Exam 4

  1. Hydrolyzes peptidoglycan
  2. Antimicrobial peptides
  3. Skin rash arising from another focas of the infection
  4. Sticks everywhere
  5. Infections of the hair follicles
  6. Folliculitis of an eyelash
  7. Abscess; pus surrounded by inflamed tissue
  8. Inflammation of tissue under the skin
  9. herpes zoster
  10. HHV-1
    Cold sore
  11. Rubeola
  12. Rubella
    German Measles
  13. Human Herpesvirus 6
  14. Variola Major
  15. Flesh eating disease
    Necrotizing fasciitis
  16. a small membrane-enclosed sac that can store or transport substances
  17. medical term for a large vesicle
  18. flat, distinct, colored area of skin that is less than 10 millimeters in
    diameter and does not include a change in skin texture or thickness
  19. a small collection of pus in the top layer of skin (epidermis) or
    beneath it in the dermis
  20. a type of cytotoxin created by some
    types of bacteria.
  21. Causes scolded skin syndrome
    Exfoliative toxin
  22. toxins in the blood
  23. a skin infection in which the skin becomes damaged and sheds, caused by the exfoliative toxin
    Scalded Skin Syndrome
  24. a severe disease that involves fever, shock, and problems with the
    function of several body organs.
    Toxic Shock Syndrome
  25. a progressive, debilitating, and deadly brain disorder related to measles
    (rubeola) infection.
  26. s swelling (inflammation) or infection of themembrane lining the
  27. a condition in which the eye's cornea, the front part of the eye,
    becomes inflamed.
  28. a contagious skin disease caused by a species of mite thatis very
  29. an infestation of lice -- blood-feeding ectoparasitic insects
  30. Varicella
  31. Vaccine preventable disease in Chapter 21
    Rubeola, Rubella
  32. Ways to treat Acne
    • -Preventig sebum formation
    • -antibiotics
    • -Benzoyl peroxide to loosen follicles
    • -Visible light
  33. CNS
    Central Nervous System
  34. PNS
    Peripheral Nervous System
  35. Prevents passage of some materals (such as antimicrobial drugs) into the CNS
    Blood brain barrier
  36. the system of membranes which envelops the central nervous system.
  37. CSF
    Cerebralspinal Fluid
  38. Viral Menigitis that cant grow bacteria
    Aseptic Meningitis
  39. A virus that enters the body through the gastrointestinal tract and
    thrives there, often moving on to attack the nervous system
    enteric Virus (enteroviridae)
  40. arthropod-borne viruses that belong to several families
  41. Symptoms of bacterial Menigitis
    Fever, headache, stiff neck. Than nausea and vomiting, than convulsions and coma
  42. Symptoms of viral Menigitis
    fever, headache stiff neck, may have sore throat, conjunctivitis, and weakness
  43. How do you diagonose viral Meningitis
    Absence of bacteria in CSF
  44. How do you diagonose Bacterial Meningitis?
    Gram Stain or latex agglutination of CSF via Spinal Tap
  45. vaccine of Haemophilus influenzae Meningitis
  46. Vaccine for Neisseria Meningitis (Meningococcal)
    Meningococcal vaccine
  47. Vaccine for Strep. Pneumoniae Meningitis
  48. Ways baveria can infect the CNS
    • Skull or backbone fractures
    • Medical Procedures
    • Along peripheral nerves
    • Blood and Lymph System
    • Nose
  49. causative agent for listeriosis
    Listeria Monocytogenes
  50. Symptons of Listeriosis
    Gastroenteritis or meningitis
  51. Treatment for Listeriosis
  52. Causative agent for Rabies
  53. Symptoms of Rabies
    muscle spasms of the mouth and pharynx and hydrophobia, pica
  54. Treatment for Rabies
    • Pre exposure- Vaccine plus Immune globin
    • PEP- Post Exposure Prophalaxis
  55. Causative agent for Cryptococcosis
    Cryptococcus Neoformans Meningitis
  56. Treatment of Cryptococcosis
    Amphoterican B and Flucytosine
  57. Causative agent for Sleeping Sickness (African Trypanosomiasis)
    Trypanosoma brucei
  58. Treatment for the sleeping sickness
    Mel B
  59. Causative agent for Naegleria
    Naegleria Fowleri
  60. Sheep scrapie, creutzfeldt- Jacobs disease, Kuru, bovine spongiform encephalopathy
    Prion Diseases
  61. bacteria growing in the blood
  62. Decrease in blood pressure
    Severe Sepsis
  63. Low Blood pressure can not be controlled
    Septic shock
  64. Inflammation of the endocardium (tissue on the inside of the heart)
  65. Cause blood pressure to decrease
    Endotoxins (LPS)
  66. Childbirth fever
    Streptococcus pyogenes
  67. Pneumonia in neonates
    Group B Strep
  68. death of soft tissue
  69. Loss of blood supply to tissue
  70. Cell Death
  71. Infectious gangrene
  72. Clostridium perfringens, exotisin-producing, endospore-foring anaerobic rod, rows in necrotic tissue
    Gas Gangrene
  73. 1. produced by or derived from the blood.
    2. disseminated through the blood stream.
  74. chronic, abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes, usually associated
    with disease.
  75. the overall occurrence of a disease within a defined population at one
    time, as measured by blood tests
  76. A syndrome that occurs in perhaps 20 percent to 40 percent of infections
    by certain arboviruses and is marked by high fever, scattered
    petechiae, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract and other organs,
    hypotension, and shock.
    hemorrhagic fever
  77. An allergic skin inflammation caused by a sensitivity to flatworms that
    die under the skin, causing an itchy rash.
    swimmers itch
  78. Causative agent for Gas gangrene
    Clostridium perfringens
  79. Treatment for gas gangrene
    surgical removal of necrotic tissue and or hyperbaric chamber
  80. Two types of gangrene
    Ishemic and infectous
  81. Causative agents for gram-positive sepsis
    Staphylococcus aureus, Strep pyogenes, and Group B strep
  82. Most common etiology for gram pos sepsis
    Nosocomial Infections
  83. Causitive agent for Tularemia
    Francisella tularensis
  84. Etiology of Tularemia "rabit fever"
    From rabits and deer by deer flies and direct contact; hunters and ag workers
  85. Symptoms of Tularemia
    Fever, anorexia, lethargy, septicemia
  86. Treatment for Tularemia
  87. Causitive agent for Plague
    Yersinia pestis
  88. eliology of Plague
    rats, ground squirrels, and prairie dogs, fleas
  89. Bacterial grown in the blood and lymph
    Bubonic Plague
  90. Symptoms of the Plaque
    swollen lymph glands, proceeds to septicemia, myalgia, bloody vomit
  91. Treatment for the Plague
  92. List 5 infections that lead to death
    • 1. Shigella,
    • 2. E. Coli,
    • 3. Bubonic plague
    • 4. Epidemic Typhus
    • 5. Tick Typhus
  93. Causitive agent of Lymes Disease
    Borrelia burgdorferi
  94. Etiology of Lyme Disease
    deer, other mammels from tick
  95. Symptoms of lyme disease
    bulls eye rash, irregular hearbeat, encephalistis, and arthritis
  96. treatment for lymes disease
    Long Ax treatment
  97. What is the Causative agent for Typhus
    Rickettsia Prowazekii
  98. Etiology of Typhus
    Rodents, lice and fleas
  99. Symptoms of Typhus
    High fever, delirium, spreading chest rash
  100. Treatment for Typhus
  101. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is aka
    Tick Typhus
  102. Causative agent for Tick typhus
    Rickettsia rickettsii
  103. Etliology for Tick Typhus
    Infects rodents and other small mammels, ticks
  104. Symptoms of Tick Typhus
    Measle like rash that appears on palms and soles: high fever, aches
  105. Treatment for Tick Typhus
  106. Causative agent for Cat Scratch disease
    Bartonella hensellae
  107. Etiology of Cat SD
    derectly from cants, also from ticks and flease
  108. symptoms of Cat SD
    Malaise, lymphadenopathy, headache, convulsions
  109. Treatment for Cat SD
  110. HHV-4 is also known as
    Mono "kissing disease"
  111. Causative agent for HHV-4
    Epstein-Barr virus
  112. Etiology of HHV-4
  113. Symptoms of HHV-4
    Sore throat, fever fatigue
  114. Treatment for HHV-4
    Self resolves
  115. Causative agent of Ebola Fever
    Filovirus, arenavirus
  116. Etiology of Ebola Virus
    Fruit bats and other mammals
  117. Treatment of Ebola Fever
    Isolation, intensive care.
  118. Causative agent for Hantavirus
  119. Etiology of Hantavirus
    field mice
  120. Treatment for Hantavirus
  121. Causative agent for Chagas Disease
    Trypanosoma cruzi
  122. symptoms of Chagas
    mild; years after, heart damage and megacolon
  123. treatment for Chagas
  124. Causative agent for Malaria
    Plasmodium cicax, P. ovale, P. falciparum
  125. Etiology of Malaria
  126. Symptoms of malaria
    Recurrent fevers, vomiting, anemia, arthralgia
  127. Treatment for Malaria
    Prophylaxis; antiparasitics
Card Set
Exam 4
Micro exam 4