ch.6 bcis

  1. cyber threats
    denial of service attacks, viruses, trojan horses, worms, rootkits, zombies and bots, ransomware and keylogger attacks
  2. viruses
    a virus attaches itself to a program or file enabling it to spread from one computer to another, leaving infections as it travels. deviant program that can cause unexpected and often undesirable effects such as destroying or corrupting data
  3. digital signals
    communications signals or info represented in a discontinous two-state (binary) way using electronic or electromagnetic signals. the basis of computer based communications
  4. peer to peer networks
    type of network in which all computers on the network communicate directly with one another rather than relying on a server, as client/server network do. 
  5. protocols
    also called communications protocol; set of conventions governing the exchange of data between hardware and/or software components in a communications network
  6. routers
    devices that joins multipe wired and wireless networks. routers have specific software and hardware designed for routing and forwarding info
  7. file servers
    a computer that acts like a disk drive, storing the programs and data files shared by users on LAN; data depository
  8. MAN
    metropolitan area network; communications network covering a city or suburb
  9. network
    also called communications network; system of interconnected computers, telephones, or other communications devices that can communicate with one another and share applications data
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ch.6 bcis