Pediatrics developmental milestones

  1. 2 months gross motor
    • Lift head (>90%)
    • Head up 45 degrees (50-90%)
  2. 2 months fine motor
    • Follow to midline (>90%)
    • Follow past midline (50-90%)
  3. 2 months cognitive, linguistic, & communication
    • Vocalize (>90%)
    • Laugh (50-90%)
  4. 2 months social/emotional
    • Smile responsively (>90%)
    • Smile spontaneously (50-90%)
  5. 4 months gross motor
    • Sit-head steady (>90%)
    • Roll over (50-90%)
  6. 4 months fine motor
    • Grasp rattle (>90%)
    • Follow to 180 degrees (50-90%)
  7. 4 months cognitive, linguistic & communication
    • Laugh (>90%)
    • Turn to rattling sound (50-90%)
  8. 4 months social/emotional
    Regard own hand (>90%)
  9. 6 months gross motor
    • Roll over (>90%)
    • Sit-no support (50-90%)
  10. 6 months fine motor
    • Reach (>90%)
    • Reach for dropped yarn (50-90%)
  11. 6 months cognitive, linguistic & communication
    • Turn to rattling sound (>90%)
    • Turn to voice (50-90%)
  12. 6 months social/emotional
    • Work for toy (out of reach) (>90%)
    • Feed self (50-90%)
  13. 9 months gross motor
    • Stand holding on (>90%)
    • Pull to stand (50-90%)
  14. 9 months fine motor
    • Pass cube (transfer) (>90%)
    • Take 2 cubes (50-90%)
  15. 9 months cognitive, linguistic, & communication
    • Single syllables (>90%)
    • Dada/mama, nonspecific (50-90%)
  16. 9 months social/emotional
    • Feed self (>90%)
    • Wave bye-bye (50-90%)
  17. 1 year gross motor
    • Pull to stand (>90%)
    • Stand alone (50-90%)
  18. 1 year fine motor
    • Bang 2 cubes held in hands (>90%)
    • Put block in cup (50-90%)
  19. 1 year cognitive, linguistic, & communication
    • Imitate vocalization/sounds (>90%)
    • Babbling (>90%; if absent evaluate for autism)
    • 1 word (50-90%)
  20. 1 year social/emotional
    • Protodeclarative pointing (>90%; if absent evaluate for autism)
    • Play pat-a-cake (>90%)
    • Wave bye-bye (50-90%)
    • Imitate activities (50-90%)
  21. 15 months gross motor
    • Stoop & recover (>90%)
    • Walk well (>90%)
    • Walk backwards (50-90%)
  22. 15 months fine motor
    • Put block in cup (>90%)
    • Scribble (50-90%)
  23. 15 months cognitive, linguistic, & communication
    • 1 word (>90%; if absent evaluate for autism)
    • 3 words (50-90%)
  24. 15 months social/emotional
    • Wave bye-bye (>90%)
    • Drink from cup (50-90%)
  25. 18 months gross motor
    • Walk backwards (>90%)
    • Walk up steps (50-90%)
    • Run (50-90%)
  26. 18 months fine motor
    • Scribble (>90%)
    • Tower of 2 cubes (50-90%)
    • Dump rasin (50-90%)
  27. 18 months cognitive, linguistic, & communication
    • 3 words (>90%)
    • 6 words (50-90%)
    • Point to at least one body part (50-90%)
  28. 18 months social/emotional
    • Help in  house (>90%)
    • Remove garment (50-90%)
  29. 2 years gross motor
    • Kick ball forward (>90%)
    • Walk up steps (>90%)
    • Throw ball overhand (50-90%)
    • Jump up (50-90%)
  30. 2 years fine motor
    • Tower of 4 cubes (>90%)
    • Tower of 6 cubes (50-90%)
  31. 2 years cognitive, linguistic, & communication
    • Point to 2 pictures (>90%)
    • Name 1 picture (50-90%)
    • Combine words (50-90%)
  32. 2 years social/emotional
    • Remove garment (>90%)
    • Put on clothing (50-90%)
  33. 2&1/2 years gross motor
    • Jump up (>90%)
    • Throw ball overhand (50-90%)
  34. 2&1/2 years fine motor
    • Tower of 6 cubes (>90%)
    • Tower of 8 cubes (50-90%)
    • Imitate vertical line (50-90%)
  35. 2&1/2 years congnitive, linguistic, & communication
    • Point to 6 body parts (>90%)
    • Name 1 picture (>90%)
    • Speech 1/2 understandable (50-90%)
    • Know 2 actions (50-90%)
  36. 2&1/2 years social/emotional
    • Put on clothing (>90%)
    • Wash & dry hands (50-90%)
  37. 3 years gross motor
    • Throw ball overhand (>90%)
    • Broad jump (50-90%)
    • Balance on each foot 1 second (50-90%)
  38. 3 years fine motor
    • Tower of 6 cubes (>90%)
    • Tower of 8 cubes (50-90%)
    • Imitate vertical line (50-90%)
    • Thumb wiggle (50-90%)
  39. 3 years cognitive, linguistic, & communication
    • Name 4 pictures (>90%)
    • Know 2 adjectives (50-90%)
    • Name 1 color (50-90%)
    • Speech all understandable (50-90%)
  40. 3 years social/emotional
    • Brush teeth with help (>90%)
    • Name friend (50-90%)
  41. 4 years gross motor
    • Balances on each foot 2 seconds (>90%)
    • Hop (50-90%)
  42. 4 years fine motor
    • Tower of 8 cubes (>90%)
    • Draw a person with 3 parts (50-90%)
  43. 4 years cognitive, linguistic, & communication
    • Speech all understandable (>90%)
    • Name 4 colors (50-90%)
    • Define 5 words (50-90%)
  44. 4 years social/emotional
    • Copy a circle (>90%)
    • Copy a cross (50-90%)
Card Set
Pediatrics developmental milestones
pediatrics developmental milestones