HE 312 Chapter 8, 9 & 10

  1. What are the ages for adolescents and young adults
    13 - 24 years old
  2. What is the definition of adolescence?
    A time of physical, biological and social period of transition from young to adulthood
  3. What are 3 Leading cause of death for adolescents?
    • 1. Unintensional Injuries
    • 2. Homocide
    • 3. Suicide
  4. What are the leading causes of morbidity (illness) in adolescence?
    •  STD
    • 1. Chlamyadia
    • 2. Herpes
    • 3. HIV
  5. Name 5 types of risky behaviors associated with Adolescence
    • 1. Alcohol
    • 2. Drugs
    • 3. Using Firearms
    • 3. Motor-vehicle accidents
    • 4. Behavior concerning Sex
  6. What are the rates of physcial violence for adolescence?
    • 1. Sexual - 46%
    • 2. Violence - 31.5%
    • 3. Bullies - 20%
    • 4. Tobacco Use - 19.5%
    • 5. Guns to School - 17.5%
  7. What are the leading causes of death for ages 25-44?
    • 1. Heart Disease
    • 2. Cancer
    • 3. Unintensional Injuries
  8. Name 7 Behavior patterns associated with Premature Death
    • 1. Guns
    • 2. Alcohol
    • 3. Smoking
    • 4. Motor-Vehicle accidents
    • 5. Obesity
    • 6. Drugs
    • 7. Sexual Behavior
  9. What are the 5 Determinants of Health?
    • 1. Behavioral
    • 2. Genetics
    • 3. Social 
    • 4. Environmental
    • 5. Access to Health Care
  10. What are the 5 Determinants of Heart disease?
    • 1. Behavioral - Poor diet, lack of exercise
    • 2. Genetics - Slow Metabolism, Type 1 diabetes
    • 3. Social - Soul Food. Low SES
    • 4. Environment - Affordable fast food, costly vegetables. Second hand smoke, Lack of vegetable stores
    • 5. Access to healthcare - Lack of screenings, Expensive hospital stays
  11. Identify demographics on aging (How is the population over 65 growing?)
    1. There is an increase amount of 65 year olds due to the Baby Booming generation. 

    2. The segment doubled in size every 20 years
  12. What is dependency ratio?
    The number of workers per social security benefit.
  13. Where are most older adults living in the U.S.?
    Major Metro areas
  14. Which gender is more likely to be living alone or in a nursing home later in life?
    Female. Men tend to die younger leaving women as widowers. It is also easier for an older man to get a younger woman.
  15. What are the 5 leading cause of mortality for individuals over 65?
    • 1. Heart Disease
    • 2. Cancer
    • 3. Stroke
    • 4. Respiratory
    • 5. Alzheimers
  16. What 7 services does the Older American Act cover?
    • 1. Home Healthcare - HHA's
    • 2. Innovative collective
    • 3. Meals on Wheels
    • 4. Respiratory care
    • 5. Adult day care programs (ADL, Dementia)
    • 6. Senior centers (Meals, Networks, Skills)
    • 7. Homemaker services
  17. What are some leading areas in Disparity?
    • 1. Death rates from Strokes
    • 2. Rates in death from Heart Disease
    • 3. HIV rates
  18. How are Disparities measured?
    • 1. Prevalence: how many people get sick
    • 2. Incidence: how quickly new cases appear
    • 3. Impact: how much death is caused

    • 1. Race/Ethnicity: Black vs. White
    • 2. Age: young vs old
    • 3. Geography: rurual vs urban
    • 4. Gender: men vs. women
  19. Whart are some Determinants of Disparity?
    • 1. Behavioral - lifestyle - risky behavior
    • 2. Genetic -  Genes "Fumarate Hydratase"
    • 3. Social - Cultural inhibitors
    • 4. Environmental - Exposure to unhealthy environments
    • 5. Access - Inequalities in income, education and access to healthcare
  20. A demographic term which combines the social and economic factors and how it effects health
    Socioeconomic Status - the "Have-Nots" seem to have a higher prevelance of High Blood pressure
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HE 312 Chapter 8, 9 & 10
HE 312 Chapter 8, 9 & 10