What happens to kidney functions if blood pressure drops too much?
Kidney secretes renin (enzyme that activates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone pathway). Increased renin levels leads to increased blood pressure
What can happen if your long-term blood pressure stays too high?
Hypertension may worsten and could lead to other heart disease which may lead to death
Function of Eosinophils
Phagocytize antigen-antibody complexes & are effective against certain parasitic worms; combat effects of histamine in allergic reactions
Function of Neutrophils
Phagocytosis, destruction of bacteria & dispose of dead matter
Function of Basophils
Releases heparin, histamine, & serotonin in allergic reactions
Function of Monocytes
Function of Lymphocytes
Help combat infection & provide protection against some diseases
Function of Platelets
Help stop blood loss from damaged blood vessels; promote blood clotting
What are Macrophages?
Enlarged & differentiated monocytes (largest type of WBC, characterized by agranular cytoplasm)
What are Mast Cells?
Cell found in areolar connective tissue that releases histamine
Functions of B- & T- lymphocytes. Which of these attack virus infected cells?
B-lymphocytes - effective in destroying bacteria & inactivating their toxins
T-lymphocytes - attack viruses, fungi, transplanted cells, cancer cells & some bacteria; also responsible for transfusion reactions, allergies, & rejection of transplanted organs
Why is albumen important?
Transports proteins for several steroid hormones & fatty acids
What do antibodies and fibrinogen do?
Antibodies - binds to antigen & inactivates the bacteria/virus
Fibrinogen - involved in blood clotting
Function of Histamine
Increases permeability of blood vessels & constriction of bronchioles
Intrinsic Pathway VS Extrinsic Pathway
Intrinsic - activates Factor XII then Factor X; activated by blood trauma
Extrinsic - activates Factor X; activated by tissue trauma
What are clotting fibers?
Fibrin threads that contribute to clotting
Why is Calcium important in the formation of clotting?
Activates clotting factors
What are some unique features of cardiac muscles?
Intercalated discs - contain desmosomes, which hold fibers together
Gap junctions - allow muscle action potentials to conduct from one muscle fiber to another
Where is the pacemaker located?
Autorhythmic fibers
What is the job of the AV node?
Acts as the site where action potentials can conduct from the atria to ventricles which then goes to the right & left bundle branches
How does the refractory period of cardiac muscle compare to that of skeletal muscle?
Tetanus (maintained contraction) cannot occur in cardiac muscle
Why is it a good deal that the refractory period is so much longer—what would happen if it weren’t’?
If tetanus occurred then blood flow would cease
What goes on during the P-QRS-T segments?
P segment - atrial depolarization
QRS segment - rapid ventricular depolarization
T segment - ventricular repolarization
If you have a large P wave, for what can that be diagnostic?
Enlarged atrium
What is the significance of a large R wave? A large Q wave?
Enlarged ventricles; Myocardial infarction
What are possible inputs to the cardiovascular center?
Possible inputs - cerebral cortex, limbic system, & hypothalamus (from higher brain) proprioceptors, chemoreceptors & baroreceptors (from sensory receptors)
How is the output modified so as to increase or decrease heart rate?
Output modification - age, gender, physical fitness & body temperature
What are factors that affect peripheral resistance?
An increase in vasoconstriction
What does polycythemia mean?
Disorder in which hypertension, thrombosis, & hemorrhage can occur
Why are athletes who use EPO at risk of heart attack & stroke?
Too much RBC production, which leads to clogging capillaries
Why does obesity increase peripheral resistance?
Obesity causes vasoconstriction, which also affects peripheral resistance
What does venoconstriction mean?
An increase in blood volume back to the heart
Which is more important in terms of raising blood pressure: venoconstriction or arterial constriction?
Arterial constriction
Regulation of blood pressure (short-term)
When blood pressure decreases, heart increases or when blood pressure increases, heart rate decreases
Blood pressure regulation (long-term)
ADH, angiotensin II, & aldosterone increases blood pressure; atrial natriuretic peptide decreases blood pressure
What does hypovolemic mean?
Low volume of blood
How does blood to the brain change during exercise?
Blood gets distributed more to the muscles
How does cardiac output change with exercise?
Cardiac output increases to supply tissues with more oxygen & nutrients & heart rate increases
How are we able to shut down blood to certain organs during exercise?
Pre-capillary sphincters regulate blood flow
What is one of the important jobs of the lymphatic system?
Takes in excess fluid from arteries & veins & returns back to circulating system
What hormones are involved in regulating the amount of fluid in the blood so as to maintain blood pressure within limits?
ADH & aldosterone
Where do we find angiotensin-converting enzyme being made?
Where is renin made?
Function of renin
Along with angiotensin converting enzyme, act on their substrates to produce the active hormone angiotensin II, which raises blood pressure
Function of Aldosterone
Retains Na & H2O which increases blood pressure
Function of ADH
Retains H20 which increases blood volume, increases blood pressure
Function of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)
Opposite of aldosterone; doesn’t retain Na & H2O which decreases blood pressure
Function of Angriotensin II
Arterial constriction increases blood pressure; acts on adrenal cortex which leads to aldosterone
Where is Angriotensin II made?
Red blood cells & vascular beds of some tissues
Where would you find Angiotensin in the body?