Special Senses/Digestive

  1. What is the fibrous tunic of the eye composed of?
    • Sclera-WFCT
    • Cornea
  2. What is the function of the cornea?
    To bend light
  3. What is the vascular tunic of the eye composed of?
    • Choroid-Areolar CT
    • Ciliary body (ciliary muscle-Smooth MT. Ciliary process)
    • Iris
    • Pupil
  4. what is the function of the ciliary muscle?
    • When relaxed, it pulls on the suspensory ligaments=flat lens
    • When it contracts, it releases tension on ligaments=lens is round
  5. what is the function of the ciliary process?
    Secretes aqueous humor
  6. what is the function of the iris?
    Controls diameter of pupil
  7. What is the nervous (sensory) tunic composed of?
    • Retina
    • Macula lutea with fovea centralis
    • Optic disc (blind spot) 
    • Optic nerve
  8. What is the retina composed of?
    • Pigmental layer
    • Photoreceptor layer which contains:
    • Rods-dim light, no colors
    • Cones-see colors but need bright light
  9. what is special about the fovea centralis?
    Has greater number of cones anywhere on your retina but no rods
  10. what is the function of the canal of schlemm?
    • "Scleral venous sinus"
    • Drains aqueous humor back to blood
  11. What is part of the external ear?
    • Auricle
    • External auditory canal with cerumen
    • Tympanic membrane
  12. What is the posterior cavity of the eye filled with?
    Vitreous humor
  13. What does the conjunctiva contain?
    Free nerve endings and blood vessels
  14. what prevents something getting into the back of your eye?
  15. what holds the lens in place?
    Suspensory ligaments
  16. what CN works with lateral rectus eye muscles?
    CNN 6 Abducens
  17. What CN works with the superior oblique muscles of the eye?
    CNN 4-Trochlear
  18. What does CNN 3 control?
    Medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique
  19. What are the different extrinsic eye muscles?
    • Lateral, medial, inferior and superior rectus
    • Inferior and superior oblique
  20. explain what happens when you cry?
    Lacrimal glands secrete tears which drain into the lacrimal puncta which then drains into the nasal cavity
  21. What type of fluid does the anterior cavity of the eye contain?
    Aqueous humor
  22. What is the posterior cavity filled with?
    Aqueous humor
  23. what is part of the middle ear?
    • 3 ossicles
    • Opening to Eustachian tube->nasopharynx
  24. what makes up the ossicles?
    Malleus, stapes, incus
  25. What makes up the internal ear?
    • In petrous portion of temporal bone
    • Semicurcular canals-anterior, posterior and lateral
    • Semicircular ducts
    • Vestibule
    • Cochlea
  26. What is the structure of the semicircular canals?
    • Contain semicircular ducts
    • Each one has an ampulla which contains crista ampullaris which is a bump with hair cells covered with a cupula (huge with no otoliths)
    • Cupula moves by moving endolymph 
  27. What is the function of the semicircular canals?
    Detect rotational acceleration
  28. What is the structure of the cochlea?
    • Contains a cochlear duct
    • Roof of duct is vestibular membrane
    • The floor is the basilar membrane
    • The roof separates it from scala vestibuli and the floor separates it from scala tympani-these contain perilymph and meet at the helicotrema
  29. Describe the bony labyrinth of the inner ear
    • Filled with perilymph
    • Cochlea
    • Vestibule
    • 3 Semicircular canals (anterior, posterior and lateral)
  30. describe the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear
    • Filled with endolymph
    • Cochlear duct
    • Utricle and saccule
    • 3 Semicircular ducts
  31. what does the vestibule contain?
    utricle and saccule
  32. what is the function of the cochlear duct
  33. what structure(s) is responsible for equilibrium?
    vetibule and semicircular canals
  34. what is the structure of the organ of corti?
    • Contains hair cells with stereocilia (stiff microvilli) 
    • If microvilli are bent, the cell fires!
    • Tectorial membrane (gelatinous) 
    • When cell fires, it communicates signal to sensory neurons. Cell bodies are in spiral ganglion
  35. what does the stapes do?
    Causes vibration of oval window
  36. what structure absorbs pressure of the sound waves?
    Round window
  37. Describe the structures that deal with equilibrium
    • Vestibule-
    • Utricle and saccule (goes into cochlea) and each contains a macula (patch of hair cells)
    • Macula is covered by otolithic membrane (gelatinous) which contains otoliths of CaCO3
  38. WHat is the function of the vestibule?
    Determine static head position and linear acceleration
  39. what is the function of the utricle?
    Horizontal acceleration (like in the car)
  40. what is the function of the saccule?
    Detects vertical acceleration (Saccule-Sky (up))
  41. Image Upload 2
  42. Image Upload 4
  43. Image Upload 6
  44. Image Upload 8
  45. Image Upload 10
  46. Describe the structure of parotid glands
    • Serous acini only
    • Looks uniform
    • Parotid duct opens at 2nd upper molar
    • Parotid gland is near the ear and extends down to the jaw
  47. Describe the structure of the submandibular gland
    • Mostly serous acini
    • See nice serous acini surrounded by mucous acini
    • Gleeking
  48. describe the structure of sublingual glands
    • Mostly mucous acini
    • serous cells don't form clumps
    • Open into multiple tiny ducts under the tongue
  49. what are the extrinsic salivary glands?
    Parotid, submandibular, sublingual
  50. what are the intrinsic salivary glands?
    Intrinsic mucous  and intrinsic serous glands
  51. where will you find intrinsic salivary glands?
    • Microscopic, buried in walls of the oral cavity
    • Also buried deep to papillae of the tongue
    • Acini are randomly scattered
  52. Where will you find serous glands of von Ebner?
    drain into the crypts of vallate papillae
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Special Senses/Digestive
DraSpecial Senses/Digestive