English words

  1. swarm
    a large or dense group of flying insects
  2. fin
    a flattened appendage on the body of a fish or other aquatic animal, used for propelling, steering and balancing
  3. flipper
    a broad flat limb without fingers, used for swimming by sea animals such as seals and turtles
  4. determined
    having firmness or purpose; resolute
  5. solemn
    formal and dignified, not cheerful, serious
  6. ruthless
    having or showing no compassion
  7. somber
    dark or dull; solemn

    solemn=formal and dignified, not cheerful; serious
  8. vigorous
    strong, healthy and full of energy
  9. persistant
    persist=continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion or a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition
  10. resilient
    able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions
  11. diligent
    careful and conscientious in one's work or duties (and persistant)
  12. persevere
    continue in a course of action in spite of difficulty or with little or no indication of success
  13. indolent
    wanting to avoid activity or exertion, lazy
  14. determined
    having firmness or purpose; resolute
  15. callous
    insensitive and cruel
  16. assertive
    having or showing a confident and forceful personality
  17. sly
    having a cunning and deceitful nature
  18. frivolous
    carefree and superficial
  19. lecherous
    having or showing excessive or offensive sexual desire
  20. astute
    having an ability to assess situations or people accurately
  21. drab
    a dull, light brown color, drearily dull
  22. dingy
    gloomy and drab

    • drab=a dull, light brown color, drearily dull
    • gloomy=poorly lit, so as to cause fear or depression
  23. dull
    not bright or shiny, lacking interest or excitement
  24. bleak
    charmless and inhospitable, not hopeful or encouraging
  25. gloomy
    poorly lit, so as to cause fear or depression
  26. dreary
    dull, bleak and depressing

    • dull=not bright or shiny, lacking interest or excitement
    • bleak= charmless and ingospitable, not hopeful or encouraging
  27. adjacent
    next to or adjoining sth else
  28. avid
    keenly interested or enthusiastic
  29. offhand
    • adj. ungraciously nonchalant or cool in manner
    • adv. without previous consideration
  30. ominous
    giving the worrying impression that sth bad is going to happen
  31. brusque
    abrupt or offhand

    • offhand=adj. ungraciously nonchalant or cool in manner
    • adv. without previous consideration
  32. sturdy
    strongly and solidly built or made, confident and determined
  33. sparse
    thinly dispersed or scattered
  34. laborious
    requiring considerable time and effort
  35. dismal
    causing or showing gloom or depression, dreary; pitifully or disgracefully bad
  36. stark
    severe or bare in appearance, unpleasantly or sharply clear
  37. lascivious
    feeling or revealing an overt sexual desire

    overt=done or shown openly
  38. nimble
    quick and light in movement or action; (of the mind) able to think and understand quickly
  39. snide
    derogatory or mocking in an indirect way

    derogatory=showing a critical or disrespectful attitude
  40. prospective
    expected or likely to happen or be in the future
  41. gleeful
    exuberantly or triumphantly joyful
  42. detrimental
    tending to cause harm or damage
  43. dismal
    causing or showing gloom or depression, dreary; pitifully or disgracefully bad

    e.g. a dismal performance
  44. overt
    done or shown openly
  45. stark
    severe or bare in appearance, unpleasantly or sharply clear
  46. colloquial
    used in ordinary or familiar conversation, not formal or literary
  47. frivolous
    not having any serious purpose or value
  48. tedious
    too long, slow or dull
  49. prominent
    important or famous
  50. ferocious
    savagely fierce, cruel or violent; very intense or severe
  51. stern
    grimly serious or strict, especially in the exercise of discipline; severe, demanding
  52. fleeting
    lasting for a very short time
  53. derogatory
    showing a critical or disrespectful attitude
  54. sinister
    suggestive of evil or harm
  55. fierce
    violent or agressive, intense, ferocious
  56. brisk
    active and energetic, slightly brusque
  57. contempt
    the feeling that sb or sth is worthless or beneath consideration
  58. scorn
    contempt or disdain expressed openly
  59. disdain
    the feeling that sb or sth is unworthy of one's consideration or respect
  60. malice
    the desire to do harm to sb; ill will
  61. twinge
    a sudden, sharp, localized pain
  62. menace
    a threat or danger
  63. impassive
    not feeling or showing emotion
  64. frisson
    a strong feeling of excitement or fear; thrill
  65. sullen
    bad tempered and sulky

    sulky=morose; bad tempered and resentful
  66. sulky
    morose; bad tempered and resentful
  67. derisive
    expressing contempt or ridicule
  68. ruth
    a feeling of pity, distress or grief
  69. glum
    dejected, morose
  70. deride
    express contempt for, ridicule
  71. glare
    stare in an angry or fierce way; shine with a strong or dazzling light
  72. leer
    look or gaze in a lascivious or unpleasant way
  73. sneer
    a contemptious or mocking smile, remark or tone
  74. glower
    an angry and sullen look
  75. snarl
    growl with bared teeth
  76. scowl
    frown in an angry or bad-tempered way
  77. backon
    make a gesture to encourage or instruct sb to approach or follow
  78. stride
    walk with long, decisive steps
  79. wade
    walk through a liquid or viscous substance with some difficulty
  80. trundle
    move slowly and unevenly on or as if on wheels
  81. skid
    slide, typically sideways, on slippery ground or as a result of stopping or turning too quickly; slip, slide
  82. halt
    bring or come to an abrupt stop
  83. clamber
    climb or move in an awkward and laborious way
  84. trudge
    walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or difficult conditions
  85. fleet
    move or pass quickly
  86. loom
    appear as a vague form, especially one that is threatening
  87. topple
    overbalance or cause to overbalance and fall; remove from power, overthrow
  88. tumble
    fall suddenly, clumsily or headlong; perform acrobatic feats, typically headsprings and somersaults; rumple disarrange
  89. writhe
    twist or squirm in pain or as if in pain
  90. wince
    give a slight involuntary grimace or flinch due to pain or distress
  91. lurch
    a sudden, unsteady movement
  92. stagger
    walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall
  93. hobble
    walk awkwardly, typically because of pain
  94. plod
    walk doggedly and slowly with heavy steps; walk slowly and perseveringly at a dull task
  95. straggle
    move along slowly as to trail behind the person or people in front; grow or spread out in an irregular, untidy way
  96. tread
    set one's foot down on top of, walk on or along; press down or crush with the feet
  97. grasp
    seize and hold firmly
  98. grip
    take and keep a firm hold of
  99. clutch
    grasp tightly
  100. cling
    hold tightly to, be hard to remove from
  101. ramble
    walk for pleasure in the countryside
Card Set
English words
English words