GLBL Marketing

  1. What are the key factors that influence services?
    • Customer demand
    • Competition
    • Technology
  2. What are the definitions of services?
    • a) Acts, deeds, performances
    • b) economic activities whose output is not a physical part
    • c) An integral part of many manufactured goods
  3. What are the unique characteristics of services
    a.    Perishable

    • i.     Cannotbe stored

    • ii.     No inventory

    • iii.     Simultaneously produced and consumed

    b.    Heterogeneous

    • i.     Service provider changes

    • ii.     Service delivery changes

    • iii.     Service environment changes

    • iv.     Provider and consumer participate simultaneously

    c.    Operational Excellence

    • i.     Purchasing a ticket à completing a flight

    d.    Encounter Based

    e.    Non-conditional Guarantees

    f.     Intangible

    g.    (Xcellent) Excellent People

  4. What is the evolution of service economies?
    • Consumer goods
    • Durables
    • Industrial
    • Services
  5. What is the service marketing mix?
    • Product
    • Price
    • Promotion
    • Place
    • +++
    • People
    • Process
    • Physical Evidence
  6. What are the five dimensions of service quality?
    • Relatibility - Ability to perform
    • Responsiveness - being willing to help
    • Assurance - Inspiring trust
    • Empathy - Treating customers as individuals
    • Tangibles - representing the service physically
  7. What are some service failures?
    • Over promise =knowledge gap
    • Lack of communication
    • Failed to enable promise
  8. What are mechnisims of control?
    • Formal (NDA, Contract)
    • Informal (Trust, handshake)
  9. What are marketing metric inputs?
    • Strategy
    • Operations
    • Marketing
  10. What are marketing metic outputs?
    • Employee satisfaction
    • Financial
    • Customer satisfaction
  11. What are eMetrics?
    • Click throughs
    • Impressions
  12. What is advertising?
    • Postion the product
    • Provide ideas for usage
    • Inform customer where to buy
    • create brand awareness
    • Develop retalier interests
    • Reinforce customer purchase decision
  13. What are reasons to advertize?
    • product has hidden qualities
    • emotional appeals can be used
    • mass media can convey message
    • sales volume support the cost
    • brand loyalty is at stake
  14. What are promotions?
    • Coupons
    • sweepstakes, lottery
    • buy one, get one free
  15. What is the role of promotions?
    • reinforce ad message at point of sale
    • trigger impulse buying
    • generate consumer excitement
    • stimulate switching
  16. What is the primary objective of promotions?
    Change behavior
  17. What are the steps to build an ad campaign?
    • Motives - target audience
    • Messages - tell them what they like to hear
    • Media - selection, scheduling
    • Money - Budget
    • Measurement - Evaluation other campaign
  18. What is the framework of messaging?
    • Awareness
    • knowledge
    • interest
    • trial
    • purchase
  19. What are the international impact factors?
    • Regulation
    • Culture
    • Language
  20. What is customer lifetime value?
    A prediction of the net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with the customer.
  21. How do you manage demand imbalance?
    • Non reach pricing
    • Develop complementary services
    • Reservations
    • Inform/communication with customers
  22. How do you manage Supply imbalance?
    • Part time employees
    • impose efficiency
    • customer participation
    • Share/lease capacity
Card Set
GLBL Marketing
Service Marketing Terms and Definitions