • Sweat = Gu Qi = Blood
  310. What does Heart Qi Xu do to sweating?
    Profused sweating
  311. What does Heart Yin xu do to sweating?
    Night sweats
  312. What are symptoms of Heart Xu?
    Copius dreaming (can be liver as well)
  313. What does heart fire do to speech?
    Exceesive talking
  314. What does hert Disharmony do to speech?
  315. What does the Heart Loath?
  316. What is the PC's job?
    • To project the heart from heat
    • Causes Aphasia
  317. Besides the Lung, what other organ has a simular function to the heart?
  318. What is the function of the Lungs?
    Govern Qi and Respiration
  319. What are the symptoms of Lung Qi Xu?
    • Tiredness, weak voice, slight breathelessness
    • Cold limbs
    • Easily invaded by pathologens due to weak Wei Qi
  320. Which organ is the "tender organ"?
    The Lung, the most external of yin organs
  321. Lung Wei Qi Shi does what to pores?
    closes pores, no sweating
  322. Lung Wei Qi Xu does what to pores?
    Pores can't close, spontanious sweating
  323. Where does the lungs manifest?
    • Skin and body hair
    • Lung Xu: Whithered brittle and dried body hair
  324. Where does the lung open?
    • The nose
    • Lung Qi Xu: Weak sense of smell or sneazing
  325. What part of the soul does the Lung house?
    The Po
  326. What does grief do to the breathing?
    Dissolves lung qi, suspends breathing
  327. Zong Qi governs which part of the voice?
    The strength of voice
  328. Weak lungs does what to the voice?
    Weak voice
  329. Phlegm obstruction of Lungs does what to the voice?
    Muffled voice
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TCM Fundamentals Final
PCOM TCM Fundamentals Study guide